Energy Forecast for October 25th - 31st | RELEASING DOUBT & FINDING DREAMS


It’s the last week of October and I can tell that a lot of people are starting to get worried about the winter blues that will inevitably come in the Northern Hemisphere. We have been moving through a massive shift as a collective and we are being asked to look at where life hurts the most so we can create soul level healing. 

Your life doesn’t start once you achieve the goal, or reach the promotion, or find the soul mate. Your life already started and each new day is a chance for you to create something that feels good.

We place an emphasis on creating a future that feels amazing that we forget to live in the present moment. We forget that right now we have an opportunity to feel good, if we want. 

When you are focused on your worries for the future or your doubts in your ability to achieve what you desire, you block yourself from feeling motivated and inspired right now. This week you are being asked to look at the repetitive thoughts that are stopping you from experiencing joy now. 

Every week I show up to offer you an energy forecast for the collective. This is a great opportunity to get inspired and to feel supported as you flow with Universal Energies for the week. As much as it’s important to understand the internal energy you are carrying (your thoughts, emotions, past pains, beliefs etc.) it’s also important to look at how the external energies influence your experience of life. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, I am here to share the energy of the Moon Cycle so you can better understand how your emotions will be affected this week. Along with the Moon, I also psychically channel the main energy messages that will be impacting our experiences throughout the week. This gives us the opportunity to be proactive as we support ourselves! 

Monday October 25th to Sunday October 31st

On Thursday, October 28th the Moon Cycle will be shifting into the Third Quarter phase which is all about releasing. During the Full Moon last week we gained clarity and answers in our life. Now we are being asked to look at the wisdom we’ve gained and begin shifting our habits that no longer support us with this new knowledge. 

Take the time over the next week to reflect on these journal prompts so you can begin to make positive changes in your day to day experiences:

  • What new information or wisdom have I gained recently? (maybe a life lesson)

  • How are my habits and behaviours blocking me from moving forward?

  • What worries or doubts am I carrying?

  • If I could release one habit/thought/belief right now what would it be and why?

If you are ready to begin releasing the energies that don’t support you, but you don’t know how to do so or even where to start, then check out the Releasing Guidebook. It is everything you need to be able to release all your past pain, old beliefs, and emotional attachments. 

If you’ve been filled with fear, worry or doubt lately then the Releasing Guidebook is exactly what you need to start fresh by feeling good!


Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for October 25th - 31st 2021

Now let’s jump into the Universal Guidance that is coming forward for this next week. The questions are as follows:

1 Where do we need to open our perspective?

2 What do we need to let go of?

I am using Denise Linn’s Native Spirit Oracle Deck to interpret the messages coming forward.


There is so much beauty within you and you barely notice it some days. You are quick to dismiss yourself and the amazing qualities you carry. 

You are so focused on the gifts and wisdom everyone else has that you forget to be witness to your own gifts. Stop focusing on all the problems and eventually the problems will cease to exist. Start focusing on all the beauty inside and around you and eventually all you will be able to see in life is beauty and magic. 

This week it’s not simply about being grateful. That’s not good enough. 

You need to actively recognize what you are good at, what comes naturally to you, and what you love about yourself. What do you believe you bring to the world? How do you leave a positive impact on yourself, your family/friends and your community?

Now is the time to open your perspective on how you view yourself and how you view the world around you. If you want to live a life you enjoy, then you must be willing to find things in your life that you already enjoy! 

Walk in beauty and the next thing you know, you’ll be surrounded by beautiful experiences!


Now is the time to let go of specificity and doubts. 

What does this mean?

You are a dream traveler. This means you have the ability to connect to your soul and to listen to the magic that flows through your intuition, hunches and gut reactions. You truly are a channel for Spirit, every single Human Being is. 

The problem you’ve been faced with recently… the problem we are all being awoken to… how absolutely soul crushing doubt and worry can be. 

Without even realizing it, the doubt and worry you’ve been carrying has been blocking you from fully receiving your dreams and desires. The Universe says, everything is meant for you if you desire it, but every time the doubt and worry creeps in you create brick walls that stop the blessings from flowing to you. 

You do not need to be specific on what your dreams and desires look like. When you act too quickly your mind fills with doubts that sound like “well, how can I achieve it if I don’t even know what I am trying to achieve?” The Universe will take care of the details. 

Right now we are in the process of creating a new Earth. Sounds intense and like a big undertaking right?! It sure is. In order to create a new Earth we need to understand that what is being created has never been seen before. So, all that you will achieve in this lifetime is beyond your capability of understanding right now in the space you currently reside. This is why, as a Dream Traveler, you must not get stuck on the details of where you are going, or how you will get there. 

The Universe keeps saying, we will take care of your questions. We will show you which step to take next. We will guide you to where everything unfolds beautifully. 

Right now, you need to actively release any worries and doubts that often creep into your mind. You need to let go of the need to be specific with your desires. Anytime your mind wanders to “how am I going to achieve that?” find comfort in the mantra “I trust that everything is unfolding for the highest good of all involved. When I listen to my intuition and trust it, the Universe supports me.”

I love being able to see the messages that are guiding us through this week because I’ve been feeling this energy shift for awhile now. With this quick glance into the future I can already see the beautiful changes we are creating in this world. 

If you are ready to dive into your inner healing through releasing your shadows, then check out the Releasing Guidebook. It is going to be the best supportive tool for your spiritual journey. Remember, in order to find the light we need to be willing to look at the shadows. Want to learn more about Shadow Work? Check out my FREE mini book The 4 Steps to Shadow Work

This week is about releasing, so allow yourself to slow down. Don’t rush into anything. Be intentional with your energy. Allow yourself to rest. Find comfort in your community of like-minded beings. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness