Energy Forecast for October 18th - 24th | GROUNDING WITH SYNERGY


Every new day is a fresh opportunity to live life in a way that feels good to you. 

Over the last 4 weeks I have been diving deep into my own inner healing and shadow work. A lot of the reflection and releasing that I have been working through is allowing me to integrate the lessons I’ve been learning for the last 4 years now. 

I took a break from sharing the Weekly Energy Forecast because I needed some time to myself to honour my own energy. I’ve noticed how much better life feels when I let go of the pressure to do everything and instead show up in a space that feels good so I can take action on the tasks and projects that fill my heart with love and allow the fire within my soul to burn bright. 

What is an Energy Forecast? 

Well, as a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, I use my clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities to connect with the Universe and my Spirit Guides. In this process I can channel the messages we, as a collective, need to know in order to flow through each week with more ease and grace. I use the spiritual tool of Oracle Cards to assist me in the process and I trust my intuition to guide me.

See, the energy that surrounds us is constantly shifting and moving and this energy is influencing and affecting our personal energy too. So while we have dreams and goals for where we want to go and how we want life to shift for us, often the Universe is showing us that we aren’t in control and we have to learn how to shift with life. These weekly energy forecasts are a great way for you to better understand how Universal Energy is influencing you and how you can support yourself through these shifts. 

How do I do these Energy Forecasts?

I take the time to integrate the lessons from the Moon Cycle and the current phase we are shifting through so you can better understand how the Moon will influence your emotions and energy through the week. 

Along with the energy of the Moon, I also take the time to psychically channel the main messages that we need to hear for each week. This allows us to show up authentically while we trust in our higher power and continue to create a life that feels good. The life of your soul path is not about living in survival mode, it is about living in creation mode. Learning more about your energy and how Universal Energy influences you allows you to feel supported as you create from your soul. 

Okay, enough blabbering about why I am here and how the weekly energy forecasts can help you. Let’s jump into this week so you can better understand how you may be influenced. 

Monday October 18th to Sunday October 24th

On Wednesday, October 20th the Moon Cycle will shift into the Full Moon phase which is the climax of the Moon Cycle. This is a time where answers become apparent, and you can start harvesting your endeavors from past cycles. 

The main problem with the Full Moon is that it amplifies all energies and emotions, which means as an empath and sensitive soul you can easily pick up on the emotions and energy of other people. It’s important during this time of the Moon Cycle to pay attention to your energy. If you are feeling heavier, make sure you take time to rest and release the energy that you are carrying. 

Don’t get caught up in how you will receive the answers, or what you want the clarity to be. Often during the Full Moon phase we place expectations on the clarity we desire and we end up attaching ourselves to the outcome when we haven’t even reached it yet. This can have a negative effect because we become dependent on something that is out of our control. 

Anytime you are asking for clarity or desiring answers make sure to release your energetic attachment to the outcome. The best mantra you can carry with you through this week is “I surrender to the outcome and trust that all is unfolding for the highest good of all involved.” 

If you are needing help with releasing energy and emotions, maybe you have no idea where to start, or you want to gain more releasing practices, then check out the Releasing Guidebook. It will help you feel supported and confident in how you release energy that no longer supports you. 


Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for October 18th - 24th 2021

Now that we have a better understanding of how the Moon is affecting us this week, let’s jump into the channeled Universal Messages of guidance and support. 

The questions being asked this week are:

1 What do we need to know this week?

2 How can we support ourselves this week?

I am asking for clarity from Dr. Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle Deck


Be here now. 

This is a mantra that has been guiding me through the last 3 weeks and I think it’s perfect for the energy that we will be noticing this week. 

The Divine Universe is reminding us that the only way to live a life that feels good is by being here in the present. The practice of grounding yourself is a beautiful tool that helps to clear your channel so you can get connected to your true essence, your soul. 

We have been told that connecting to your soul path and soul purpose is some extravagant practice that takes years to uncover. In some ways this can be true, but I’ve actually found an even easier way to get connected and to build trust in yourself and your soul path. 

Grounding yourself is a beautiful way to begin the process of creating soul alignment and learning to follow your soul path. 

This week you are needing to ground yourself daily, moment by moment if you can. This practice can be as simple as focusing on your breath with deep inhales and deep exhales. Through this practice connect to your feet and feel yourself rooted to Mother Earth. Grounding is an energy practice, it’s not about checking it off your to do list to move forward. You must be willing to feel through the practice, don’t just think your way through. 


There is a synergistic flow that is taking place this week and you are welcome to connect to the Flow of Life that is guiding you. This synergistic flow is all about how your energy is lining up with the energy of Mother Earth (hence the grounding message earlier). 

This week you are going to see magical events take place and it’s important for you to continue holding onto trust and faith. When you trust the soul guidance you receive you will be able to flow with more ease due to the synergistic energies that are creating balance in your life.

The Green Man is reminding you to connect to the energy of the Earth and to find the life force within that is guiding you forward. By listening to the inner wisdom you carry, as your intuition and gut knowing speak up, you will be able to align with the synergy of life.

There is a lot of magic that is taking place this week. In order to make sure you don’t miss out on it, go slow, be intentional with your choices, listen to your body and soul, connect with Mother Earth, and trust that the bigger picture is unfolding in a beautifully synergistic way. 

You are loved. 

You are supported. 

You are moving in the right direction. 

I’d love to hear how this resonates with you. Feel free to leave a comment below :) 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness