HOW TO Give Yourself the Support You Deserve

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In life we so often and so easily give our support to those we love. If someone is striving for their goals we happily cheer them on to help keep them motivated. If someone is struggling through life we let them know they are in our thoughts & prayers and we send them love. It’s so great that we are so willing to share our love and support with others, but what about ourselves? We deserve our own love and affection more than anything in the world. 

We are diving in to the topic of self love and supporting yourself through life. 

Life has a flow to it when we are able to support ourselves through the ups, downs, challenges, victories, lessons and healing that we may experience. 

So exactly HOW do we give ourselves support?

I have 5 tips for your everyday life to create that supportive environment for yourself.

  1. Stop pointing out what is wrong and start focusing on the greatness within.

There are enough challenges in life already - trying to apply for that job and you need 3 years experience and yet only have 1; your favourite pair of jeans no longer fit you; you don’t know how you will ever finish all the work on your to-do list in time; you don’t have the finances to go on that trip with your girlfriends. 

Whatever it is you are telling yourself you need to stop pointing out the negative. We have proven that we are capable of growing, change can bring good things, and what is meant for us will come. So stop focusing on your weaknesses and all the reasons why something won’t work and start focusing on your strengths and all the reasons why you can accomplish something and how you will feel when you are successful. 

This is all about your mindset. 

When we focus on our downfalls or that last 5 pounds we can’t seem to lose we are creating a negative mindset to live in. The moment we flip the switch and start seeing the positive and honouring ourselves for the 15 pounds we did lose we begin to create an uplifting environment where we feel supported to grow through life. 

2. Keep a to-do list and include the small tasks.

When we feel accomplished we have a sense of pride and success wash over us. So why not create this emotion as often as possible - even if it is because we completed something small. 

If we were to fill out to-do lists with tasks that take multiple days and lots of energy and mind power to complete we can begin to feel overwhelmed and under-motivated. The moment we are able to check something off a to-do list we feel relief and motivated to keep going.

So keep a to-do list, but make sure the tasks are broken down into smaller tasks that take up less time. With each item you cross off the list you will feel supported through your success. 

3. Connect to those practices that bring you peace. 

Nobody feels supported in life when they are surrounded by stress and chaos.

It’s important to know which practices help you to disconnect from stress and connect back to peace because when we feel peace we are able to support our authentic selves. 

Stress can clog our minds and our hearts which eventually can lead us astray from our dreams & desires. Connecting back to peace allows us to remember our authentic selves and in that we are able to support the direction we want to go in life. 

Different practices that might help you connect to peace:

  • Walk in nature

  • Guided meditations

  • Yoga

  • Mindfulness

4. Daily affirmations

Start the day off right by affirming the support you have for yourself. 

I support every action and thought I have today.

I am supported fully and completely. 

I feel supported when I connect to peace and self love. 

I support my progress through healing and growth today. 

5. Gratitude & support

Sharing your gratitude for all you have in life and all that you are in life creates a supportive mindset. You are sending up positive thoughts to the universe focused on what supports you in life. 

For example when you say “I am grateful for the roof over my head” you are saying that you feel supported by the universe in the safety of your home.

If you were to say “I am grateful for the love I receive from my family and friends” you are stating that the love you receive allows you to feel supported through life. 

You can most easily support yourself through life by just focusing on what you are grateful for. Usually the gratitude you have for certain things, people, moments and places are also ways you feel supported in life. 

When we feel supported we are more easily able to step out of our comfort zone, push our limits, and create a beautiful life where we are open to growing and learning.

Often in life we wait around to receive support from others, or we think we are not capable of something if we do not receive the support. We need to turn our mindsets around and understand that we are capable of giving ourselves the support we desire in life. 

That unwavering support reflects back in self-love and we can all use a little more love in life!

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