Feeling Supported by Connecting to the Universe (Breaking Away from Fear of the Unknown)


Connecting to the Universe is about remembering there is more to life than our physical reality. It’s about learning to have faith in something bigger than yourself. It’s about being able to hold onto trust even in uncertainty. It’s about allowing yourself to let go of control and surrender to a Higher Power. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide my life has been filled with Universal Guidance in order to follow my soul path and purpose. Without my connection to the Universe I would not be here today and I’ve made it my personal and professional mission to support and guide others in better understanding their connection to the Universe. 

The number one challenge I see sweeping across our world is fear of the unknown. I’ve learnt to find beauty in the unknown, power in the unknown and trust in the unknown. Fear of the unknown is directly connected to our fear of control, or lack thereof. 

You are afraid of the future because you are afraid of losing control. You can’t lose something you never had. Your mind leads you to believe you have control, when really you don’t, and you never did. 

I’m sharing some of my personal experiences of connecting to the Universe to feel supported so you can start breaking away from feeling lost when you are out of control. Now is the time to start embracing your lack of control and finding excitement in the unknown, rather than anxiety. 

It’s important to remember that everyone’s path is different, my experiences may or may not resonate with you. Don’t take my word as law, instead reflect on your own experiences and how you can grow your own connection with the Universe through the experiences I share. 

There are many different ways to connect with the Universe and it’s important to uncover which ways resonate with you. You never want to feel forced or pressured in creating connections. Explore, experience, embrace and expand through your connection with the Universe. In this post I’ll be sharing only 3 of the ways I connect to the Universe and my experiences through these connections.

Connecting to Animal Medicine

When I was a young kid if anyone asked what I wanted to be when I grew up I said a Veterinarian. I always loved animals, especially dogs, from a young age. The moment I found out that Veterinarians had to euthanize animals I immediately bowed out of that dream. Interesting how my fear of watching death stopped me from following that path and now, as a psychic medium, I connect with the dead all the time. 

When I was 16 I started joining a Sacred Circle with an Indigenous Medicine Women (who happens to be one of my mentors). This was the first place where I heard the conversation out loud that animals are spirits, just as we are. It’s something that I knew deep within me, but logically I hadn’t uncovered this knowing until Asha Frost started teaching us in these Sacred Circles how each animal guides and supports us through life. 

The Deer reminds us to hold compassion for ourselves and others. The Eagle reminds us to trust in ourselves and the bigger picture. The Wolf reminds us that we are guarded and protected. Each animal has a medicine they share with us through their spirit. There is a sacredness in this connection.

Every single time I had to say goodbye to one of my dogs since becoming an adult (I don’t know if I really am an adult, I think I’m still a kid trapped in a 31 year olds body), I have been able to carry a sense of grace that I never knew was possible. Death is scary, especially as the human who stays here on Earth, because we feel the pain and loss through the experience of someone else’s death. 

Death is one of the biggest blocks that creates fear of the unknown and fear of lack of control. Most animals live shorter lives than humans, especially our canine companions. I believe in each of my dogs’ passing it was a reminder to me of how short life is and to never take it for granted. Especially in Poseidon’s passing (the namesake of my business), he was reminding me that even though he may be gone in my physical reality, he has been and always will be with me in Spirit. 

When I connect with Animals it’s not simply about seeing their physical presence in my life, like when I go on a walk and see a woodpecker, deer, or squirrel. To me, this connection is about feeling their energy and allowing their spirit message to guide and support me. If an animal pops up on my path I always take a moment to slow down, breathe in the energy from that animal, honour its existence and hold appreciation for the support it’s sharing with me in this moment. 

Connecting to animals is not only something I do when I see their physical presence. When I am moving through a challenging moment I close my eyes and call in a Spirit Animal to share it’s energetic presence with me. Creating connection with the Universe through Animal Medicine has always brought me support and reminded me that I am never alone in this human experience. Plus if a certain animal is grabbing my attention I know there is a spiritual significance to their message and it’s most likely trying to guide me on which step to take next or what energy I’m required to carry right now. For instance, Elephant popped up in my dream a few nights ago and it reminded me that I will overcome all obstacles in my path. This kind of support allows me to trust in the unknown. 


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Connecting to the Seasons

Everything is energy, and connecting to the Universe is about recognizing the energy we are surrounded by in order to feel supported. Every energy is sharing a message with us, meaning there is spiritual significance in everything. 

I find a lot of my strength and wisdom in my connection to Mother Earth. She is the nurturing energy all of us need in life. I find a lot of my radiance and light in my connection to Grandfather Sun. He is the radiant energy reminding us the light never dies, even if we cannot see or feel it’s presence. 

Connecting to the Seasons is how I honour myself as I flow through the cycle we experience here on Earth. This cyclical pattern literally says there is a time and a place to hustle, but we cannot force ourselves into hustling all the time for our energy does not align with this constant pressure of taking action. 

While connecting to the Seasons I am reminded that when I plant the seed of a dream I cannot expect that dream will bear fruit tomorrow. We’ve grown up in a society that prioritizes hustling and reaching the end result. This mindset focuses on the outcome instead of enjoying the process. In connecting with the Seasons I am reminded that I get to experience and enjoy each step of the path as I work towards my dreams and goals. 

As I move through Winter Season the energy reminds me to reflect on the past year, and integrate the lessons I’ve learned so I can embody the wisdom gained while healing from the pain endured. As I move through Spring Season the energy teaches me to plant the seeds of my dreams and desires while tilling the land, or removing the weeds of doubt and worry that could block my dreams. 

In my experience, connecting to the Seasons is about learning to embody the spiritual significance of each season so I can continue to grow and expand as I flow through each cycle. 

How does connecting to the Seasons help me to feel supported as I break away from fear of the unknown? Well, I know that the Universe is working behind the scenes and as long as I focus on the energy that is in front of me I am doing everything that is needed. When you plant a seed you have to be willing to trust that the roots are growing before you see anything pop out of the soil. If I were to dig up the soil every day to see if anything is happening then I am letting my fear of the unknown control my experience and as I disrupt the environment of the seed it slows the process of its growth. 

Every Winter I have to remind myself, this is a season where things move slower. It’s not that things aren’t happening, it’s that I am being guided to carry patience at this time. When I slow down and connect to the Universe through the Seasons I support myself through whatever phase I am currently experiencing and remember to find power in the unknown.

Connecting to My Spirit Guides

As a recovering people pleaser I’ve always found it difficult to ask for help. It’s easy for me to show up for other people, yet it’s extremely hard to ask others to show up for me. I’ve carried the belief that in asking for help I am being a burden to someone else. I’ve told myself “they have their own problems and they don’t have time or energy to help me with mine”, so I suck it up and move forward on my own. This has resulted in me feeling extremely alone and disconnected from the people around me. I held back from being vulnerable for many years because I was afraid of how others would respond to my emotions.

I have learned that we aren’t meant to do life alone, and in closing myself off from asking for help I can easily get lost in my ego-mind of worries, doubts and fears. I’ve learned to start asking for help, but not necessarily from other humans. 

Everyone has an opinion of how you should or shouldn’t live. I’ve always been open to doing life differently and branching away from the status-quo. I don’t want to ask someone else’s opinion on a decision I need to make because I know they will most likely try and guide me to a sense of safety or security. I have learned from a young age that I am here for adventure, trying things differently, and other people’s opinions only block me from trusting my own intuition. 

I had to learn to start asking for help so I didn’t feel alone. But, I also had to learn how to ask for help in a way where I wasn’t ignoring my intuition. This is when I was led to start strengthening my relationship with my Spirit Guides. My Spirit Guides are the spiritual beings (not humans) that were contracted to guide and support me through my life. They bring me resolutions to problems I am experiencing. They guide me to better see my Soul Truths. They remind me of the strength I carry. Most importantly, they lead me on a path to pursue my soul purpose in this lifetime. 

Let’s be real, fear of the unknown never goes away. Worrying about your lack of control will always pop up in your ego-mind, especially when you least expect it to. Taking the time to connect with my Spirit Guides allows me to lead myself with intention and purpose, rather than being led by fear and worry. 

Over the last year I have asked my Spirit Guides for support in something as simple as finding a parking spot quickly, to something as complex as guiding me to the next big move in my business. Connecting with my Spirit Guides is what allows me to feel supported on my path so I can find excitement in the unknown. 

I live an intuitive life because I know I came to Earth with a purpose.

My ego-mind limits my vision because it focuses on logic and what is seen in my physical reality. My spirit guides me in a limitless way because I know in this Universe possibilities are endless, as long as I remember to trust. I am human, which means I easily forget what my Spirit knows to be true. This journey through life is about learning to create harmony between my Ego and my Spirit. Connecting with the Universe is what allows me to feel supported as I traverse this human experience. 

I hope my experiences shed light into your life and I encourage you to start reflecting on how you connect with the Universe. 

Now is the time to master your connection with the Universe in order to start living in a fulfilling, purposeful, and peaceful way.

Ready to take the next step? The Spirit of Air 12 month program is the answer to your prayers. Not only will you learn how to connect, I’ll walk WITH you as you practice your skills, learn how to decipher the meanings of spiritual messages and apply them to your life. Join the 2022 run of this program now! If you are reading this and the program is full, then join the waitlist for the 2023 run. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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