Energy Forecast for December 13th - 19th | OPPORTUNITIES, ACTIVATION, PASSION


We have two options right now, the first is to choose to move forward into the unknown, trusting in ourselves and the bigger picture of life, the second is to choose to stay where we are feeling overcome by fear, doubt and worry for the future. 

This past eclipse season brought forward many triggering moments for each of us. When we are triggered and the pain of our wounds come forward it’s not a time to shift into survival mode and react out of the fear of our wounds. It’s actually a time to slow down, check in with ourselves, look into our triggers and wounds and consciously choose to move forward in a supportive way, rather than a reactive way. 

This is by no means easy, but it is how you can lead yourself through a life that feels fulfilling. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, every single week I tap into the Universal Energies that are influencing the collective. I connect to the energy of the Moon Cycle to determine how our energy and emotions will be influenced through the current moon phase. I also channel messages from the Spirit World so we have a better understanding of how to flow through the week with ease and grace. 

This week, Monday December 13th to Sunday December 19th, we will be noticing more clarity flowing into our lives, opportunities becoming known and cycles coming to a close. On Saturday, December 18th the moon reaches the Full Moon phase which is a time for answers, clarity and climax. 

During the Full Moon energies and emotions are heightened, meaning you may notice people in your environment reacting from their triggered emotions. You may also notice yourself feeling more tired or exhausted, if you are not actively protecting your energy from your environment. When the Full Moon brings clarity and answers into your life it might not be the answers you were hoping for and the clarity can sometimes mean people are showing their true colours. This is a time to pay attention to your surroundings, OBSERVE, don’t absorb. 

My Spirit Guides are bringing the message of opportunities forward as well. This could mean different things for different people, as I am channeling for the collective. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Doors are opening, but that doesn’t necessarily mean change is here now. You have to decide if you are going to walk through the open doors or not. You have to determine which door feels the most aligned for you right now.

As new doors open, you will also notice that old doors are closing. This is coming in two different ways, for some of us the Universe is slamming some doors shut. We don’t have the option to open it back up and the universe is clearly saying “this path is no longer available for you”. Remember, everything is happening for the highest good, so if you are upset now, guide yourself back to the reminder that in the end it will be for the better. The second way that old doors are closing is you are choosing to close the door on your own. You will receive answers this week that will guide you to better understanding why you want to close that door. Why are you choosing to close this door? Well, you’ve finally recognized that leaving it open is not the best for your well-being. You are recognizing the power of saying no, because when one door closes it brings the opportunity for a different door to open. 


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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for December 13th - 19th 2021

Now that we have a better understanding of the Moon Cycle and how it will play an effect on our week, let’s look into the next portion of this energy forecast. 

As I psychically channel messages for the collective through this energy forecast, I listen to my intuition, clairvoyant and clairaudient senses. I am using the divination tool of oracle cards to better understand the messages and provide clarity for you this week. 

I’m using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic oracle cards this week. The questions being asked are:

1 What do we need to know about taking action towards our dreams?

2 How can we readjust in order to stay aligned?

Let’s see what’s coming forward. 


Well, would you look at that, you are being asked to simply TAKE ACTION. 

The wind reminds us that forward movement will not occur unless we are willing to take the first step. The ball cannot start rolling if you don’t first give it a push down the hill. 

Over the last few months you most likely have gotten clearer with yourself on what you hope for your future and what kind of dreams you are carrying for your life. It’s not necessarily time to take dramatic action, but it certainly is time to activate those dreams. What exactly does this mean? If you look more closely at your dreams you will be able to see one small step that you can start taking today that will create forward movement for you. For instance, if you are wanting a change in careers maybe the first step is reworking your resume or having a conversation with someone who is in the career you desire for yourself. Maybe you are looking to find your soulmate or start a romantic relationship, well your first step could be about making sure you are loving yourself in a way you desire, or signing up for a dating app. 

The wind says it can’t shift directions unless it starts to blow. When the air is stagnant (i.e. there is no wind) things will stay as they are. However, say a cloud settles in over your town and you really desire for sun that day, the only way you can receive the radiance of the sun is if the wind starts up and blows the cloud away from your town. 

Remember earlier in the energy forecast I said that opportunities are coming, doors are opening and some doors are closing. This is the perfect step for activation and taking action towards your dreams. Either you are being asked to close a door, which will activate the direction you desire to move in. Or you are being asked to walk through a new door that has opened because it’s the first step to moving you towards your dreams. 

So, what do you need to know about taking action towards your dreams? Now is the time to create activation by taking the first step. No matter how big or small that step is, you are starting so the power of the wind can take over and create the shifts you desire. 


Okay, now the messages are lighting a fire under our butts, literally! 

Have you ever taken a second to wonder how you know what feels aligned to you? In my own reflection and learning from the Universe, I’ve uncovered that the most aligned energy for you and your life, is the energy that uplifts you, excites you, brings you peace, and makes you feel most alive and fulfilled. Your passions are the key to the door that leads to your dreams! Feeling aligned is the pathway that brings you joy, satisfaction, peace, excitement, and all the emotions you desire. 

If you are feeling swayed off course, or often feeling tired and exhausted, or maybe you are feeling stuck and unsure where to go and what to do, it’s time to readjust in order to lead yourself back to alignment. Your passions are the key to the door that leads you down the path of alignment. When you lead yourself with your passions you feel the fire burning within you. This fire will always give you more energy and continue to uplift you as you build trust in yourself. 

Finding your passions doesn’t have to be some big thing. It’s about learning how you can feel passionate about what you are doing on a daily basis. Maybe your passions are about giving back to your community, maybe it’s teaching on a certain topic, maybe it’s sharing your experiences so other people don’t lose themselves, maybe it’s taking care of animals, maybe it’s bringing laughter into the world around you, maybe it’s being creative. Your passions can be absolutely anything, as long as it uplifts your heart and makes you excited or fulfills you in that moment. 

So, how can you readjust in order to stay aligned? Follow your passions, for they will light a fire within you. 

This is not a week to just simply let the days pass you by. This is a week to take control of your actions and the way you show up in the world. You can’t control your external environment, but you sure can control your internal condition. Pay attention to what is happening outside of you, for clarity will come, and make sure you are taking action towards your dreams while following your passions. 

I hope this Weekly Energy Forecast brings some light and guidance into your life this week. If you are wanting to connect with more like-minded beings in a spiritual community then I encourage you to check out my Meditation Membership. It’s in this space where we release any and all fear, stress and worry, and we learn to bring more love, joy and peace into our lives. Meditation is a beautiful practice that leads you to create inner peace, no matter what is happening outside of you. 

Maybe you love these energy forecasts and you want to learn how to strengthen your own Intuitive and Psychic abilities by using oracle cards, signs and messages from the Universe and connecting with your Spirit Guides and Angels. The Spirit of Air group program is the perfect fit for you. In this 12 month program you will break away from the doubts and worries blocking you from hearing your intuition. You will better understand the voice of your soul, and learn to connect with your Higher Self. This is where you create transformation and expansion on your spiritual journey. Sign up now for the 2022 run of this program (limited spots available). Or join the waitlist for the 2023 run! 

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness