Energy Forecast for December 20th - 26th | EXPECTATION VS SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING


Expectation can be the death of your inner peace as you move towards your dreams and desires. Expectation places an emphasis on everything that is out of your control and it can lead you into the spiral of chaos. 

I’m not saying having expectations is all bad, but there needs to be an understanding of what expectations are, how they can help you and most importantly, how they can hinder you. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, every single week I tap into the energy of the Universe, so as a collective we can better understand how we are being influenced and affected by our environment. In these weekly energy forecasts I connect to the spiritual meaning of the Moon Cycle and the current Moon Phase; as well, I psychically channel messages from my Spirit Guides so we can all support ourselves through the week.

The holiday season is upon on this week and I’ve learnt that when we hold onto expectations of how this time should or should not go, we easily lead ourselves to disappointment. 

Interestingly enough, through this week, Monday December 20th to Sunday December 26th, the Moon Cycle leaves the Full phase and slowly gets smaller in size. If you are unaware, this represents how we are being asked to reflect internally. On Sunday, December 26th the moon shifts into the Third Quarter phase and throughout this entire week we are reminded to focus on introspection.

Rather than setting expectations for how you want the holiday to unfold, it’s time to look internally and ask how you are supporting yourself and where you need to start to prioritize your needs more. Yes, the holiday season reminds us to give rather than be focused on receiving. What better way to get into the giving energy then look internally to see how you can first give to yourself. When your cup is filled it’s much easier to give back to those around you. If your expectations are settled into what you are going to receive or how you want to experience this week, then you may be focusing on the wrong thing. 

You are being encouraged to grab your journal and do some inspired introspection. Look back on holidays past and reflect on how you moved through them. Look into the future and ask yourself what you want to experience in your life. Then compare these two reflections. The past shows you how you naturally act and the future shows you how you want to experience life. The only way to get to those future experiences is to determine how your natural way of being supports or hinders you. It’s not about changing who you are as a person, it’s about learning to give yourself what you need, honouring how you feel, releasing what doesn’t serve you, and seeing life from a perspective that feels good. 

You will never reach your dreams and desires if you aren’t willing to look internally. Don’t set expectations, instead take time for introspection so when you set intentions in the future they are from an uplifted and inspired state. Peace doesn’t come when everyone else is peaceful around you. Peace comes when you are able to create a supportive space internally. 


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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for December 20th - 26th 2021

Now that we have a better understanding of how the Moon phase is impacting our energy and emotions this week, let’s see what other messages are coming forward. 

As I psychically connect to the Universe I am listening to my intuition, clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities to determine how we are being guided this week. 

I’m using the divination tool of oracle cards to interpret the messages. This week I am using Doreen Virtue’s Archangel Oracle Cards. The questions being asked this week are:

1 Where are we being asked to slow down?

2 What do we need to remember in quiet self reflection?

Let’s see what’s coming forward.


“I am bringing you esoteric information and symbols, and helping you understand spiritual truths.”

The Universe is trying to get your attention and your intuition is calling you to listen closely. Have you ever felt like your Spirit Guides and Angels are sending you a message, but you couldn’t understand what the message is? Have you been trying to determine which step to take, how to create inner peace, and trying to decipher the signs you’ve received? 

During this week, as you are being guided to lean into introspection, the Universe wants you to slow down to better gain spiritual understanding. Interpreting signs and messages from the Universe is extremely personal and it cannot be done in haste. Determining the difference between your ego-mind and your Higher Self comes from patience, practice, and actively slowing down in order to listen clearly. 

Archangel Raziel is reminding you that you have the sixth sense. Everyone does. But you cannot strengthen this sense without actively slowing down and choosing to take time for introspection. 

Notice the signs and messages that are popping up on your path. Journal through these messages to try and understand them more clearly. Notice the way you feel as you read back your journal entry. This process will help you better understand spiritual truths. 


“Your life purpose is triggering a blessed career change.”

It’s important to note that this may not mean what you think it means. 

Maybe you’ve felt called to shift careers in a drastic way. Take this message as a clear sign to support your shift. 

Maybe you love your career and feel it’s truly connected to your purpose. This message is saying the way you’ve been showing up in your career in the past hasn’t been as supportive as you think it has. Ask yourself “have I been carrying a lot of stress?”, “has worry been leading me?”, “do I carry self-doubt deep within me?”. 

The basis of this message says that the way you’ve been showing up in your career hasn’t always been in a supportive and uplifting energy. 

Before you shift into a new calendar year your Spirit Guides are asking you to take time for self-reflection around your career. There are some necessary shifts that need to take place, and you’ve known this for a while. 

Once again, grab your journal and reflect on your career. How have you shown up in the past? How do you desire to show up in the future? Where are you taking action in a way that feels good? Where are you taking action in a way that doesn’t feel good? What subtle shifts are required to bring fulfillment to your career? What bigger changes are necessary to carry peace and passion in your career?

This is a time for reflection so 2022 can lead you through your life purpose in regards to your career. 

Are you retired? It doesn’t mean your life purpose is over. Take out the word career and replace it with retirement. There is some sort of transition that’s necessary right now. 

This is a powerful week filled with divine energy that can lead us to the expansion we desire. Even though it’s the holiday season it doesn’t mean we can simply live on auto-pilot. Every single day you are given opportunities to make conscious decisions. Every day you ignore the conscious choices, you begin back-pedaling in your level of awareness. This is your life and each day is a new chance to live in a fulfilling way. 

I hope the messages from this week bring you clarity and guidance so you can support yourself through your spiritual growth. 

Do the messages resonate with you this week? 

Do you truly want to expand your spiritual understanding?

Are you ready to live out your soul’s purpose?

I would love to support and guide you to feel uplifted as you connect to your Higher Self while following your passions. Check out my offers to see which one is the right fit for you through this transition. 

Meditation Membership - release stress & worry in order to create more peace, joy and love in your life

Spirit of Air - learn to master your connection to the Universe by listening to the voice of your soul

Spiritual EBooks - self awareness is the first step in the healing and growth process

Spirit of Earth 1:1 Mentoring - For the being who has been made to feel small and is ready to take up space in a divinely guided way, sharing their soul gifts with the world.

Happy holidays to you and your family! I look forward to connecting with you on your spiritual journey!

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness