Energy Update for May 31st - June 6th | SLOW DOWN, LET GO & HAVE FUN


I focused so much of my time & energy on the repetitive thoughts of “what do they think of me” rather than asking myself “what do I think of me”.

Getting the external validation that we have made the right choice, we are living a good life, and we are accepted into society is the driving force of most of our decisions and actions in life. We want to know that we are liked by others. We want to know that other people think we are worthy of the life we are living. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide my main focus for the last 4 years has been to create a life I love living every single day. A lot of my clients are in a place where they too want to live a life they desire, and yet they are stuck in their people pleasing ways and the fear of judgment and rejection controls how they show up in the world. I know exactly how they feel because I’ve been there too. 

The norm in our world is following the “step by step plan” that society has laid out for us, and if we veer off course we are considered outliers. An outlier is “a person or thing that is situated away or detached from the main body or system” [definition from Google]. 

Nobody wants to feel DETACHED from the collective. 

Which is why we work our butts off to keep in the norm, to follow the status quo, to ‘keep up with the Joneses’. We strive to be accepted by the community.

In this week’s Self Reflection & Energy Update I am going to dive deeper into my journey through the desire of acceptance and how I learnt to accept myself in the process. As always, I will channel the messages & energy forecast for how the next week will unfold for us, so keep reading to learn more about that. 


I spent the majority of my life wondering how other people perceive me. I would get lost in my mind with the repetitive cycle of thoughts focused on “what do they think of me”. This is not to say that I lived for other people, because I definitely made a lot of decisions outside of the societal norm and I tried my hardest to not feel pressured by what I should or should not do in life. 

However, in every interaction I had with others I always was focused on them and how I could conform to who they wanted me to be. At school I tried to become the best friend I could, at work I became the best employee I could be, at home I tried to be the best daughter/sister I could be. I never once thought to myself “how could I be the best Sydney for me”. The focus was always, how could I be the best for that other person in who they need me to be.

At first glance you may think “how is that bad? You want to give to other people and that’s an admirable trait.” I agree with you to a point… when my outlook on life meant that I was prioritizing everyone else’s needs it became easier to forget what my needs and desires in life were. 

I lost myself. I lost my connection to my inner spirit. 

I lost my passion. I lost the fire within me to live a life beyond my wildest dreams. 

I lost my dreams. I lost my desire to explore, expand, and evolve. 

How did I lose all of this?

Because my mind was stuck wondering what other people needed me to be.

Because my mind was stuck wondering how I could keep everyone around me happy. 

Because my mind was stuck wondering what I needed to do to support everyone else. 

I forgot to ask what I needed myself to be. 

I forgot to ask how I could keep myself happy. 

I forgot to ask what I needed to do to support myself. 

Let me be clear.

I still to this day show up and support others. I still to this day do what I can to help others find their happiness. I still to this day work hard to be what someone else needs at that moment. 

BUT… I don’t allow these situations to define me. I don’t allow these situations to prove my worthiness. 

By learning to ask myself what I think of me I allowed myself to step back into control over my life and stand in my power. When we focus on what everyone else thinks of us we keep ourselves small, we tiptoe through life, and we wait for validation that we are doing the right thing and being the right person.

When we focus on what we think of ourselves we take up space in the world, we learn to say yes when it feels right and we say no when it doesn’t feel right. We follow our passions unapologetically because it’s OUR passion and we don’t need to explain why it excites us and inspires us to be better. We validate ourselves because we know we are making the best decisions for ourselves and we are being the best person we can be for ourselves and the world around us. 

Living life in a way where you approve of yourself means you aren’t waiting for someone to tell you “good job”, you already know you are doing a good job. There is this carefree essence that flows through you because you have created a life where you enjoy every moment and you know it truly doesn’t matter if someone disagrees with how you are living. This is YOUR life, don’t let anyone tell you to live it in a way that doesn’t feel good to you. 

The moment I stopped asking myself ‘what do they think of me’ was the moment I fully owned my power. The moment I started asking myself ‘what do I think of me’ was the moment I began living my dream life.
— Sydney Smith

When you check in with yourself through this question “what do I think of me” you give yourself the strength, courage and power to create positive change in your life. Why? Because if you have a negative view of yourself the only way you can change that view is by living differently. Don’t allow your negative perspective of yourself to stop you from living. Did you make a decision you don’t agree with? Then learn from it! Did you say something you wish you hadn't said? Then apologize and be more intentful with your words in the future! Did you allow your emotions to control the way you reacted in a situation? Then become present as you live and check yourself before responding to any situation!

You have the power to create the life you desire! Stop allowing the fear of how someone else may or may not react to your life be the reason that you don’t create a positive change for yourself!

This life lesson has been one of the most powerful lessons I have ever learnt. It’s a daily practice to check in with myself, and yet I always remind myself of the satisfaction, success and fulfillment I experience when I prioritize myself, my needs, and my desires! 

I hope my experience through these old repetitive thoughts has inspired you to create a shift in the way you view yourself! If you have any questions or you want to connect with me further then check out my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward. This is a safe and supportive space for you to heal, learn and grow into the best version of yourself!

Now, on to the weekly energy forecast!

Don’t go anywhere… 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



On Wednesday, June 2nd the Moon Cycle transitions into the Third Quarter Phase which is a time to release and let go of all that no longer supports you. Last week we received a clear message from Woodpecker that stated, now is a time for new rhythms in your life. In order to create new rhythms and open yourself up to new opportunities you need to be willing to look at your daily habits, routines and behaviors. Find out which habits do not support you in creating the life of your dreams. How can you let go of these habits? How can you instil new habits that are more supportive? These are some great questions you can reflect on as you move through this week. Remember, we are in a stage of letting go of the habits, thoughts and behaviors that bind us and do us harm. 

Along with the Third Quarter Phase, we are also in Mercury Retrograde until June 20th and this is a time where Mercury guides us to slow down when it comes to communication, projects and our daily life. This is a time to question how we communicate, how we work on projects and how we live our daily lives. Mercury in retrograde wants us to leave autopilot behind and ask ourselves what is working, what is not working, what is holding us back and blocking us, and what changes can we make moving forward. This is not a time to get frustrated because life isn’t going the way you want, instead it’s a time to look internally and ask yourself “Am I needing to change the way I perceive myself, my day to day life and my close relationships?” Sometimes subtle changes in how you move through life can have the biggest impact.

Slow down, question everything, and see what types of small changes you can make on a daily basis. 

Let us dig in deeper and uncover the collective energies that are surrounding us this week. I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic deck as I ask the question “how can the collective create more ease & grace through this next week? What do we need to know?”

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As children we do not sit and contemplate how we should live, what others think of us, and if we are making the best choices. We simply live. We learn. We try new things. We laugh. We play. We enjoy life. 

Now, of course, some people didn’t get to experience this as children due to traumatic experiences, difficult upbringings and any number of reasons. Your inner child is desiring to be healed, loved & supported through life.

This week we are being asked to ENJOY LIFE right here and right now. Don’t wait for some moment in the future when you hopefully have all the things to make you happy. Find a way to experience happiness, joy, and the carefree sense of life right now. 

As adults life is filled with responsibilities, rules, right vs. wrong, and a myriad of reasons as to why we should live one way and should not live another way. What if we could throw all those beliefs away for an hour a day and simply laugh and have fun? The magic of life is exactly that, life. You are living, right now. This childhood card reminds us that we are the only ones blocking ourselves from enjoying each moment. We are carrying ALL the thoughts and beliefs as to why we can’t be having fun. 

So, this week do you want to create more ease & grace for yourself?

Then every single day for a minimum of 1 hour pretend you are a kid and have fun!


You are the light you are looking for in the world. 

You are the joy you are needing in life. 

You are the peace that will allow you to break free from the stress. 

This week you will be reminded of what it feels like to share your inner radiance with the world around you. It’s not a matter of waiting for one day when your life is filled with light and joy, it’s about becoming the light and joy right now while your life is filled with challenges and difficulties. We are allowed to experience more than one emotion in a day. Just because you ran into a problem in the morning and it made you frustrated does not mean you HAVE TO carry frustration with you throughout the rest of the day. Stop. Take a deep breath. Choose joy. Choose light. 

There is an inner flame within each one of us and when we allow the frustrations, stress, and exhaustion to become the primary part of our life we turn that flame into a small flicker of light that can barely be seen or felt. When we prioritize creating joy, carrying peace, following our passions, laughing and having fun that flame turns into a blazing fire and it fuels us with more energy & excitement for life. 

The radiance is within you. All you need to do is prioritize recognizing it every single day and letting that inner light guide you. 

This next week there are some challenging energies surrounding us with the Third Quarter Phase Moon and Mercury Retrograde and yet we are being guided to create the fun and find the light through these challenges. 

Life is experienced at this moment. As Eckhart Tolle says “Nothing is going to make us free because only the present moment can make us free.” What can you do RIGHT NOW to bring freedom, light, love and joy into your life?

If you are ready to create more radiance in your life then the Meditation Membership is the space for you. The month of June our focus is finding our inner radiance and celebrating ourselves through life. Every call will leave you feeling uplifted, empowered and confident in living a life you LOVE! Learn more at the link below and join us. Our calls every month are the first and third Wednesday of the month!

I hope this week’s Self Reflection and Energy Update has inspired you to create positive change in your life!

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!

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