Energy Update for May 24th - 30th | PATIENCE, POWER, PROTECTION

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Patience, trust & faith can be some of the hardest characteristics to carry as we move through the challenges and difficulties of life. 

It’s easy to carry patience when everything is going well in life, but what about when you are in the midst of chaos. 

Over the past year and a half a common theme in my life has been about building trust in the Divine Universe and my soul path. I don’t always know where I am headed, how I’ll get there or what I will need to do along the way. Building trust has been about knowing and believing that all the good that’s meant for me will come when the time is right. It’s been a journey, and I am still traversing this path. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide one of my top priorities, for myself and my clients & community, is to make sure we feel supported each step of the way. Often in life we can feel confused, uncertain, and lost in which direction to head. Anytime I connect with the Divine Universal Energies that surround us, my intention is always to bring clarity, peace, and support to whoever is asking for help. 

In these weekly Energy Updates and Self Reflections it’s always my purpose to give you an insight into what’s to come so you can feel supported and lean back into trust as you shift forward in life. 

When it comes to this week’s self reflection the main theme is that of trust and patience. 


As I mentioned earlier, trust has been a big theme in my journey recently and it wasn’t until a month or so ago that my mentor brought a new idea forward on this path to trust. She said, as kindly as she could, “Sydney, you don’t trust yourself.” At that moment it felt like a brick was lifted off my chest. My ego immediately resisted that sentence and yet my inner spirit finally felt heard. 

Over the last 7 weeks or so, I have been healing the wounds within me that pointed to a mistrust and I have been carrying a new perspective on how I view myself and the life I have been living. 

Immediately one of the first things I did was, I wrote on a post-it note and put it on my bulletin board and it said “I trust myself.” I needed to have that constant reminder so I could embody the energy I have been trying to connect to for so long. 

You see, I easily put my trust in the Divine Universe, God, Creator, Source, whatever you choose to call it. I would think of this higher power and immediately hold onto trust, for “they” are protecting and leading me each step of the way. But what about myself? Why couldn’t I trust myself? Trusting in a higher power does no good if you cannot trust in yourself. 

My mentor reminded me that when I put my trust in Creator, so that they can come through and bring me success, abundance and blessings, I’m actually allowing myself to come through and create all that I desire. 

I didn’t trust in my abilities, but I trusted in the bigger picture of life.
I realized that I could never achieve all that I desire if I did not trust myself each step of the way.
— Sydney Smith

One of the biggest lessons that has helped me in building trust in myself is that of patience. Originally I thought patience was something I needed in order to welcome the blessings into my life. I would say “be patient Sydney, it will come when the timing is right.” Now I have learnt that patience is the feeling of acceptance for whatever this moment is for you. 

Patience is something we embody when life isn’t going to plan. 

Patience is the reminder that you still have to live this moment, even if it may feel like you are lacking something. 

Patience is the key to trust, because it says ‘I accept this moment for what it is and I know all is unfolding as it’s meant to. I may not understand why right now, and yet I accept and trust that I am doing all in my power to shift forward in life.’

Now, as I show up each day in my life I am not only reminded to trust myself, my ability and my heart in how it leads me, I also carry patience through each moment of life. Patience reminds me to live in the present and accept this moment for all that it is. 

We only have the present moment to experience, the past is already gone and the future will never come. 

Being patient is not about sitting and waiting for something to happen. To me it means accepting right now for what it is and taking action with intention, purpose and trust. 

I know this is a process, and so from this day forward I am choosing to carry patience and trust with me, wherever I go, whatever I experience, and whoever I am with. 

How will you carry patience & trust in your life?

Now, I want to thank you for being patient, let us get into this week’s Energy Update.

Don’t go anywhere… 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



This week, May 24th - 30th, the moon cycle shifts phases into the Full Moon Phase which is a time where energy is heightened and answers become clearer. The Full Moon reminds us of several messages, first that we must protect our energy, our emotions and our environment because everyone’s emotions can be heightened at this time of the month. If you do not carry patience with you then your mood can easily swing from high to low and you will feel out of control. This moon phase is also a time when clarity falls into our lap and the answers to our questions can become more obvious. Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities that pop up in your life and pay attention to how your soul speaks through your body. You may intuitively know the answers before the signs guide you, in which case the signs are reassurance for what you already knew to be true. 

Along with the messages from the Full Moon, as a psychic & intuitive guide I also connected to the Universal Energy that surrounds us and asked for some guidance for this next week on a collective level. Here is what’s coming forward for us. 

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We are being reminded that we have the power within us to create all that we desire. High Priest reminds us that we are no longer waiting for our desires, we are standing in our power and intentionally creating all that we desire. 

This week you are going to notice an energetic shift inside yourself and all of a sudden you will have the energy, wisdom and strength to create all that you desire. Now is a time to see your fears for what they are and choose to take action with light instead. 

This is your time. Don’t allow your fears to hold you back and make you feel powerless. Stand tall my friend. This is your time.

Be POWERFUL in all that you do and all that you choose.


You are creating a new life for yourself, a new way of being, as you step forward into the life of your dreams. But not too fast my friend. Yes, it’s good to take action and begin creating, but the Autumn card is reminding us that we must also make space for blessings to shower down into our lives. The only way to make space is to let go of the old that is no longer supporting us in this journey of creation. 

As you move through the energy of the Full Moon you will gain clarity on behaviors, habits and beliefs that have been holding you back for so long. It’s not enough to only recognize these fears and behaviors for what they are. We must take the time to release them from our mind, body and soul. With releasing comes rest too. This is going to be a week where you become tired faster, overwhelmed quicker, and easily affected by your own emotions and the emotions of others. Rest is necessary. When you take time for rest, be intentional with how you are resting and what you are choosing to release during this rest.


Finally, the last message we are receiving for the week is that of love and comfort from the ultimate mother, Mother Earth herself. 


You are where you are meant to be, even if it feels challenging right now. You are preparing for a brand new cycle. May has been a month of massive shifts and growth, even though you may have not always been aware of the growth, it’s been happening underground. You have worked hard to get rooted into yourself in a new way and that is the growth you needed in order to sprout to new heights this year. 

Mother Earth is reminding you, if you are tired this week, if your emotions seem to be controlling you, if you feel alone, she is always here loving you and comforting you. 

Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or emotional this week, get outside and allow yourself to connect with Mother Earth as she pours her magic into you. 

In summary, this week you are being reminded to push past your fears and take intentional action as you create with your power and light.

Pay attention to old habits, behaviors and beliefs that may have been limiting you in life. This week it will be clear where you need to release in order to create space for new opportunities and blessings to come in.   Please make sure you rest as well.

As you rest, connect back to Mother Earth as she will always show you the love, support and comfort that surrounds you. 

If you desire more support & guidance on your journey, then make sure to join my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward. 

If you desire one on one support & guidance then check out the Soulful Solo Sessions! 

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!

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