Energy Forecast for June 7th - 13th | CHANGE, CONNECTION & LOVE

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In connection I feel seen, heard and understood and this is when I thrive. The moment you feel fully loved and supported you feel more courageous and empowered to follow your passions, to lead yourself with purpose. 

I am being reminded more than ever before of all the opportunities that surround each of us to create deep connections and feel fulfilled on our soul path. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide it is my purpose to guide and support my clients, my community and myself in creating connection with our inner spirit. This is the place where we uncover and learn who we are, why we are here, and what we are here to do. In this connection to self you begin to understand how you can create stronger and better connections with those around you. When you understand yourself from a different perspective you can begin to trust in the Divine Universe and see the connection you have to the Universe and the Oneness that connects all of us. 

In this week’s Self Reflection I am going to be diving into connection, what it’s looked like for me, why I believe it to be important and how it can positively impact all of our lives. 

Stay tuned for the Energy Forecast for the week. This is where I intuitively connect to the Divine Universe and channel the messages, through my psychic abilities, that we need to know as a collective in order to flow through the next week. 


If you’ve been following along for some time, then you may know that the biggest fear I’ve carried in life is the Fear of Rejection & Judgment. This fear has made me feel isolated, disconnected, alone, and unworthy

It’s taken me a long time to understand that allowing my fear of rejection to guide me in creating connections in life meant that I was rejecting myself for who I really am. I was afraid of how someone else would see me in my weirdness and so I wouldn’t show certain parts of me and I would shapeshift to be someone they would approve of. Well, in shapeshifting what I was really doing was devaluing my gifts and pushing my true essence to the side in order to make way for a version of me that ultimately wasn’t my authentic self. 

We all desire to be loved unconditionally. 

We all desire to be seen for who we are. 

We all desire to be heard in what we are sharing. 

We all desire to be understood. 

While stuck in my fears I didn’t realize that those desires were leading me down a path in which I was waiting for someone else to give me validation. I thought to be loved, seen, heard and understood meant that someone else would be there for me and offer that unconditional support to me.
— Sydney Smith

My journey led me down a path where I began to uncover that I could actually offer that unconditional support to myself. I had the power to validate myself. I could create that safe and supportive space for myself first and then welcome others to be part of it if they fit with my values and morals. 

Connection always starts with the connection you create with yourself. 

How can you connect deeply with someone else and truly see them in their pain, their success, their struggles and their celebrations if you cannot see yourself in each of those phases?

How can you truly see someone else in their wholeness if you cannot see yourself? Or you are not willing to see yourself?

The first person you need to be willing to create a deep, vulnerable and open connection with is yourself. It’s in this space where you begin to better understand how to live a life of your dreams. 

Over this past week I have focused on prioritizing connection in all of my relationships. 

First, I made sure to stay connected with myself. Last week it looked like listening to my body when it was tired as I flowed through my monthly cycle. Allowing myself to rest, free from judgment, because I knew that was necessary for my physical health and my mental health. 

Next, I connected to my friends and family. I had soul inspiring conversations where we spoke about our needs and our desires, and how we were trying to give ourselves exactly what we needed. We laughed and joked because connection is strengthened in joy and humour. We opened our hearts to each other, sharing our struggles and challenges because when we see others in hardship it reminds us that we are never alone and we are always able to create a safe space for those who matter to us. We spent time outside in nature, exploring our connection to the earth and where we live, for this is where we are free from labels, roles and limitations in who we “should” be. In each of these connections we all allowed each other to be who we are as we experienced this present moment.

Acceptance. Support. Unconditional love. 

This is what connection can feel like once you’ve created space to connect with yourself and you show up in your relationships fully and completely. 

The last aspect of my life where I focused on connection was with the Universe. To me this looks like connecting to my Divine Team, my angels, ancestors, spirit guides and animal guides who watch out for me, guide me and support me each step of the way. This is where I remember to trust and have faith in the bigger picture of life. 

In connection to the Universe I also spend a lot of time outside, connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, Grandfather Sun, Grandmother Moon, the Star Nations and all the Animals and Spirit Beings in nature. There is wisdom amongst these spirits and they have much to teach me as I journey through life. Being human means that we are forgetful by nature. Connecting with the Universe and the innate wisdom each of these spirits carries is a way to remind myself of the lessons, healing, and love that always surrounds me. I listen to the Animals on my walk; I flow with the cycle of the Moon and the Earth; I allow the radiance and light of the Sun to remind me of my own radiance; I remember through the Stars there is a bigger picture, a bigger purpose; and I live in the present moment as the Sky reminds me that everything is always changing around me and so I must soak up all that this moment has to offer. 

Connection reminds me to live from my heart & soul. 

Connection inspires me to uplift and support others. 

Connection allows me to feel heard and seen for who I am. 

Connection shows me that we are all One, connected to each other in a beautiful way. 

I encourage you to reflect on your own life. Where can you create deeper connections? What can you do to connect with yourself in a new way? 

Connection will always lead you to your dreams and desires. You only have to be willing to try. 

Now, let us flow into the Energy Forecast for the week and see what is coming up for all of us.

Don’t go anywhere… 



2021 Guidebook

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.


Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.


Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.



On June 10th we will experience a New Moon Solar Eclipse and I am so excited for the energy this moon will bring. New Moon is always focused on new beginnings, a fresh start and a time to set your intentions and manifestations for your life. BUT.. we aren’t there yet. We have a few days before we enter into this next Moon Phase and it’s truly important for you to continue with Self Reflection as we are still in Mercury Retrograde. 

Leading up to this New Moon it’s a great time for you to look at your life and uncover what no longer supports you in creating your dream life. Whether it be daily habits, old outdated beliefs, relationships that are keeping you stuck in the past, and jobs that are creating more stress and overwhelm versus the peace and purpose you desire. When you know what is NOT working then you can get that much closer to what WILL work for you. 

This New Moon is going to help you set up the next 6 months of your life and it’s the perfect opportunity to look at yourself and how you can create positive change in your daily actions, your belief systems, and in the people you surround yourself with.

Do you have big dreams?

Do you desire to feel passionate about the life you are living?

Do you want to act with purpose as you move down your soul path?

Now is the time to get clearer in answering these questions for yourself. This New Moon will shift you into a phase of opportunities and exciting new experiences, but you first have to know what you are willing to work towards and what you desire to let fall away in your life. 

Now, I am going to channel the themes for this week, in what we need to know as a collective in order to create more ease and grace in our lives. I am using Gabby Bernstein’s oracle deck The Universe Has Your Back for this psychic reading. 

Energy Forecast - June 7th Change, Connection, Love.JPG


What a beautiful way to start the week as we prepare to move into the New Moon phase. 

This message is reminding us to always come back to ourselves and focus on what brings us joy, what creates peace within us, and what we desire to experience daily. Your inner light is the fire you fuel when acting on your passions. Your inner light will always guide you with purpose. Your inner light reminds you to focus on love versus fear. Your inner light is the direct connection to your spirit, your soul. 

For this next week you are being asked how you can come back to your inner light. When you notice yourself in worry, fear, or filled with stress bring yourself back to your inner light. This may mean you need to step away from what you are currently working on and fill your cup by walking outside, reading a book, turning the music on and dancing. Be aware of when you are being led by stress and actively choose to come back to your light. Then when you go back to the task at hand you are being guided by the lens of love rather than the lens of stress and overwhelm. 


People always pick up on vibrational frequency before anything else when in connection. You can tell your boss is angry well before a word leaves his mouth. You can tell when a friend is struggling and needs support before they ask for it. You can tell when someone is being inauthentic and untruthful because of the energy they carry as they speak. 

You may feel frustrated and yet your answer to the question, how are you doing, ends up being “I’m fine.” People can tell when you are not fine. You don’t have to openly discuss with them if you don’t feel comfortable, but you can take that moment to connect with yourself and give yourself what you need in order to not be frustrated. 

Usually when we are frustrated all we need is a break from the task at hand to refuel, connect with our inner light, and get re-inspired. This week check in with your vibes and how you are feeling, because your words can always lie but your vibes never will!


This message is reminding you to SLOW DOWN when you feel surrounded by darkness. Sometimes when we are surrounded by uncertainty, confusion and the sense of being all alone we try to push through and get to the other side. Yet, when we push through we are actually ignoring or avoiding the opportunity to learn and grow. 

This week in your reflection you are being asked to call on support from your guides and the Divine Universe in order to bring yourself back to the space of love.

How can you love yourself more?

How can you learn through your fear?

How can you create a deep connection by being open and honest with yourself and those around you? 

Your fears will pop up this week. Pay attention, for they aren’t coming forward to sway you from your purpose. They are coming forward so you can step into your power, learn from the fears, and choose to courageously stand up for yourself any way! This is the moment where you learn to empower yourself. This is the moment where fear no longer controls how you live your life. But, it falls on you and the choices you make this week. 

A lot of energies are surrounding us as we move through the 2nd week of June. Change is coming. New opportunities are on their way. Beautiful, loving and supportive relationships are around the corner. First, you have to decide what you are going to do to support yourself through these shifts.

How are you going to act differently?

How are you going to create positive change for yourself?

If you are ready to be supported and guided on your journey then check out these offers below. I would love to guide & support you in uncovering your inner light any way I can.

FREE Facebook Community, Shifting Forward, this is where you move from lost & uncertain to supported & guided in a safe community filled with like minded souls.

Meditation Membership to strengthen your connection to self & feel empowered each step of the way as you create more love, peace, joy, community and support in your life. 

Soulful Solo Session to uncover the main problem you are experiencing, why you are feeling stuck and so far away from your dreams. Walk away feeling uplifted with clear actionable steps to follow your purpose and soul path. 

Intuitive Soul Reading - 3 Month Bundle to gain clarity and guidance each month on how to flow through life, knowing where to focus your energy in order to create fulfillment. 

1:1 Monthly Mentoring - 3 Month Program to have step by step accountability and support as you uncover your inner spirit and learn to create the life of your dreams now. Heal from your past, learn in your present to experience joy and peace now, and manifest for your future dreams.

I am so excited for you to create this powerful shift in your life and set yourself up for a blissful life over the next 6 months! 

Until next time, sending you love & light along your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


Are you dealing with a past trauma?

Are you needing help finding your way?

Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?

Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams. 


I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.

This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness. 


Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps. 

If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below. 


This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!

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