Creating & Protecting YOUR PEACE
It’s in the moments where peace settles into our lives that we are more easily able to enjoy this present moment as it’s happening.
What pulls us away from experiencing this peace that we desire? Pain from our past that keeps us stuck in the struggle and challenges of life. Fear and worry for the future, holding onto the unknown and uncertainty in how life will unfold.
We believe our life will be peaceful and enjoyable when all the problems stop occurring and when all of our dreams come true.
As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have journeyed through the meaning of peace several times and every time I have come back with the same understanding. The only thing that is blocking YOU from experiencing the peace you desire is yourself!
Peace is an emotion. It’s a feeling. It’s a way for you to experience this moment right now. Peace is not an action step you take. It’s not something you can physically hold in your hands. Peace is an energetic feeling that you choose to carry or not carry.
As they say - peace is an inside job.
Because we know now that the only thing blocking us from experiencing the peace we desire is ourselves, we also can hold the belief that we can then create peace whenever, wherever. If we can block ourselves from peace then we can also choose to hold peace at any time.
What is inner peace?
This is when you have created peace inside of you no matter what is happening in your external world. You can be surrounded by chaos and challenges, AND still carry inner peace.
This is what we all desire, isn’t it?!
How can you CREATE inner peace?
As mentioned earlier, you know that you are the only one blocking yourself from experiencing the peace you desire. This block or resistance comes in the form of your thoughts and the energy you are carrying.
Our energy is made up of our thoughts, actions and feelings. Yes, we can be affected by things outside of us, for instance someone else’s choices, the Universal Energy in our environment and the situation we are currently experiencing. The energy from someone else can affect your thoughts, your feelings and your actions which results in a shift in the energy you are carrying. This is why it’s so easy for us to shift out of that peaceful state when a problem occurs in our lives.
Let me give a clear example so I know we are on the same page.
1 You are in a peaceful and joyous state.
2 Your friend calls you up and is sharing her frustrations because her husband didn’t pick up the dog poop in the yard before it rained and now the backyard is a massive mud puddle with dog feces everywhere that you can’t tell the difference between the two. She is so upset because she has nowhere to let the kids run around and play outside. She needs this time to let them outside because it’s the only time in the day where she can relax and be in her own space.
3 You offer her a safe space to chat and let go of her frustrations. You offer advice in any way you can. She ends the call feeling a lot better and thanks you for supporting her.
4 After finishing the call you realize you are now frustrated, angry, and overwhelmed. You were so peaceful to start and you can’t seem to shake off the heavy feeling you are now in.
5 This heavy feeling starts creating thoughts in your mind about your own frustrations. You think about all the things that make you upset and all the different ways you don’t get to prioritize time for yourself.
6 Your kid comes and asks you a simple question, and because you are already frustrated you are quick to anger in your response.
In this example your energy shifted because you took on your friends frustrations and you gave her your peaceful energy. You literally swapped energy and you weren’t even in the same physical location.
After taking on that heavy, harsh energy, your thoughts mirrored your feelings, which resulted in your actions mirroring your thoughts.
The energy you carry impacts the way you experience life.
So, how can you create inner peace?
You need to be mindful of how you feel, what you are thinking, and the action you are taking.
“You have a choice in life. You get to choose what you want to feel, what you think and what you take action on. Yes, sometimes your feelings, thoughts and actions are provoked due to the situation you are in… BUT you can recognize when you are provoked and you can CHOOSE to move forward in those feelings, thoughts and actions OR you can choose to shift your energy into something that is more supportive. ”
There is so much more on this topic that I can write forever, but I want to keep it short and simple so you can take away clear actionable steps into your own life.
Personal Development & Spiritual Growth
A Guidebook for Connection
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
Back to the blog - Creating & Protecting YOUR PEACE
Recognize how you feel and choose to come back to peace NO MATTER WHAT.
You cannot control what happens outside of you. You can only control yourself, which includes your mindset, your actions and your involvement in a situation.
Create a peaceful moment for yourself.
In order to experience the inner peace you desire, you need to be present in this moment and take action in a way that creates peace in your life.
For example, for myself if I sit and read a book there is a 100% chance I will feel peaceful.
Knowing what you can do to feel at peace is the most important step! If you don’t know what creates peace in your life then how can you support yourself in creating it? Also, it’s NOT about only doing the task - it’s ALL ABOUT BEING IN THE MOMENT as you experience the activity you are doing. Remember, peace is not an action, it’s a feeling. In order to connect to the feeling you must be present in this moment as you experience life.
Protect your peace.
This step is the most forgotten step and it’s the one that either allows us to hold onto inner peace in the challenges, or be overcome with fear, worry, doubt and overwhelm.
There are so many different ways to protect your peace. The most simple is being aware of ALL energy that surrounds you and remembering that you can say NO to energy that competes with your inner peace.
For instance, with the example I gave earlier. In the middle of the conversation you can be aware that your friend is carrying harsh, heavy energy. While conversing you can protect yourself by visualizing her energy falling to the ground, and being recycled & cleansed by Mother Earth. You can also visualize yourself being a brick wall that does not allow anyone else’s energy to enter your being.
Maybe you’ve forgotten about being aware in the moment, so after the call you stop yourself and say, “if any of her energy is attached to my being, I release it now and come back to a peaceful state.”
Choosing to live a peaceful life is all about intentionality. You can say “negative energy does not come into my space”, but if you don’t actually connect to the energetic power & feeling behind your words then nothing will change.
It’s not about saying “I choose peace” and then acting out of fear or worry. It’s not as simple as saying the words, you actually have to choose the energy and live by that energy.
It may sound difficult at first, and it’s a practice that requires your commitment and dedication. However, over time it becomes second nature!
Inner Peace is created from the thoughts, feelings and actions you CHOOSE to prioritize. This is a way of being that you can create for yourself. It all depends if you are willing to put the work in or not!
Do you want to learn more personal growth and spiritual development practices? The Masterclass Event Series focuses on different topics like Creating Inner Peace. Each Masterclass was created to help you transform your life into one that you enjoy living!
Some of the other topics include: Strengthen Your Intuition; Creating Balance; Protecting Yourself as an Empath, Intuitive & Psychic; and 4 Steps to High Vibes!
Check out the Full Series here and find a Masterclass that suits your needs!
Do you desire more 1:1 attention and guidance for your life? A Soulful Solo Session is focused on creating a safe space for you to receive support, guidance & direction for your life specifically. This is where you learn how to uncover and step into your power! Check out more information or book your session today here!
Is it time for you to create more peace & joy in your life on a regular basis? Join the Meditation Membership where you will create more love, more success, more faith, more connection, more confidence, and more joy in a loving, supportive community of like-minded beings.
I am sending you love & support as you learn to create & protect your inner peace!
Until next time,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
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