Energy Forecast for September 20th - 26th | Set Your Sights Higher


Powerful Universal Energy this week as we prepare for the Fall Equinox and we feel the effects of the Full Moon. 

Slow down, be intentional and make sure to prioritize how you are feeling this week. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I connect to the collective energy and tap into the main energetic messages that are influencing and guiding us. This is a great way to understand how different Universal Energies are affecting your experience here on earth. When we choose to learn from the energy that surrounds us we are able to create more ease & grace while we flow through life. 

Being human means we are emotional, energetic beings and our emotions and energy can be easily influenced by the outside world. We can feel these effects especially around the Full Moon. There is a reason why the emergency rooms at hospitals tend to fill up on the Full Moon. 

On September 20th the Moon Cycle is shifting into the Full Moon phase which is a time for heightened energies and emotions. If you are an empath or sensitive soul, you’ll notice your emotions are quite heavy this week. Only if you aren’t proactive in protecting yourself and releasing the energy and emotions that are not yours. 

That’s right, through the Full Moon as an empath, you are easily picking up on other people's emotions. No wonder you can’t explain why you are so tired. We move through this moon phase every 28 days, and guess what you don’t have to feel these heavy effects like you have been. When you understand the energy behind this Moon phase you can support yourself by guarding your energy, being aware when you have been affected and choosing to release the energy that does not support you. 

If you are feeling these Full Moon effects and you no longer want to carry this heavy, dark energy then the Releasing Guidebook will be your new best friend.

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Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook was created to support you in understanding the release process, what energies, thoughts and emotions need to be released and HOW you can actively release it all!

Start supporting yourself and your energy today by picking up a copy of the Releasing Guidebook here. 


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for September 20th - 26th 2021

Now that we better understand the Moon phase we are moving through this week there is another BIG Universal Energy that is affecting us. 

The Fall Equinox is when the light and dark come back into balance, and we are being reminded of the power behind releasing and harvesting. The Fall season is a beautiful time to reap rewards from all the work you’ve put in over the past 2 seasons of Spring and Summer. Fall is also a time to recognize that you need to release anything and everything that is holding you back from the growth you desire. 

Releasing and receiving go hand in hand. So, if you want to receive blessings and abundance, you need to be willing to look at what needs releasing in your life. 

Are you ready to take a deep dive in connecting with the energy of the Fall Equinox? Lucky for you, I’m offering a Fall Equinox Ceremony that will support you in connecting with this energy so you can shift forward in a soul aligned space. 

The Fall Equinox Ceremony is a BONUS call for all the members inside the Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment. Now is the perfect time for you to join this community of like-minded beings and take advantage of the Fall Equinox energy. Our live ceremony is taking place on Wednesday, September 22nd at 7pm EST. Head on over to this link to join the membership today! (replay available if you have a scheduling conflict)

This week is all about receiving clarity, releasing energy that doesn’t support you, and reaping the rewards.

As I do every week, I like to take the Energy Forecast one step further and channel Divine Direction through universal messages for the collective. 

I am asking two questions this week and using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors oracle deck to guide the messages coming through. 

1 Where do you need to focus your release?

2 How can you reap the rewards and clarity that’s coming through?

Let’s dive in and see what the messages are telling us.

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You are in the process of releasing so you can have a beautiful shift in energy, guiding yourself on your soul path. It’s going to be very clear by the end of the week where you need to focus your release process. 

If you don’t already have the clarity on what is no longer serving you, you will have the clarity very soon. There is something MASSIVE that you are needing to let go of in your life, but if it’s not entirely clear right now you will receive important information later this week. 

The Full Moon always brings us clarity, even in ways that we didn’t necessarily ask for. Pay attention this week. The answers will become known and they will smack you right in the face!


You have actually been limiting yourself from the growth you desire because you don’t believe you are worthy of receiving goodness. As a whole we tend to look down on ourselves, and the main Universal Message coming through this week is that YOU ARE WORTHY. You deserve everything you desire and magic will take place in your life beyond your wildest dreams. 

Do not limit all that you came here to be. 

When you take a moment and recognize that you are a Divine Being, you can begin to reap the rewards meant for you. 

You are here to serve the world in whatever way feels good to you. That is a gift you share with your community. You are the gift. 

If you are ready to receive rewards and clarity for your life then it’s time to start believing that greatness is here and your dreams are coming true! 

Wow wow wow! What beautiful energy surrounding us this week as we shift through the Full Moon and into the Fall season through the Fall Equinox. Remember, if you are NOT feeling the good, uplifting energy surrounding you, then it’s time to recognize that you are attached to heavy, dark energy. Take the time to RELEASE and come back to the Divine Being that you are. 

Check out the Releasing Guidebook to support you in the process. 

Also, join the Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment and start seeing yourself as the Divine Soul that you are. 

I cannot wait to connect with you in my membership space! 

Did you see that I have a freebie available right now? It's a MiniBook to help you in better understanding Shadow Work. If you don’t have the MiniBook and you want to download it, then head to the link below, fill in your info to be added to my email community and gain access to the Shadow Work MiniBook. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness