How Human Design has Helped Me

Blog  - How Human Design has Helped me on my soul path.jpg

As a soul having this human experience, you are here to better understand how you move through life, how to make the most aligned decisions, and how to stay centered on your soul path.  Human Design is another tool that can guide you in better understanding yourself and your energy. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I am always learning new tools and strategies to feel supported through life. Astrology, meditation, oracle cards, Human Design, journaling, connecting to nature are all ways that I connect to myself. In this connection I can learn how to best support myself by knowing where my weak spots are (i.e. fear, worry, doubt, etc.). 

Human Design has given me a closer look into who I am at the core because of the energy I carry. Human Design says that the moment you were born, you took on the energy of the world around you. Whatever was going on in the world at that time, in your community, with your family members, and the planets, you took on that energy and it became your identity as a human in this world. One would say it became your design as a human!

Learning your energy type through Human Design gives you a great insight into how you operate based on who you are and the world that surrounds you. Recently among lightworkers, empaths, and intuitives the main topic of conversation is about healing, while I know healing is great we also need to remember healing is hard work. It’s called shadow work for a reason. In the midst of your healing work, make sure you also take time to enjoy life. 

When you connect with your Human Design you can understand HOW to enjoy life in the best way for you. Learning about your energy allows you to support yourself in your growth. 

I’m going to be sharing my journey with Human Design, and the 4 main lessons I’ve learned so far. Here it is, how Human Design has helped me on my spiritual journey. 

My Journey with Human Design

I first learned about Human Design in January 2020 from my bff and podcast co host, Angie Bartosik. My initial reaction was “another thing I have to learn and incorporate into my life?” It felt like work and I was already knee deep in healing and building a business that I didn’t have energy to learn another thing. 

Of course, Angie pushed me to check it out, saying that it was worth it. So I started looking into it, and I became hooked. I wanted to learn everything, and there was so much information I began overloading on it. I asked everyone if I could look up their human design and tell them about it. I wanted to see other people’s designs and how true it was to their energy through life. 

The problem I experienced?!

I became obsessed with learning and I never actually took the time to apply what I had learnt. There were some aspects that simply knowing was enough for me. Human Design gives you permission to be who you are, and it says, don’t worry we will guide you to live in alignment with your design. 


It’s not simply a bunch of information. Human Design actually tells you how you’ll know if you're making decisions in alignment with your energy or not. When you start to apply what you’ve learnt you begin to make aligned decisions, and you live in an aligned way. Everything flows naturally and you feel supported for who you are. 

That’s pretty powerful!

I spent almost a year just learning. I’ve spent the last year applying the Human Design knowledge I have about myself and my life has shifted. I know why my energy feels the way it does on a moment to moment basis and I have the tools and strategies to help myself shift forward in a way that feels good. 

Human Design is the permission slip for feeling the way you do and then it’s a map on which direction to head to start feeling better and living more aligned!

In thinking back over the past year or so, I’ve gathered 4 main lessons I’ve learned through Human Design that's helped me live in soul alignment.  


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

Spiritual EBooks

Through self discovery and gaining more knowledge & wisdom you can create soul alignment. This is a self-led practice as you learn to support yourself through different spiritual practices and rituals. There is a range of topics from Releasing, Creating Connection, The Moon Cycle, Creating Harmony etc.

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Through community, spiritual conversation, mindfulness and self reflection you can create soul alignment. In every call you’ll release stress & worry, and create peace & joy. Stay accountable on your spiritual journey by having a community that supports you in creating an aligned life!

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.

Back to the blog - How Human Design has Helped Me

What I’ve Learned from Human Design

Consistent Energy vs. Wild Card

In Human Design you have a body graph that shows different aspects of your energy, these are called centers. When your centers are defined it means you have consistent energy in that aspect of your life. Having consistent energy means you can rely on the way you experience that specific energy. 

For instance, when your solar plexus center is defined it means you are consistent in emotions. This is your emotional center. Being consistent in emotions doesn’t necessarily mean you stay in the same emotion. It means you are consistent in your ebbs and flows. Trust what your emotions are telling you. If you are feeling sad, recognize why you are feeling sad for it’s information to help you make a change in your life so you can live in alignment. 

Now, if your solar plexus is undefined it means your energy in this center is a wild card. You cannot trust your emotions in the same way that someone with a defined solar plexus can. When a center is undefined it means you pick up energy in this aspect from your environment. Your emotions are more easily affected by other people's emotions. If you are feeling sad it’s not necessarily because something sad happened in your life, it may be because the grocery store clerk you spoke to was sad and you were affected by their energy. 


I already knew that we could be affected by someone else’s energy, however seeing my Human Design body graph makes it so much clearer which aspects of who I am are affected by external energy. 

My Head Centre is undefined meaning I can easily pick up on other people's ideas and thoughts and they aren’t necessarily the best ideas for me. I have an open perspective and can see situations from many views. This sounds great, but it also means it’s hard for me to make decisions and I cannot rely on my mind to make decisions for me. This is wild card energy for me. Ideas are great and I am always open to them, but I’m not meant to act on every single idea I have. I can’t fully trust my current perspective, I have to allow myself to flow and change my mind as I feel necessary. 

Meanwhile my Spleen Centre is defined, which is all about my intuition. I am not easily influenced by other people's energy when it comes to listening to my intuition and I actually carry consistent energy in this aspect. I can trust on how my intuition guides me in life. 

Learning where you are consistent in energy and where it’s a wild card allows you to see what energy you can trust. If I recognize that my emotions are heavy I quickly remind myself that it might not be my emotions and so not to trust what I am feeling. This allows me to release the energy without attaching onto it, so I can move into a better feeling emotion. It’s a wild card energy for me. 

The consistent vs wild card energy is all about learning which energies to trust and rely on for making decisions and learning non-attachment with energies that aren’t yours. 

Basics Make a Big Impact

I mentioned earlier that I got lost in all the information that Human Design has and I forgot to apply what I had learned. 

Once I started applying this information I began to realize that the basics make a big impact on your life when you are consistent with it. 

The basics that helped me are knowing my Type because it shows me what I am here to focus on in life. I am a Generator and as a generator I spread and share uplifting energy with the world. I love being a light and seeing other people light up in my space. The only way for me to properly share my energy is if I am excited by whatever I am doing. If I am not lit up in life then I cannot share my energy with the world. 

This seems so basic and since I started reminding myself of this and applying it to my life I’ve noticed I’m feeling better and I am attracting more people into my space. I love sharing the joy, so I need to keep creating joy for myself first. 

Next I learnt about my Authority which is how I make the most aligned decision in my life. I’m a Sacral Authority, meaning my gut will tell me which is the most aligned decision. The application of this information had to start slow and really needed consistency in order to see any real progress. Starting slow because it’s hard to trust your gut for big decisions right off the bat when you aren’t used to it. I made small day to day decisions using my gut and noticed how it led me to experiences that felt good. As I began making bigger decisions based on my gut I noticed massive progress in my life. Now I fully trust my gut in making the most aligned decisions for me!

The last basic step from Human Design that has helped me is knowing my profile, which explains my personality. I am a 2/5  - Hermit Heretic. This is how I show up in the world, what I need most to feel good, and how I can honour my energy on a day to day basis. Your profile is that permission slip for what makes you happiest and the way you go about living. Having this information has allowed me to not judge myself when I want to be alone. 

If I were to suggest 3 different aspects of Human Design to really pay attention to it would be your Type, Authority and Profile. Your Strategy is also a great 4th tool to use as it explains your go-to action when you don’t know what else to do. This action step will always keep you in alignment.

It’s All About Flow

The third thing I learned in my first year of applying Human Design in my life is that it truly is all about flow. You cannot take all 100 steps in one day, so it’s about showing up for yourself each day with however you feel and whatever is going on in life. There is no such thing as an aligned life with pushing, pressuring and forcing. 

Every decision I make I need to be in a state of flow. 

Every action I take I need to be in a state of flow. 

Every day I show up and choose to live in alignment with my Human Design, I need to remind myself to flow with the energy I am feeling in that moment. 

I cannot say “well, if I was feeling good I would do this.” All I can do is say to myself “how am I feeling right now? What do I need to get back into a good feeling? How can I make the next choice from an aligned space?” These three questions always guide me back to my Human Design and support me in flowing through life. 

Another Tool in the Toolbox

Living this human experience can be hard, challenging, overwhelming and filled with obstacles. They BEST way to move through life is to have as many different tools you can use to support yourself. Remember, it’s the journey not the destination. 

As a spiritual person I know I am a soul and while living this human experience I want to have as many different ways that I can stay connected to my soul. When I live from my soul there is alignment and purpose behind all that I am. 

Human Design is another tool in my spiritual toolbox that guides me in staying connected with my soul so I can create a life I enjoy living. Alignment and purpose always leads me to a life I love.

These are the 4 main lessons I’ve learned through Human Design and I am excited to continue my practice with this tool. I would love to know your Human Design! Leave a comment below, email me or join my free community, Shifting Forward! What is your type, authority and profile?

If you want to learn more about yourself on your spiritual journey then make sure to check out the Spiritual EBooks I have for sale. Each Guidebook has a specific focus and will lead you through lessons, knowledge and self discovery. 

Releasing… Pain, Blocks, Resistance, Fear etc.

A Guidebook for Connection

I hope this has inspired you to take a look into your Human Design or start applying what you’ve learned in your life. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith 

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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