Energy Forecast for October 4th - 10th | SPEAK YOUR TRUTH


It’s my birthday week!!!!

I always take this time to connect to the energy of the Collective, but I also want to remind you that it’s important to celebrate yourself!! Head on over to my social platforms and wish me a happy birthday - I would so appreciate it! October 4th is my official Solar Return and this year I am celebrating 31 trips around the sun! 

We are in Libra season and I could not be happier! This is by far my favourite time of the year because it brings us into a space where harmony is prioritized as we take the time to learn our lessons, release the pain and harvest the blessings from the year.

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I connect to the collective energy and tap into the main energetic messages that are influencing and guiding us. This is a great way to understand how different Universal Energies are affecting your experience here on earth. When we choose to learn from the energy that surrounds us we are able to create more ease & grace while we flow through life. 

As we shift into this new week, the beginning of October, and the 3rd week since the Fall Equinox we are also experiencing the second last week that Mercury is retrograde. If you’ve been noticing slower energy it’s for a reason. During Mercury Retrograde we are asked to slow down in our daily tasks, our communication with others, and in any big projects. Slowing down is not about stopping, it’s about being aware of how you communicate, learning what daily habits and tasks support or limit you, and not acting quickly on projects. 

This week the Moon Cycle shifts into the New Moon phase on October 6th. What a beautiful energy to feel during my birthday week!! The New Moon is the reminder that we are constantly given opportunities to start fresh and wipe the slate clean. You don’t have to carry pain from your past if you no longer want to, but you must be willing to learn the lesson through that pain in order to shift forward having grown from the past cycle. 

Now is the perfect time to ask yourself what dreams and desires you have for the next month and for the last 2 months of 2021. Also, get clear on the intentions that will support you every single day. How can you create daily habits that guide you with light and love? 

In order to create the harmony we desire we must be willing to look at the areas we’ve been carrying fear, pain, worry or stress. Before you can shift forward feeling better you must be willing to release the weight you are currently carrying.

Today (on my 31st birthday) I am recognizing mass amounts of pain and anxiety that I have been carrying for 4 years. I’ve been working towards healing and releasing these pains and I finally feel free. The wisdom and strategies in the Releasing Guidebook are how I’ve been able to guide myself through healing from my past.

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Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for October 4th - 10th 2021

Now let’s get back to the Weekly Energy Forecast.

As I do every week, I like to take the Energy Forecast one step further and channel Divine Direction through universal messages for the collective. 

I am asking two questions this week and using Denise Linn’s Native Spirit oracle deck to guide the messages coming through.

1 Where are you being asked to focus your intentions and desires for this month?

2 How can you celebrate all you are creating this month and season?

Let’s dive in and see what the messages are telling us.

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You are being asked to step forward with courage this month in your intentions. Now is not a time to shy away, it’s a time to focus on the light within you and the light of the Universe. 

Spirit is asking you to be brave in living from your heart, not your mind. Harmony doesn’t come from the worry, fear and doubt your mind creates. Harmony comes from the courage, peace, joy and light that you choose to focus on and create. 

You are being reminded that the most powerful people are not the ones that have hurt the most people, they are actually the beautiful beings who guide and support others with light, peace and compassion. 

In setting your intentions for this next month you are being reminded that courage doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid. It actually means that you recognize the fear you are carrying and you choose to take action anyways!

If you are ready to turn your fear into courageous action then the Meditation Membership is the space that will support you. Join us and start feeling empowered and uplifted in the life you are creating!


Speak your truth!

Now is not a time to shy away from your feelings, your experiences, your pain and your passions. You are being asked to heal through communication this month. You are being guided to celebrate your journey, no matter how hard and painful it has been, it’s got you to this point and now you are ready to be courageous in sharing who you are as a SOUL!

Speak from your heart, for this is how you create real, strong, lasting connections. If you want to live authentically then it’s time to celebrate your voice. Allow yourself to be heard by those around you and especially take time to hear yourself. True change, true growth comes from acknowledging how you feel. Using your voice will guide you to better understand what you want to heal through and what you desire for your life. Now is the time to take a risk and share your voice from your heart and soul. 

Be honest with yourself. Be honest with your community. For when you shutdown your voice you give power to your fears and wounds. When you speak from your heart you recognize the light within and you are guided from your desires. 

October is going to be a powerful month, so don’t let this refreshing energy pass you by. If you are ready to live in alignment with your purpose then this week can skyrocket you forward if you take advantage of this collective energy forecast. 

I would love to hear how this resonates with you and where you are choosing to guide yourself forward. 

If you are desiring more support in your spiritual journey then check out these offers:

A Guidebook for Connection is an undated yearly journal that will guide you to better understand yourself as a soul. 

The Releasing Guidebook is a spiritual ebook that will support you in releasing all the thoughts, emotions, energy, pain, blocks and resistance that’s been holding you back from living a life you love. Unsure what needs to be released? This guidebook is exactly what you need. 

Lastly, the Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment is a supportive and uplifting community that will leave you feeling empowered and aligned in your life. In this space we release daily stress and actively create the peace and joy we desire to feel. You learn about different Universal Energies, Spiritual Teachings, and how to create alignment in your life specifically. 

I look forward to seeing how your life shifts and evolves by using these spiritual tools and creating a supportive community for yourself. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness