The Best Times for Spiritual Ceremonies & Rituals


You are learning more and more about spirituality, personal development and mindset healing that you’re starting to include ceremonies and rituals into your practices. There is so much information on all the different ceremonies and rituals you could or could not do. How do you decide which ones, when, and ultimately how to do them? 

There are ceremonies and rituals for New Moon, Full Moon, healing past pain, releasing fears and energetic blocks, cleansing stagnant energy from spaces and people, manifesting your desires, and connecting to the Universe through spirit guides. There are so many reasons as to why you would have a spiritual ceremony or ritual and that’s what ultimately determines when is the best time. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, I’ve led and attended many different ceremonies and rituals all for different purposes. Today I want to share what I believe to be the best times for spiritual ceremonies and rituals. This is a great way for you to learn how to lead yourself through a ceremony by better understanding why you are leading yourself through it. 

As with everything in life, your ceremony or ritual needs to have a purpose. Why have you chosen to connect to your spirit through a ceremony and what are you hoping to get out of the experience? 

The reason you are choosing to lead yourself through a ceremony or ritual is because you’ve felt a shift in energy, you know there is a shift in energy taking place, or you desire to lead yourself through a shift in energy. Ceremonies and rituals are all about honouring the current energy you are experiencing and supporting yourself through a shift in energy. If you are not fully present and grounded through this practice, then you may not notice an effect take place. 

Here are the top 5 best times to have ceremonies or rituals for your spiritual development. 


The Moon is the Queen of Emotions and as she moves through each phase of her cycle she influences and amplifies our emotions in different ways. The New Moon phase is all about new beginnings and wiping the slate clean. This is the perfect time to lead yourself through a spiritual ceremony to connect with the New Moon energy, especially if you are wanting to manifest or set your intentions for the next month. 

As for the Full Moon it’s all about climax, harvesting the projects you’ve been working on, and receiving answers. This is when you can lead yourself through a Full Moon ceremony to connect with the energy of receiving clarity, and allowing blessings to flow in. 


I’m a big fan of cycles and learning how to flow through the different phases of each cycle. Not only do we experience the Moon Cycle, we also move through the 4 seasons as a cycle every year. This is the cycle the Earth moves through as it orbits the Sun. In the same way the Moon influences and amplifies our emotions, we can feel the energetic effects of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Rather than only being a 28 day cycle like the Moon, this cycle flows over 365 days. 

Taking the time to have a Ceremony on Spring Equinox allows you to honour the energy of planting seeds of desires and trusting in your higher power to lead you through the next cycle. Just as the New Moon is the beginning of the Moon Cycle, Spring is the beginning of the Solar Cycle.  Learning the different energies behind each season will allow you to create more ease and grace through your year, you can schedule projects, moves and changes accordingly, and you can better understand how your energy is influenced through the cyclical pattern of a year. 

Check out the blog post where I share some insights from a previous Spring Equinox and the lessons I learned from that particular energy shift. Read the blog here - 4 Lessons to Move Through the Spring Equinox and My Experiences.


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

Spiritual EBooks

Through self discovery and gaining more knowledge & wisdom you can create soul alignment. This is a self-led practice as you learn to support yourself through different spiritual practices and rituals. There is a range of topics from Releasing, Creating Connection, The Moon Cycle, Creating Harmony etc.

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Through community, spiritual conversation, mindfulness and self reflection you can create soul alignment. In every call you’ll release stress & worry, and create peace & joy. Stay accountable on your spiritual journey by having a community that supports you in creating an aligned life!

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Back to the blog - The Best Times for Spiritual Ceremonies and Rituals


The next 3 best times to lead yourself through a ceremony or ritual are dependent on you and what is happening in your life right now. 

I mentioned earlier that spiritual ceremonies are meant for shifting between two different energies, we can experience these types of shifts on a daily basis. For instance if you are changing emotions throughout the day, your energy is shifting. If your thoughts are changing, and you are taking action on different projects, you can be shifting the energy. When the weather changes, there is a shift in energy. Basically, in life energy is always moving, changing, evolving, and flowing around us, so if you are wanting to create a big energetic shift a ceremony is a beautiful way to honour that shift. 

When you are moving through a big life change you may easily feel frantic, nervous, unsettled, confused, or a number of other emotions. Through this life change you may desire to feel peaceful, satisfied, fulfilled, supported or again, a number of other emotions. You feel one way and desire to feel another way. Leading yourself through a ceremony or ritual at this time will allow you to let go of the energy you no longer wish to carry and open space to receive the energy you do want to experience. 

You are supporting yourself through the big life change by choosing to shift your own energy into a space of trust. 

This type of ceremony may be what you are looking for when:

  • You are moving

  • You are changing careers

  • You are ending a relationship or starting a new one

  • Anything else that seems big and has a lot of unknowns in what the future may bring

You will know when it's time to lead yourself through a ceremony for big life changes because you will feel overwhelmed during this shift with a lot of questions, worries, fears or doubts filling you up. That is the moment for you to create sacred space and lead yourself through a spiritual ceremony. 


The first three best times for spiritual ceremonies are focused on big moments in your life that happen occasionally, or are scheduled for specific dates, i.e. when the Moon is in the New Moon phase. The next two spiritual ceremonies are focused on more regular occurrences when you need to create a purposeful and intentional energetic shift. 

It’s easy for you to pick up energy that is heavy, harsh and unsupportive in many ways. When you notice yourself in a bad mood, stuck in a negative thought pattern, holding onto your fears, or blocked from seeing the light in your situation you have become attached to a negative energy. It’s okay, this is completely normal. 

Remember I mentioned how energy is always flowing around you? Sometimes this energy can be absorbed by our energetic being and we begin to carry that heavy, harsh energy. There are many different reasons why we become attached to it, depending on what the energy is from. For instance, if your family member has worries for you on your path, you may be attached to their emotions and anytime they contact you, you feel the energetic weight from their worries. You may have witnessed somebody struggle through a challenge and you are carrying sadness for their experience. You are energetically attached to their emotions and experience. You may even have an emotional attachment to your own experience and you are carrying stress from your day at work. 

The best time for you to lead yourself through a releasing energy ceremony is when you feel heavy, drained, or overwhelmed. If you notice you are carrying worries, doubts or fears for something in your life then it may be time to release that energy through a ceremony. 

There are so many different ways we are influenced and affected by the energy that surrounds us and within us. When you notice this energy having a negative affect on you, then it is time to release that energy. 

If you want to learn more about releasing, what type of energy needs to be released, how to release energy, and different ceremonies to release then check out the Releasing Guidebook. It will guide you through everything you need to know about releasing. 


The fifth best time to lead yourself through a spiritual ceremony is when you are healing. There are so many different things we need to heal from over the span of our lives, and the process looks different for everyone. This journey is about building awareness and learning as you take each step. The more aware you become and the more you learn the easier it becomes to show up and support yourself. The releasing and healing is never over, because there are always new layers to work through. 

By having different spiritual ceremonies and rituals, you can support yourself through the process of growing and evolving. Rather than feeling uncomfortable and afraid of the pain, fears, resistance and blocks you carry, ceremonies give you the strength and power to shift yourself in a supportive direction. 

Your spiritual journey is exactly that, it’s yours. Spiritual ceremonies and rituals are meant to be another tool to guide yourself through the journey in a way that feels good to you, even in the uncomfortability of the healing. 

I hope in sharing the top 5 best times to lead yourself through a ceremony you have a better idea on how you can continue to support yourself in your personal growth. 

Remember, sometimes a ceremony is best done alone if that’s what you need at that moment, and sometimes it’s best done in community because you need to be surrounded by like-minded souls in a safe and supportive space. Either way, you will know what is best for you at each moment. 

If you are looking for more information and guidance to feel supported on your spiritual journey then check these out.

Free Mini Book - The 4 Steps to Shadow Work

Releasing… Pain, Blocks, Resistance, Fear etc. Guidebook

A Guidebook for Connection

I hope these tools help you continue to grow and create a life that feels good to you!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness 


FREE Mini Book for healing past trauma

Spiritual EBook focused on releasing pain, blocks, fears, emotional attachments, resistance and more.

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