What’s the Difference between Balance & Harmony?

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Work Life Balance, is it even a thing? Is this something people are still striving for? Nowadays you hear a lot of people say balance is impossible and nobody should be striving for balance in life. Perfect balance is not what we need to be striving for, and instead I believe we need to bring our focus to harmony. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, I’ve had to learn through experience what the harsh realities of work life imbalance are. Since my mental, emotional and spiritual breakdown I’ve spent my life trying to uncover what balance feels like to me and how to create a balanced life. I quickly learnt that balance is not the goal, and instead I began asking myself “how can I create harmony in my life?” 

In this blog I want to share the difference between creating a well balanced life versus creating a harmonious life. It’s important through everything in life that you take what resonates and leave the rest. I’ve moved through these experiences that have led me to understand what I desire and what I need out of life, you may desire something different. By learning more perspectives you get one step closer to understanding who you are and what you truly desire and need out of life. I hope my explanation of creating balance versus creating harmony allows you to understand how you can create a life that feels good to you. 


The definition of balance is when two things weigh the same. You have to be able to compare these two items on some sort of scale or level to determine if they are of equal value. For instance, a ton of feathers and a ton of bricks are equal in weight. 

If you are using balance to compare two things in your life, it can be extremely difficult to weigh them against each other. What value are you using to weigh these aspects of your life? For instance, work and play are completely different experiences you move through. You can’t compare them financially because one makes you money and the other costs you money usually. You could compare them by time, but that would be really hard to create balance in a way that feels good for you. 

Let’s think about the idea of “work/life balance” for a moment. What two items are you comparing against each other? Work and life? Is work not an aspect of your life? So you are basically saying that work should equal half of your existence and everything else in your life is the other half? This does not sound like a life I want to live. Actually, I’ve already lived this life and it led me to feeling completely lost in who I was and unsure what I wanted out of life. 


I did not have “work/life balance” because I loved my work. It didn’t feel like I needed to create balance because I enjoyed basically every aspect of my job. This meant I prioritized my work over everything else in life. 

What happens when the one thing in your life no longer brings you the same happiness? What happens if that one thing now is constantly draining you and leaving you feeling empty? 

What did I do when I found myself in this situation?

I told myself to suck it up and be happy. I said, “look around you, life is great! Be grateful for the life you have.”

I ignored and avoided my true emotions on the experience I was having and covered it up with toxic positivity

The moment after my mental breakdown I had one fear filled thought pop into my head and it said “who am I?”

My work had become my life and I didn’t know who I was outside of the job. I didn’t even realize who I had become inside the job. Did I even like that version of me?

The imbalance I experienced in my life, by prioritizing work, led me to a space where I didn’t know who I was or how I desired to live. 

You cannot define yourself by only 2 things in life. You are more than your job. You are more than the role you play for your family. You are more than how your friends view you. You are more than the titles you wear. 

I had to learn this and that is what led me to discovering harmony and how I could create a harmonious life for myself. I wanted to feel free, happy, at peace, and passionate about my experiences in life. I wanted to feel purpose with the way I was choosing to live. Learning how to create a harmonious life has led me to a life I love. 

My personal definition of living in harmony is about bringing all aspects of your life into a peaceful energetic flow with each other. It’s about being able to guide yourself to inner peace no matter what is going on in your external world.


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Back to the blog - What’s the Difference between Balance and Harmony?


Your life is made up of more than two aspects, so we cannot ask ourselves how to create balance when life is more than 2 aspects. Plus, we all know perfection is not what we need to be striving for, instead we need to be striving for an experience that feels good. 

Your life right now may be made up of 3-5 different aspects. For instance, mine are Business, Personal/Spiritual, Adventure, Family, Social. Some of my aspects bleed into others, for example Personal/Spiritual is a way of life for me, so I carry that aspect in all that I am and all that I do. I still claim it as an aspect of my life because it’s important for me to remember to show up in that space and energy. In order to create a harmonious life I can ask myself, do I feel at peace in each aspect of my life, and do I feel at peace with my life on a whole. When I ask myself “Is my life in harmony?” it’s a way for me to see if I am prioritizing one aspect over another and it’s leaving me feeling stressed, worried or fearful. 

I know I am not defined by one aspect of my life, so if it’s not flowing as peacefully as I desire, I can gain harmony and peace from the other aspects of my life while healing the one that is feeling blocked. 


As I have learnt to create harmony within my life I have been able to feel at peace even when I am moving through challenges. Rather than feeling stuck, exhausted, frustrated or angry all of the time because I’m moving through an obstacle in my business, I can come back to a space of feeling joy, peace, satisfied and fulfilled in a different area of life. There are always going to be challenges and difficulties we have to move through in life, and if we had to stay miserable and defeated through the entire challenge life would not be enjoyable

By actively creating harmony in my life I can have fun, laugh, feel loved, experience peace and satisfaction on a daily basis, even when moving through a challenge in my business, or an obstacle on my personal healing journey. 

Harmony brings our focus back into the present moment, how you are experiencing your emotions, and placing a focus on feeling at peace in your life in any phase. 

Balance places our focus on one or two aspects of life and prioritizes the end result, rather than the feeling through your experience. 


Let’s take a quick look into the pros for creating a harmonious life to see if this lifestyle resonates with you.

Living in the present and experiencing everything as it unfolds now.

Prioritize creating moments right now that feel good to you.

Honouring yourself through the challenges and learning how to support yourself through the process.

Not defining yourself by one thing, because when you failed you’d deem yourself a failure.

Seeing that you are a multi-dimensional being and choosing to live a multi-dimensional life.

Learning to create inner peace at any moment.

Feeling supported through life’s ebbs and flows. 

There are so many more pros that I am sure you could determine over time, but for myself the main take away from living a harmonious life is that I understand what feels good to me so I can continue to create more of it. Also, I know what doesn’t feel good to me so I can create less of it and support myself more through those moments. 

Creating harmony is truly about creating your life, rather than trying to simply survive. 

If you are ready to take the step in creating a harmonious life then stay tuned for my guidebook Creating a Harmonious Life - Living in Soul Alignment COMING SOON. It will lead you through self-discovery so you can guide yourself to create a life you love living. 

This guidebook will give you the step by step process so you can create harmony in a way that feels good to you. Your life aspects are going to be different than mine, and harmony is going to feel different to you then it does to me. So this guidebook will lead you through the process of better understanding yourself so you can create your harmonious life! 

If you have more questions on the difference between balance and harmony please let me know. I’d love to hear how this resonates with you and what you have to take away from this topic. Are you already creating harmony in your life? What have you learnt that works best for you?

Let me know, you can leave a comment below, join my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward, or find me on social media

Until time time, sending love & light to you on your journey of creating harmony,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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