5 Most Common Mistakes Using Oracle Cards


The moment you awaken on your spiritual journey you find yourself on the path of constantly being overwhelmed with so many questions. This spiritual curiosity can guide you into an ego space of wanting all the answers.

Oracle Cards are an amazing tool to use on your spiritual journey, especially when you find yourself feeling stuck, unsupported, drained, unmotivated, and purposeless. Oracle Cards help to bring clarity, guidance, direction and uplifting messages meant to support you through life. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have witnessed other people and experienced for myself these 5 main faux pas when using oracle cards. I share these in hopes that you learn from my mistakes. 

When we use Oracle Cards correctly we can connect to true magic that can forever change the course of your life. It’s all about the questions you ask, how you choose to interpret the messages and the most important step is how you integrate the messages into your life. 

If you love using Oracle Cards to gain more insight into your life and you want to receive the full benefits of this spiritual tool then keep reading.

Mistake #1

Relying on oracle cards to give you all the answers. 

Oracle Cards are meant to be a tool you use to strengthen the voice of your soul. Oracle Cards help guide you to align with your soul path. It’s not about the Oracle Cards, it’s about learning to listen to your intuition, your gut knowing. Oracle Cards are a tool to help you connect to yourself. When you have a stronger connection with who you are it becomes easier to trust your path. When you trust your path you don’t use the oracle cards as often. 

You are not meant to use Oracle Cards so you become dependent on them. They will not give you all the answers. They can however guide you to find the answers within you. 

Oracle Cards cannot be the only tool you rely on in your spiritual practice. When you include other rituals, tools, and practices on your spiritual journey you begin strengthening your connection to your inner spirit. It’s not about the tool itself, it’s about how you feel through the connection, what you learn, and how you choose to move forward. 

Stop relying on oracle cards to give you all the answers. 

Mistake #2 

Asking time specific questions. 

It’s not about WHEN it’s about HOW you need to live along the way. 

No one can predict the future because it’s always changing. I could predict something that may happen to you on a certain day, but if you do not make certain choices then you may lead yourself in a different direction. The future is always changing because of free will and choice. The future isn’t only dependent on how you choose to act today, it’s affected by everyone else in the world, and every energy in the Universe. We all impact each other and we are influenced by everything in the Universe. 

When you are focused on the timeframe you are not in a place of surrender. This is an ego-based energy because you are too attached to the outcome. Living in soul alignment is not about all the things you will receive, it’s about the experience you are having right now. When you are asking your Oracle Cards questions in order to gain clarity make sure you aren’t asking when something will happen. Bring your questions back to a present based focus. Here is a much better question to ask: What can I do right now to move towards this desire?


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Back to the blog - 5 Most Common Mistakes Using Oracle Cards

Mistake #3

You believe all of your readings are focused on taking action.

Every time you pick an oracle deck up, is your intention to receive guidance on the action steps you need to take? Sometimes it’s not about doing, sometimes it’s about looking within. We are always so focused on the masculine energy of hustle, go go go, and making sure you complete all the steps. 

When your mindset going into a reading is all about what steps you need to take then you won’t be open to receiving the most aligned guidance. When we are in that hustle mentality we block ourselves from enjoying the present moment. If you are too focused on all the steps you need to complete to reach the end result then you forget to slow down and truly listen to the voice of your soul. 

Life is not about finishing the to-do list. It’s not about completing all the steps to reach the achievement. Life is about finding soul fulfillment which can only be felt in the moment. Sometimes the guidance coming through your Oracle Cards is focused on shifting your perspective, slowing down to allow healing, or releasing emotional attachments. Living aligned with your soul is not about doing all of the things, it’s about breaking down the barriers that are blocking your inner light and learning to follow your light unapologetically. The inner work is even more important than crossing the steps off the to do list. 

(Want to learn more about Shadow Work? Check out the FREE mini book, The 4 Steps to Shadow Work)

Mistake #4

You obsessively use your Oracle Cards, but don’t apply the wisdom to your life. 

Information is great, but if you don’t do anything with the information then it’s useless. When you choose to receive messages through Oracle Cards your Angels and Ancestors are taking the time to guide you and offer support. It’s a beautiful practice that can help you to connect with your Angels and Spirit Guides. However, if you are constantly pulling cards for yourself and never applying the wisdom, or following through with the messages then the messages won’t change. 

You will not receive different guidance if you choose to not follow the steps you’ve been given. The magic behind Oracle Cards and receiving guidance from your Angels occurs when you integrate and embody the soul messages. How does the message impact who you are and how you experience life?

Slow down on pulling new cards every single day of the week. Start doing a card reading for yourself once a week and come back to the messages each day and ask yourself if you’ve been embodying the soul guidance or not.

Mistake #5

Not using your intuition while using oracle cards. 

This tool is not meant for you to rely on the message that the creator of the deck channeled. Yes, reading the in depth messages from the book can be exactly what you need to hear in that moment, but oracle cards are a tool designed to help you strengthen your own intuition. 

If you only ever focus on the messages in the book then you are missing out on the true magic of oracle cards. Oracle Cards can be the beginning of learning to trust your intuition. You can even strengthen your clair-abilities through the use of Oracle Cards. 

If you are not using your intuition when choosing cards then you are missing out on the opportunity to connect with your intuitive gifts. 

This is by far the biggest mistake I see when people use oracle cards. My intuition and clair-abilities have drastically strengthened and my trust in my abilities is like no other, all because I leaned into my intuition when reading cards rather than focusing on the book’s message. 

These are the top 5 mistakes I have seen people make when using oracle cards, and I have made them all myself too. Don’t get caught up in judgment if you find yourself making one or all of these mistakes. The reason I am sharing this wisdom with you is so you can learn and grow from the mistakes. You can’t change the past with the information you have now. You can change your future if you choose to apply what you’ve learned. 

I’d love to hear if you gained something from this post, so please leave a comment below and let me know what resonates the most!

Using Oracle Cards is not only about gaining wisdom and guidance, it’s also about practicing your intuitive abilities and learning to trust the messages you receive. 

Even if you are not the one conducting the reading, maybe you are having your cards read by someone else, you can still practice your own intuitive abilities. Use these three tips to strengthen your intuition the next time you receive an oracle card reading, intuitive reading, or psychic reading from someone else:

1 Ground yourself before the reading so you are centered and aligned.

When you listen to the reading, notice the way your body feels through each message. The vibrational shifts and changes you notice are signs as to how your intuition speaks through you. 

2 Journal your own thoughts and feelings from the reading.

Whether it’s during or after the reading, journal whatever pops up in your mind during the reading. Sometimes your gut knowing and intuition sparks up when you hear a specific word or message. Writing down whatever comes forward for you (thoughts, feelings, sounds, ideas, visions, etc) is a great way to strengthen the voice of your soul. The more you listen and acknowledge it, the louder it gets.

3 Slow down and sit with it.

Don’t rush into action. Once you’ve received your reading, find time in stillness to reflect on what came forward. You are not thinking about all the things you have to do, instead you are sitting with the messages you heard and how it feels to hear those messages. Noticing the feeling that moves through your body is another great way to strengthen your gut knowing and intuition. 

Your intuition doesn’t speak through the constant thoughts you experience. It speaks through your body, your emotions, and a knowing that can move through your mind as a calm truth that makes you feel centered. Using Oracle Cards is a beautiful way to strengthen the connection you create with your intuition. 

If you are ready to receive clarity and guidance through Oracle Cards then look no further. I have a 3 Month Bundle offer that provides a monthly reading for each month. This is a great way to receive direction and support to create soul alignment in your life based on the energy you are moving through each month. These readings remind you where to focus your energy, what needs to be released and how you can follow your soul path. Only a limited amount is available, so don’t wait to book yours. 

Here is what one client is saying after 9 months of readings:

“SYDNEY CHANGED MY LIFE. I would say it's that simple but I feel as if it would be a downplay to everything she's given to me since working with her. She does monthly readings for me that have helped me deconstruct so many challenges in my world for me to reconstruct and build a new path for myself in spirituality and my personal life. I feel more connected to my roots, to my soul, to universe since working with her. Her guidance is unmatched, her ability to do what she does is something that absolutely BLOWS MY MIND for quite some time now. I honestly could talk about Sydney for hours. I've referred well over 10 people to her who would all say the same, but I cannot thank Sydney enough for who she's become in my world. When you hear the phrase, "she's the real deal" think of Sydney because that's exactly what she is. But more, she's compassionate, honest, gentle, kind, and her energy exhumes that of someone who wants to dedicate their lives to the servitude of others. Her affinity for her work is something I admire. I don't care what you're going through in your world, who you want to connect with in the spirit world, or what your overall goal is in seeking out a psychic medium intuit; Sydney is the only way to go. She isn't an option. She's literally THE ONE. THANK YOU, Syd. You are a ROCK.” - Christine Weimer

If you are ready to receive messages that will uplift and empower you through healing and growth, then the 3 Month Bundle Reading is for you. Check it out at the button below!

I want to thank you so much for reading this post and I truly hope you can carry some of this knowledge into your own life.

I look forward to connecting with you again, and I hope this post has helped you better understand how Oracle Cards can support you in strengthening your intuition.

Until next time, sending love and light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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