Energy Forecast for November 29th - December 5th | TIME TO DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY


Every single day we gain more wisdom that can help us to expand and grow through this journey of life. The problem is we have created a comfort zone where we live on auto-pilot and we don’t actually apply the wisdom we’ve gained. 

In this Sagittarius season we are being guided to do things differently. It’s time to break free from the auto-pilot behaviours that have kept us seemingly stuck in the same place for years. It’s time to step into our Soul Truths so we can transform and create all that we desire. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, every single week I use my intuition and clair-abilities with the help of divination tools in order to channel messages from the Universe and share how the collective will be impacted. These weekly energy forecasts are a great way for you to better understand the energies that are influencing your experience so you can support yourself by being proactive. 

Along with psychically channeling messages for the weekly energy forecast, I also check in with the Moon Cycle and current phases we are moving through. This gives us great insight into how our emotions will be amplified throughout the week because the Moon is the Queen of Emotions and she is always influencing our energy via our emotions. 

A few days ago, Saturday November 27th to be exact, the Moon Cycle shifted into the Third Quarter phase. This means we are currently experiencing the energy of release and rest. In order to prepare for the New Moon, which is on Saturday December 4th, we need to release any energy, thoughts, emotions and behaviours that are holding us back. This New Moon is a Solar Eclipse as well. During eclipse season we are being reminded that things are shifting in order for us to align with our destiny. Eclipses will never make something happen that is not supposed to happen. This current eclipse is the last of a cycle of eclipses that begin in 2020, so it’s closing out some destiny timelines we were meant to experience over the last two years. This is the last eclipse of 2021 and it’s a perfect time to reflect on how you’ve grown since June 2020.

I want you to know that your desires are possible, for they are placed in your heart for a reason. However, in order to allow your desire to be met you have to first make energetic space in your life for them. Energy cannot be destroyed, it can only be transmuted and released. If you desire joy and you are currently in a state of fear then it’s your job to either transmute the fear with compassion, or release the energetic attachment you have to the fear so you can create space for joy to flow in more easily. 

This week is a time for release. 

The New Moon says, let’s wipe the slate clean and start fresh, which is easier said than done. As humans we all have baggage and for some reason we love to identify with our baggage. This Sagittarius season we are being reminded that exploration is a lot easier when we aren’t carrying a bunch of crap around causing us to move slower than desired. Now is your opportunity to take the introspection you moved through last week and begin releasing the doubt, fear and worry you’ve been attached to for so long. For this energy will not serve you where you are headed. 


Releasing Guidebook

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This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for November 29th - December 5th 2021

Now that we have a better idea of how the Moon is influencing us this week, let’s jump into the channeled messages for the collective energy forecast. 

As I create stillness in my mind I am able to clearly hear the messages from the Universe via my intuition and clair- abilities. This week I am using Dr. Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle deck as my divination tool of choice. A divination tool allows me to better understand the messages that are moving through my channel. 

The questions being asked this week are:

1 What are we forgetting about the release process?

2 How are our intentions misguided?

Let’s jump in and see what messages are coming forward for this week’s energy forecast.


Trust your instincts to guide you through this situation. 

You know what you need to release, but you are afraid of what life will look like after you let go. You keep telling yourself, I need more information before I’m willing to take a step forward. I don’t have enough wisdom yet, I don’t have enough proof yet, I don’t have enough ____ yet. 

You are holding yourself back because your mind is saying “by our calculations this isn’t going to work”. Your mind isn’t supposed to be how you make the most aligned decisions for your life. Yes, your mind allows you to process all the information you’ve gathered and it makes sense of the knowledge that is in front of you. But, your instincts are the compass guiding you in which direction to take that first step. Your mind says “this is how to take the first step” meanwhile your intuition/instinct says “this is the direction to take the first step”. 

You are prioritizing your mind too much in this release process and it’s holding you back. You are forgetting that your intuition doesn’t act on information gathered, instead it’s a magnetic force guiding you to trust the knowing within you. Your intuition is always available to you and it’s an in the moment guide. You cannot prepare for step number 5 based on your intuition until you’ve completed step number 4. 

You have forgotten that your intuition will never go away. It actually gets stronger the more you use it and rely on it. Stop letting your mind scare you into inaction. 


Pay attention to your dreams and visions.

An intention is an action with purpose. Lately your intentions have been misguided because you’ve forgotten the action portion. You’ve been stressing about what is the right action and how do you know if it’s the right action. The purpose behind your action is to move you towards your dreams and visions. 

When it’s time to take action don’t list out all the reasons why you shouldn’t take action, instead list out the purpose behind your dreams and visions and why you want to bring those visions into your reality. 

Your intentions are not to walk away from a life you knew in the past. 

Your intentions are to support you as you enthusiastically walk towards your dreams and visions. 

Bring this beautiful connection of purpose and vision back into your intentions and you will feel excited to take action. 

Life is not about where you once were. It’s not even about where you are going. Life is about how you can live with purpose right now while you take action on your passions. Your passions are leading you to the future vision. 

Now is the perfect time, as you release the old, to look at where you want to go or what you hope to experience one day. Not as a way of manifesting, but instead to get clear with yourself on your purpose behind taking action today. 

I truly hope that these messages help to support and guide you as you flow throughout the week. 

Your Higher Self is constantly encouraging you to keep going, keep dreaming, keep following your passions and keep trusting in the Universe. 

If you are ready to build a stronger connection with your Higher Self so you can trust the voice of your soul, then my new program, Spirit of Air, is for you. In this 12 month program you will break free from the resistance and blocks that have been holding you back so you can trust the divinity and magic that is being channeled through you. Not only will you strengthen your intuition, you will also learn how to use clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience in order to channel messages from the Universe for yourself and others. This is where you take your connection to the Universe to a whole new level. Doors to join close on December 11th, so don’t wait! Learn more here.

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey, 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness