5 Ways We Block Hearing & Trusting Our Intuition (and a solution to opening them up)


Following your intuition can be one of the most peaceful practices you do in life, but it takes a lot of commitment to first build trust in yourself and your intuition. 

Trust your gut. Trust your vibes. Trust your knowing. Trust your intuition. In the end, it’s all the same thing leading you in the direction of your soul path. 

Your soul path is not some dramatic journey that leads to fulfillment, success and purpose. Your soul path is living your everyday life by making the most aligned decisions for you by listening to your soul via your intuition. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have worked with many clients who want to be able to listen to their intuition and follow their soul path, but they always get stuck on the same blocks. In this blog I want to share the five main blocks stopping you from trusting your gut instincts and vibes. 

As humans we have our Ego and our Spirit and we need to learn to bring these two into harmony so they aren’t constantly battling each other. We’ve lived in a world where logic has been prioritized and vibes are beginning to be viewed and accepted more openly. If you are here, you’ve most likely had an experience where you simply felt something was off, you got a bad vibe. This was your intuition telling you something. My question to you is, did you listen to it? 

When we don’t listen to the vibes, or gut feelings we receive we end up making a decision that leads us through more challenges and obstacles. 

When we listen to the vibes, or inner knowings we receive we end up feeling relief and finding peace a lot quicker. 

In order to build your confidence in hearing your intuition and trusting your vibes you have to know what blocks you are carrying that create resistance around trusting yourself. 

Let’s dig into the five main blocks you may be experiencing...

1 You’re afraid of “doing it wrong”

One of the blocks we experience is we are afraid of making the wrong choice. When we feel the intuitive nudge or vibe we are quick to say to ourselves “but what if I’m not feeling it right, what if I take action in the wrong way?”. 

We are so focused on doing things perfectly that we don’t want to make any mistakes and sometimes not listening to our inner knowing is actually the biggest mistake we can make. 

This block is especially true for when you have to make big decisions that lead you out of your comfort zone. 

This idea of “what if I do it wrong” is centered in a pessimistic viewpoint. Maybe you look back on all of your past experiences and can count all the times you felt you did something wrong and this gives you factual evidence as to why you might do it wrong again. All of this stems from a logical point of view, which is not where your intuition comes from. 

The most important thing we need to know about listening to and trusting our intuition is that we are allowed to change our minds at any point. If your intuition or vibes are guiding you in a direction today and you choose to follow it, yet all of a sudden a week from now your intuition is guiding you in a different direction, you are allowed to change directions. 

Intuition and vibes are an in the moment feeling and they give you the most aligned decision for your soul in this moment with what’s currently happening. Remember, we all make mistakes, that’s part of being human. You have to be willing to overcome the idea that mistakes are the end of the world, because they are not. Also, making a mistake is not to say you are doing something wrong. Perfection is not the goal, taking action from a peaceful space is the goal (at least personally that’s my goal!).


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Back to the blog - 5 Ways We Block Hearing & Trusting Our Intuition

2 You’re worried about hurting someone else

For all my people pleasing friends and empaths this one is for us! 

We get so caught up in not wanting to hurt someone else's feelings that we make decisions that end up hurting ourselves. For too long we’ve prioritized the idea of being a “good person” means doing no harm. I agree with this, except doing no harm is not about making decisions to only please the other person. Doing no harm includes yourself too. 

Usually when you receive vibes or an intuitive knowing it’s because you are being guided to make a decision for your well-being. If you stop yourself from following those vibes because you are worried about how someone else will feel you end up doing harm to yourself. 

We need to get over the fact that being “nice” is everything and we need to remember that being kind means being kind to yourself too. The other person will understand if you have to make a decision that's for your well-being, and if they don’t understand then that is not your fault. We can’t make people understand. We can only do the best for ourselves and share compassion and kindness with our community, all the rest is out of our control.

3 You doubt your ability

We all move through self-doubt at some point or another and some of us even live in this space our entire lives. The doubt feels all encompassing and we can’t find a way to break free. It’s become a pattern that we’ve actually found comfort in because when we doubt ourselves we don’t have to step out and try anything new. At least that’s what our ego tells us, that it’s not safe to try something new. 

This doubt is extremely limiting to not only trusting your vibes and intuition, but it limits you from actually hearing your intuition. Doubt is the loudest thought process we move through and when we sit in it long enough we can come up with a million reasons as to why we cannot accomplish something. 

If you feel this self-doubt I want you to know that you are not alone, AND that your Spirit is so desperately trying to get your attention so you know you are worthy. Working through your self-esteem is the first step to be able to hear your inner knowing more clearly and to be able to take action on the vibes you're receiving. 

4 You’re second-guessing and over-thinking 

The next block we experience that stops us from trusting the vibes we receive is our natural behaviour of second-guessing and over-thinking. Don’t get me wrong, doubling checking your vibes and intuition is necessary at times, but it’s when we fall into the trap of over-thinking that creates real resistance. 

Not everyone is an over-thinker, but those that are, you know you are. This isn’t a place to judge yourself or place blame, it’s simply the space of recognizing it’s one of your blocks. When you know that this is a behaviour you tend to lean into, you can start supporting yourself through it instead of unconsciously getting sucked into the vortex of second-guessing. 

Remember your intuition is an in the moment vibe check that you feel, so if you spend too long over-thinking and second-guessing you are creating the mental block to not trust the feeling you have in your body. 

5 You need logical and rational proof

The last of the five main blocks we experience is your need for logical and rational proof. 

Let’s get one thing straight, intuition is not based on logic. Trusting your vibes is a feeling and you don’t always have rational proof as to why you are being guided in the way you are. After the situation has played out, hindsight is 20-20, you’ll know why you were guided in the way you were. 

Whether you are the one that needs logical proof for your decision or someone else is asking you for logical proof, this is a huge block to being able to trust your intuition. Living an intuitive life and following your vibes is not about throwing logic out the window, it’s about learning to find a balance (or harmony) between the two. 

In order to hear and trust your intuition you first need to understand what’s blocking you and creating resistance within. It’s a mental game when we are trying to live our soul path because our mind can easily sway us off course. 

These blocks won’t disappear once you are aware of them. You need to be willing to build a practice of recognizing when they pop up, and guiding yourself back to your intuition. You hold the power, it’s all about where you are choosing to place that power. 

Feeling your intuition and trusting your vibes is the way to living an intuitive life. Your soul guides you through vibes, energy and your inner knowing. In order to stay aligned with your soul path you need to be able to hear the thoughts in your mind and guide yourself back to trusting the feeling you’re receiving through your intuition. The more you practice, the easier it becomes and the more you are able to trust your vibes and intuition. 

In the Spirit of Air 12 month group program you will dive deep into understanding these intuitive feelings, what they mean, and what they are really telling you. Join me for a journey of connecting deeper to the universe, your intuition, your own gifts and a whole lot more. Are you ready to finally start trusting your intuition? Check out the Spirit of Air program here

The 2022 run of this program is open for enrollment until December 11th 2021. If you are reading this after the fact and interested in the next round then join the waitlist!

I hope this blog brings more guidance into your life around what’s blocking you from trusting your intuition!

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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