Energy Forecast for June 13th - 19th | Auto-Pilot versus New Habits


Your dream life is not a specific amount of time away from you and your current experience. Your dream life is separated from your current reality by your habits, behaviours and beliefs. This is great news because you cannot control time, but you can certainly control your habits, behaviours and beliefs through conscious choice. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author and Intuitive Guide, every single week I tap into the Universal Energy of the collective in order to channel messages from spirit and decipher the ebbs and flow of energy. These weekly Energy Forecasts are a great way to gain spiritual insight into how you will be influenced and affected by the energy that is shifting and changing around you. 

As I connect with the Universe and listen to the messages from Spirit for the week of Monday, June 13th to Sunday, June 19th there is a reminder for all of us to pay attention to our internal condition rather than staying focused on the external environment. 

What does this mean?

You cannot control what is happening outside of you, so when you allow your environment, the people around you and the situation you are moving through to bring you the emotions you desire you can be waiting a long time. Versus, when you pay attention to how you feel, the thoughts cycling through your mind, and your natural habits you are better able to stay in the driver's seat of your experience. 

Let’s say you only get 60 minutes of free time every single day. How are you going to choose to spend that time? 

You could watch TV for an hour, or you could spend 15 minutes meditating to clear your mind, 15 minutes journaling in order to release any heaviness you’ve been carrying and then 30 minutes walking in nature, sitting in your yard or doing something creative in order to spark your inner light. Which option do you think would make you feel your best? 

The clear message from Spirit we are being asked to focus on not only this week, but over the next 3 months, is to pay attention to our daily habits and behaviours and start choosing healthy, supportive habits to instill that leave you feeling uplifted and centered on your soul path. 

On Tuesday, June 14th the Moon Cycle will transition into the Full Moon phase which is a time for clarity as situations will come to a climax. The Full Moon also amplifies emotions and energy, so even though you may feel centered right now, if you are surrounded by a lot of people you can easily pick up on their amplified stress, anger or frustration. You don’t need to allow someone else’s energy and emotions to impact your own. Strong boundaries to protect yourself are important right now. 

If you are wanting clarity on a specific situation in your life, then make sure to spend some time this week in a Full Moon ceremony. Connect with your Divine Team of Angels and Spirit Guides, ask for assistance and support, cleanse the energy you are carrying, and open your channel to receive clarity and blessings for your highest good. 

When you prioritize how you feel internally it becomes easier to flow through life without being affected by your environment. When you focus on what is happening around you in your environment your emotions and energy levels are more easily swayed.


Spiritual Awakening: 15 Tips You NEED to Know

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No matter what guided you to your awakening or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, this list of 15 things you need to know will support you as you shift forward.

These spiritual journey truths are meant to inspire and empower you to continue learning, healing and growing each step of the way.

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Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for June 13th - 19th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the energetic focus this week for the collective, let’s see if there are any other messages of guidance coming forward. 

I am using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards and my intuitive and clairvoyant abilities in order to decipher the messages for this week. 

The question being asked is, “how can we focus on creating supportive habits this week?”



“Move in a new direction”

This message isn’t necessarily about a physical move, although it can be pointing to a relocation. The real message is that you need to be willing to do things differently from here on out because what worked for you in the past is not what is needed for the future you desire. 

There is a massive shift taking place in the Universe right now, many of us are awakening to the call while some of us will continue to ignore and deny this wake up. What does this universal shift mean? It means that we are being given a divine opportunity to create more of the life we desire to live, but as Traveller says, we need to be willing to move in a new direction. 

What we tend to claim as easy is often our laziness taking over as we slip into old patterns of behaviours and beliefs. It takes work to change our habitual patterns and it takes courage to break away from the belief systems that keep us playing small. 

Big change starts with one small step you take each day. The message we are being asked to focus on is starting to create supportive habits by moving in a new direction. What can you do differently this week that feels supportive and healthy for your growth? 

Spirit’s suggestions for healthy habits are meditating, journaling, spending time in nature, connecting in spiritual community, painting, dancing, yoga, gardening, divine connection through prayer or ceremony. You are being asked to uncover which daily habits and behaviours allow you to feel connected to the Universe and inspire you to grow out of your comfort zone. 

This is the beginning of a beautiful and sacred path that will take you to new adventures, deep connection, and fulfilling purpose. Your daily habits are either supporting your spiritual growth or they are limiting your ability to manifest your desires.

Don’t forget to join the Meditation Membership as one of your new supportive habits. This is a supportive, spiritual community where we focus on releasing stress and creating peace on a daily basis. Check it out here! 

You can also download the free Mini Book, Spiritual Awakening: 15 Tips You Need to Know, for guidance on your spiritual journey. Download a copy here. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



Stop playing small. It’s time to start living with soul purpose.

Work with Sydney in the 1:1 Mentoring Program in order to shed old versions of you that feel limiting, heal past and fresh pain, and step into the light of your Spirit!



Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

Join the Meditation Membership in order to expand your spiritual knowledge and be part of a safe and supportive community focusing on releasing pressure and creating peace.