Connecting to the Universe thru Meditation

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You are on your spiritual journey desiring to create a deeper connection to the Universe. You have recognized that there is a bigger meaning to life and you’re ready to start learning. 

In this blog I will be sharing how the practice of meditation can help strengthen your connection to the Universe and yourself. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have dedicated my life’s work to guiding others back to their soul path so they can live in alignment, by igniting their intuition and activating the wisdom they carry within. Everyone always thinks it’s about finding the answers outside of you, and by connecting to the Universe you will be able to receive all the answers and direction you ever need. The key to life is actually strengthening your connection with yourself through awareness. 

The more you know about yourself the easier it will be to gain the answers you’re looking for. Connecting to the Universe is important, because you are impacted by the energy that surrounds you. For instance, the energy from the Moon influences your emotions, and the energy of other people can affect you too. The first step in creating a deeper connection with the Universe is all about creating connection with yourself. 

The Voice of Your Soul

The clarity you are looking for will come through you as the voice of your soul. When we see the word voice we think that we will hear the answers, but this isn’t always true. 

The problem with listening to an actual voice is that your mind is always the loudest voice you hear, and it most certainly is not your soul. The voice of your soul comes through your emotions, the way your body feels, the slight nudges and pulls you experience, your intuition and the knowings you have where you can’t explain why you know what you know. The voice of your soul is always calm and supportive.

The BEST way to be able to hear or feel the voice of your soul is to learn to quiet your mind. Now, it’s not impossible to completely quiet your mind, but it is a practice to get there. First start without pressuring yourself into what your meditation practice “should” or “should not” be. 

The point of meditating is to learn to control what goes on in your mind without it being a free for all and constantly spinning out of control. Through meditation you are working on focusing on a specific topic, item, feeling or you are following a story. This proves that you are listening to your thoughts, you are not defined by your thoughts. You can change and shift your thoughts and you have the power to let go of the ones that don’t support you. 

Every time you meditate you are bringing your focus back to your body, how you feel at this present moment and that will always guide you back to the voice of your soul. When you can hear the voice of your soul it’s easier for you to connect to the Universe!

Being Present

A lot of people desire to connect to the Universe so they can receive signs, messages, and synchronicities to guide and support them through life. This is a beautiful way to connect and there are always signs popping up trying to give you direction. 

But, we cannot receive these types of messages if we are not living in the present moment. Again, our mind is not how we will receive messages from the Universe, so when we are stuck in our thoughts overthinking the past or worrying about the future we are blocking ourselves from seeing the messages. 

When you go for a walk and you take in the beautiful views, sounds, and smells all around you, you are present experiencing this moment as it’s happening. When all of a sudden an owl lands on the tree next to you and hoots at you. This is a sign grabbing your attention, so there is a message for you. If you had been stuck in your thoughts you may have never seen the owl. 

So, how do you practice being present? Through meditation. 


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

A Guidebook for Connection

For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.

Intuitive Soul Reading

For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.

Soulful Solo Session

For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.


Back to the blog - Connecting to the Universe thru Meditation

Meditation helps you to strengthen control over your mind so you don’t find yourself lost in the hamster wheel of thoughts. There are so many different ways to meditate and all of them bring your body, your mind, and your spirit into experiencing something in this exact moment. 

When you have a meditation practice it becomes easier for you to be aware of when your mind is leading you out of control. As soon as you are aware you can bring yourself back to the present moment by focusing on what you see, hear, feel. 

Using Meditation in Ceremony

I’m sure you’ve heard of a Full Moon Ceremony or Summer Solstice Ceremony, but if not here is a quick explanation. 

Having a ceremony is a way to connect with the Universal Energies that are influencing you at this time. When you learn from these energies you are able to flow with them, creating more ease & grace in your life rather than forceful pressure. 

In these Ceremonies meditation is a common practice because it allows you to connect to the energy in a mind, body, spirit way that is very intentional. Meditation is a beautiful way to embody the lessons and the energy. 

You can create a ceremony for absolutely anything, you can have one on your own, or attend a group ceremony. If you are planning on leading yourself through a ceremony please make sure you are taking the time to honour the energy and the spirit in your practice (i.e. if you use smoke medicine, make sure you honour the sacredness of the Sage plant). Intentionality is key in a ceremony practice. 

Connecting to Energy

Lastly, as I mentioned in the Ceremony section, meditation allows you to connect to the energy behind what you are doing. 

For instance, if you are journaling through all that you desire to release you may only be thinking about this release. By meditating through the release you are taking it one step further and allowing your body and spirit to release the energy. 

Maybe you want to manifest your dreams and desires, by meditating you are connecting to that energy and handing it over to the Universe so they can take care of it. 

Meditating can be a beautiful way to surrender to the Universe’s Divine Plan for you while creating uplifting and light energy in your present.


These are only a few of the benefits I have found when I use meditation to connect to the Universe. If you would like to learn more about meditating, connecting to the Universe and building your spiritual practice then it’s time to check out the Meditation Membership. 

We have two live calls every month with a new spiritual topic, lesson and guided meditation to move through as a group. It’s a safe and supportive community of like-minded beings in the process of creating more love, joy, peace, confidence, and success in their lives! 

Now that you have more knowledge on meditating you can start building your practice in order to connect to the Universe. I’d love to hear what resonates with you the most in this blog. Leave a comment below or join my free Facebook community, Shifting Forward!

Do you desire more 1:1 attention and guidance for your life? A Soulful Solo Session is focused on creating a safe space for you to receive support, guidance & direction for your life specifically. This is where you learn how to uncover and step into your power! Check out more information or book your session today here!

I am sending you love & support as you strengthen your connection to the Universe thru meditation!

Until next time, 

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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This Guidebook will support you throughout the next year & beyond. If you are ready to step into your next level & truly become the best version of yourself then this is the Guidebook for YOU!