Energy Forecast for January 3rd - 9th | HARMONY, CREATIVITY, BLESSINGS, FEARS


Life is truly about how you experience each moment. Life is not about the action you take. Life is about how you feel while you take action. Life is about how you feel while you rest. Life is about how you feel while you plan. Life is about how you feel while you interact with others. Life is about how you experience each moment through the way you feel. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every week I channel Divine Messages for the Collective in the form of an Energy Forecast. The purpose behind these weekly updates is so you can have a glimpse into the energy of this week in order to support yourself through life. Knowing what’s coming is only half of it. You have to know how to move through the experience of each moment in order to guide yourself with peace and joy, or whatever emotions you desire to be in. 

2022 is a new year filled with another 365 opportunities for you to show up and live in a way that feels good to you. The significance of 2022 in numerology is focused on the number 6 (2+0+2+2 = 6) which is all about balance, intention and carefulness. When I tap into my intuition and clairaudient abilities my Spirit Guides give me more insight into what this means for our next calendar year. 

You are being asked to learn how to bring harmony and balance into your life. You already know that there is a lot that is out of your control, but do you know that you have control over how you move through life? When you bring your focus back to your intention and you traverse through life with carefulness guiding you, it becomes easier to create harmony between the blessings and challenges.

Of course, we all want to experience blessings, but 2022 is a year for you to embrace your power and light as you guide and support yourself through any difficulties and obstacles. When you choose to embrace your light and bring harmony into your daily life, the abundant opportunities will flow in with more ease. 

Let’s get into the nitty gritty of what this really means, or at least a couple specifics for this energy so you can start living in a way that magnetizes opportunities, uplifting energy, and blessings into your life. 

3 Lessons to Carry Through 2022

1 Leaving Pressure and Finding Purpose

This is how you will create more harmony in your life. 

The energy of pressure breeds more stress, overwhelm, fear and worry. When you are taking action from this energy you are attracting and magnetizing more situations to feel fear and worry.

The energy of purpose breeds passion, fulfillment, excitement, service, and peace. When you are taking action from this energy you are attracting and magnetizing more situations to feel uplifted, fulfilled, satisfied and successful. 

Here are two questions you can consider as you move throughout the year:

  1. Am I taking action right now because I feel pressured to reach an end-result?

  2. How do I want to feel as I move through this experience? Pressured? Or purposeful?

This is the theme for January in my Meditation Membership. If you want to learn more about embodying this energy in your life then now is the time to join the Membership

2 Prioritizing Creative Endeavors

When you are acting on a creative endeavor you are igniting your spirit and the energy directly connected to your intuition. Creative and artistic projects cannot come from logic and intellect because often through the process your instincts lead you in a different direction, and the creativity of your spirit begins to see something different than what you originally thought. 

Prioritizing creative endeavors this year does not have to be a job or career choice. Actually, it’s best if you are taking action on your creative impulses strictly for the pleasure and passion you experience in the process. 

There are many reasons why this energy is beneficial in your life, but most importantly it strengthens your instincts, your intuition, and your ability to decipher Universal signs and messages. This is because you are not relying on your intellect to guide you, instead you are present in the moment allowing the way you feel to be your guide. Plus it brings more fun and enjoyment into your life which will be a beautiful outlet to create harmony if challenges are popping up in your life. 

Creativity always leads to peace and joy!

3 Supportive Community Leads to Expansion

The last lesson that 2022 is asking you to prioritize is having a supportive community. As humans it’s easy to get stuck in our own limiting beliefs and outdated behaviours. When you have a supportive community to lean on in these moments you stay accountable to creating the growth you desire. 

One of the upsides of a supportive community is they can bring new perspectives, wisdom, and uplifting energy into your life when you need it most. When we band together our uplifting energy multiples and every obstacle is more easily surmounted. Plus if you struggle through something often, someone in your community may carry the strengths or gifts that you need to feel supported. We are stronger together. We are wiser together. We are here to serve the world as light beings. What better way to serve than with a community who is aligned and easily recognizes the blessings you have to share?


A Guidebook for Alignment

$25.55 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is the resource that will support you in creating harmony between your ego and spirit as you move through the year.

Through self awareness and reflection you will lead yourself to feeling empowered and uplifted as you create a life that feels good to you. This guidebook is filled with wisdom, lessons and journal prompts to guide you in the process of your spiritual expansion.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for January 3rd - 9th 2022

Now that you have a better understanding of the lessons that will guide you through a year of creating harmony, let’s jump into the main message you need to know for this week. 

The Moon Cycle is moving from the New Moon (January 2nd) into the First Quarter Moon (January 9th). The energy behind this transition is all about dreaming, believing and taking action in a way that supports you. 

In the Guidebook for Alignment I have shared the main channeled message for January as Healing with Peace. In order to truly take advantage of the energy behind this New Moon, the Universe is asking you to focus on your dreams on shifting into a healed version of yourself. What can you do to prioritize healing through this month? How can your intention setting process be focused on taking action with healing and rest? Now is not a time to rush ahead into taking action on new dreams and desires. Now is a time to heal old wounds, so when it comes time to act on big dreams you are not coming from an unhealed version of yourself. Check out A Guidebook for Alignment to learn more behind this lesson. Included are journal prompts to guide you through your healing in a peaceful way. 

Now I am asking Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors oracle deck, “what is our focus collectively as we move through this week?”

Hunter - Track Down Your Fears and Desires

Living an abundantly aligned life, following your soul path, and trusting your intuition and Spirit Guides will only take place when you’ve effectively tracked down all of your fears. 

When you live without self awareness your fears are constantly being triggered when you least expect it. When this happens it’s easy for you to spiral down into negative thought patterns. You find yourself sinking into the quicksand of low vibrational energy of stress, worry, anxiety, and overwhelm. You feel so deeply out of control that you are in survival mode and all you can focus on is how to create a feeling of safety and security for yourself. 


This energy will continue to repeat time and time again. You will stay in this repetitive cycle till the end of time. UNLESS, you become the hunter. 

As of right now your fears are hunting you. 

This week is the perfect time for you to switch roles. If you want to shift into the healed version of yourself, who feels empowered, blessed and uplifted, then it’s time for you to track down your fears. Self awareness is the most empowering state you can create for yourself. 

Not sure where to start? A Guidebook for Alignment is the resource that will support you through this process! 

I remember 2 years ago I received this card in my personal journey every single week for almost 6 months. I got so tired of receiving the same message over and over again. I didn’t want to track my fears because I was terrified of the pain I would feel in recognizing my fears fully. Well, the moment I finally embodied this lesson my life changed for the better. It’s not that my fears disappeared forever, it’s that now I am so completely aware of my fears that I won’t let them control me and shift me into survival mode. I lead myself through connection with my Higher Self remembering that I am more powerful than my fears. 

I hope this Universal wisdom has brought more support and guidance into your life as you flow through this week. Don’t forget to keep track of the 3 lessons for the 2022 year so you can lead yourself through expansion, rather than staying stuck in the same cycle of lessons. 

Please feel free to leave a comment below if this resonates with you!

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey of expansion,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness