Energy Forecast for December 27th - January 2nd | SPIRITUAL MEDICINE LEADS TO EXPANSION


Your future is not determined by the thoughts you think. Your future is determined by how you choose to let go of the past and fully embrace this present moment. 

At the start of a new calendar year we can feel like we are being given a fresh start to our lives, when I know this isn’t entirely true. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, each week I connect to the Universal Energies that surround us in order to share an energy forecast for the collective. This is a chance to see how the current Moon Phase is impacting your energy and emotions, as well as receiving clear messages from the Spirit World on how we are being asked to show up in order to flow with life. 

My Spirit Guides have provided endless wisdom and guidance on how to make the most out of life. The most important clarity they have ever provided is not focused on how I can create my future dreams, instead it’s about how I need to let go of my past pains, outdated beliefs, and the conditioned layers I’ve been holding onto that block me from trusting my Higher Self. 

The Moon Cycle shows us how our energy and emotions are being affected as we flow through the 28 day cycle. On Sunday, December 26th we passed through the Third Quarter phase and this week on Sunday, January 2nd, the moon will shift into the New Moon phase. 

The spiritual significance of the Moon Cycle this week is focused fully on releasing the past in order to wipe the slate clean for a new cycle. The Moon Cycle doesn’t give you a fresh start simply by starting a new cycle, it only influences your energy and emotions as it shifts through the cycle. You have to take this energy and actually integrate and apply it to your life. Simply waiting for a fresh start is not enough. 

If you want 2022 to be different from 2021 then it’s time for you to let go of your past pain, outdated beliefs and the conditioned layers you’ve been wearing that block you from trusting your higher self. This isn’t easy work, but it will lead you to creating a fulfilling life. 

Unsure how to release? Check out the Releasing Guidebook. 

Ready to work through self awareness journal prompts in order to truly make 2022 the year of expansion? The 2022 Guidebook - A Guidebook for Connection COMING SOON.


Releasing Guidebook

$11.11 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for December 27th - January 2nd 2021

Now that we have a better idea of how the Moon is influencing us throughout the week let’s open the channel to receive more messages from the Universe for this week. 

As I connect to my Spirit Guides and Angels, I use my intuitive, clairvoyant and clairaudient senses in order to interpret the messages from the oracle cards that have come forward. 

This week I am using Denise Linn’s Native Spirit Oracle Cards. The questions being asked are:

1 How can we prepare for the New Year?

2 What do we need to leave in 2021?

Let’s see what is coming forward!


Every single one of us carries the medicine we need in order to heal and grow along our spiritual journey. 

You are being asked to allow this healing to take place so you can walk away from the wounds you have carried for too long. You have the power to heal from your wounds and triggers. You have the light within that is guiding you through this healing. 

You are recognizing that deep emotional, mental and spiritual healing is occurring. Your connection to your Higher Self will lead you through this healing. Remember that healing does not occur in an instant and it is never truly over. In order to shift into the new year you are being reminded of the profound healing abilities you carry as a spirit. Recognizing that you can heal and you are already healing is the first step as you release the old and shift into your Inner Spirit. 


Your fear of lack has been holding you back for too long. 

Your doubt in yourself and your abilities have been blocking you from seeing your true worth. 

For a few years now life hasn’t felt balanced and in harmony. You’ve focused on the turmoil you seem to be surrounded by and you’ve forgotten about the abundance you always carry within. Your fear of lack has held you in a state where you are unable to see the abundance of your inner light. Your doubt in yourself has held you in a space where you haven’t been able to trust your Spirit Guides and how they are leading you. 

White Buffalo says you are always provided for in all ways and harmony is here for you now. The only way you can integrate and embody this spiritual wisdom is if you finally allow yourself to drop the fear of lack and self-doubt. It’s not that these will be gone forever, it’s that you are no longer allowing them to control how you experience life. 

White Buffalo says, see the fear, see the doubt, feel the pain, release the weight, and come back to trust and faith. You are a channel of the Universe. You have the ability to connect with Spirits and hear the Universe speak through you. Without this connection life becomes harder and the fear and doubt will prevail. By leaning into your connection with Spirit you will see that all is possible. 

As Denise Linn says, “surrender to support from the Great Spirit; you do not have to do everything alone.”

This is a powerful week leading us into an even more powerful year. If 2020 and 2021 taught us anything, it’s that we cannot wait for life to happen and we must learn to take control of our own energy, emotions and experiences. 

The power has always been within you, it’s simply been waiting for you to recognize it and start using it! 

Make sure you take time this week to build awareness, release, and shift into deep connection with the Universe/Spirit/God/Source. 

In order to feel supported each step of the way you have to make a choice that supports you. 

I would love to support and guide you to feel uplifted as you connect to your Higher Self while following your soul path. Check out my offers to see which one is the right fit for you through this transition. 

Meditation Membership - release stress & worry in order to create more peace, joy and love in your life ($33 CAD/month)

Spirit of Air - learn to master your connection to the Universe by listening to the voice of your soul (if 2022 run is full, sign up for the waitlist for 2023)

Spiritual EBooks - self awareness is the first step in the healing and growth process (starting at $11.11 CAD)

Spirit of Earth 1:1 Mentoring - For the being who has been made to feel small and is ready to take up space in a divinely guided way, sharing their soul gifts with the world. ($777 CAD/month)

This is your life, so it’s time to get clear on how you are going to start showing up to lead you through spiritual expansion.

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness