Energy Forecast for January 10th - 16th | HEAL & TRUST


You will never create real change in your life if you aren’t willing to look at the blocks and resistance that you carry. 

Over the weekend I went on a walk with a friend and she had mentioned how fun it must’ve been to have moved as much as I have in my young adult years. I haven’t only moved houses, but I’ve moved towns, cities and provinces multiple times in the span of 10 years. I’ve lived in the Canadian Rocky Mountains, in a beach town on the West Coast, in a tiny mountain town in the Selkirk Mountain Range, and now for the first time ever in a city with over a million people. 

My adventurous spirit has led me through many moves and changes in my life, and most of the time I was trying to find something. I was looking for fulfillment. The move was always exciting and adventurous and I usually thought I found my forever home. By the six month mark the excitement of a new place would wear off and I’d find myself in my same routines, wondering how I could find fulfillment. Often I assumed that maybe this place wasn’t where I was meant to live after all, and so I began dreaming up the next place that could bring me the fulfillment I desired. 

I used my sense of adventure as an escape mechanism to avoid creating internal change. I thought my environment would bring me the fulfillment I desired. I wasn’t willing to look at the blocks and resistance I carried internally that stopped me from feeling fulfilled in life. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I’ve dedicated my work to helping people uncover their spirit so they can live a soul-led life, following their soul purpose. My work is not focused on psychically channeling what’s coming, but instead helping you to understand how the world around you is a mirror reflecting your internal conditioning back to you. 

In my experience I wasn’t reaching fulfillment with my environment because I wasn’t fulfilled with how I viewed myself and how I was choosing to live. 

The collective energy we are facing right now is telling us to stop ignoring and avoiding our inner truths. Every single week I come to you with the Energy Forecast in hopes to bring some guidance and clarity into your life. These forecasts are a way to see what the Universal Energy is signifying, how this energy is influencing us, and what we can do to create more ease and grace in our lives as we flow with this energy. 

The weekly Energy Forecast always includes the message from the Moon Cycle, as it impacts our emotions and energy, as well as psychically channeled messages around the collective energy. So, why did I share the story above? Because it’s a reminder that we all have to do the inner work. No matter how spiritual you are, and how connected to energy you are, it does not excuse you from looking within at the shadows, wounds, and outdated patterns you carry. These Energy Forecasts are a way for you to not only feel supported in manifesting your dream life, but they are also meant to guide you through self reflection so you can heal, learn and expand through your life. 

Right now we are in the middle of Winter Season, and even though we are in a new calendar year, it’s not necessarily the best time to run and act on big dreams. In the Northern Hemisphere the ground is frozen, which is a signifier to do some internal growth, rather than external growth. Now is the perfect time for you to look at the past year of your life and ask yourself where you were challenged, where your own habits and behaviours limited you, and where you can learn some of the lessons the Universe is trying to guide you through. 

The Moon Cycle passed through the First Quarter Phase on January 9th, which is all about taking action and surmounting the obstacles that come your way. Normally this could be a great time to act on your dreams and push forward. But, we are in the middle of winter, so instead you are being reminded to take action on your inner healing. You may notice the Universe bring obstacles and challenges into your life this week. These challenges may look very familiar, as you’ve been working to surmount these types of challenges for a year (or more) now. This isn’t a time to get frustrated and stop your forward movement. 

The Moon & Winter are reminding you to slow down and reflect internally. What did you learn from past obstacles? How can you change the way you are choosing to overcome these obstacles? Are your own behaviours and beliefs blocking you from seeing the light? 

Forward movement is necessary this week, but don’t move in the way you’ve always moved. You are becoming the next level version of you, which means you’ve learned a lot in 2021. Be smart about your movement right now, don’t just rush forwards because you feel the pressure to act fast. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “what knowledge or wisdom did I gain through my challenges in 2021? How can I apply this new found wisdom to the current challenge or obstacle I am facing?” 

Don’t be like old Sydney and use old tactics to escape your problems. Don’t avoid and ignore. Look within and you will lead yourself to fulfillment. You can create positive change in your environment if you are willing to create positive change within yourself first! 

Healing with peace is what’s being called for this month in order to overcome your past wounds and triggers. Are you ready to fully embrace the next level version of you? Purchase A Guidebook for Alignment to be supported and guided on your healing and growth journey. It’s filled with wisdom and insight to help you feel empowered in creating a life you love. Over 180 different journal prompts and 12 lessons to guide you through the entire year. It’s time to create alignment between your ego and soul so you can live peacefully, with passion and purpose. 


A Guidebook for Alignment

$25.55 CAD - Spiritual EBook

This EBook is the resource that will support you in creating harmony between your ego and spirit as you move through the year.

Through self awareness and reflection you will lead yourself to feeling empowered and uplifted as you create a life that feels good to you. This guidebook is filled with wisdom, lessons and journal prompts to guide you in the process of your spiritual expansion.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for January 10th - 16th 2022

Now that we have a good understanding of the energy this week based on the Moon Cycle and season, let’s go a little deeper. I am using my clairvoyant, clairaudient and intuitive abilities to channel messages for the collective for this week’s energy. Oracle Cards are my preferred divination tool to receive insight from the Spirit world. This week I am using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors oracle deck.

The question being asked is, “what are the main blocks we are needing to work through and overcome?”


Let me ask you…

Do you fear a lack of control?

Do you focus on planning and strategizing in order to feel at peace with your life?

When life shifts and your plans fall to the wayside, do you feel overwhelmed and stressed out?

Is your mind always thinking of all the different situations that could or could not happen and how you would work to overcome them?

One of the most common problems we experience in this lifetime is our need to be in control, to feel secure and stable in our lives because of our external environment. The moment you have a secure job you can feel at peace. The moment you are in a happy, loving relationship you can feel a sense of stability. The moment all your problems disappear and you can get back on track with your original plan you can feel calm and begin enjoying life again. 

As a psychic medium, the one thing I know to be true about our human lives, without a doubt in my mind, is that there will always be challenges, difficulties and obstacles to overcome. No matter how much you feel in control of your life, something will happen to show you that you are indeed not in control of everything. 

What if we believed in ourselves and our ability to overcome whatever life throws our way? We may not be able to control our external environment, but we sure can control the way we choose to respond in those challenging moments. 

What if we believed there was a Higher Force that was guiding what we call life? What if we believed that our Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Animal Guides could provide us with wisdom, energy and support in times of struggle? What if we believed we could ask for help from a power greater than us, and then the solutions appeared for us? 

Again, I asked Spirit “what main blocks are we needing to work through and overcome?” and the answer is quite clear to me. We are needing to learn how to find security in ourselves and our connection to Higher Forces. We are needing to let go of the overwhelm in our minds, forcing us to try and control what is ultimately out of our control. We need to refocus on where our priorities lie and ask Spirit to guide us through the rest of it. 

Now more than ever, you are being asked to work through your fear of lack of control. Notice when your mind spirals you into a space that doesn’t feel good. Pay attention to what triggers these wounds of feeling out of control. Find a way to support yourself in trusting in a higher force. We aren’t being asked to rush into action on a new dream, we are being reminded to slow down and recognize where we need to heal in order to step out of old outdated patterns and cycles. You can overcome this, you simply need to be willing to try. 

Don’t brush it under the rug and avoid the problem. Be willing to look at it. Feel the emotions that are coming up. The only way we can overcome the shadows is if we walk into them and shine our light through it. 

You have the ability to expand and evolve like never before, it all starts with your willingness to heal. 

I hope this weekly energy forecast has brought some insight into your life on where you can focus your healing this week. As I said earlier, if you are ready to lead yourself to your next level, then A Guidebook for Alignment can be the resource to guide and support you each step of the way. 

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey of expansion,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness