3 Ways to Understand Animal Messages | Spiritual Message from Raven


It’s time you gain a better understanding of the spiritual significance of Animal Messages so you can strengthen your ability to decipher the Universal messages that show up on your path. 

I had the privilege of working with an Indigenous Medicine Woman as my mentor for many years. One of the first things she taught me in order to appreciate her culture and not appropriate it is around the term Spirit Animal. She told me there can be a lot of pain in Indigenous Tribes and Communities because of their history and present in not being allowed to practice their traditions and ceremonies. Here in Canada it was illegal for many years for Indigenous Peoples to practice their sacred traditions. 

In order to pay respect to the beautiful sacred traditions of Indigenous Peoples and appreciate the wisdom and healing energy they share with Animals, I refer to Spirit Animals and Power Animals as Animal Medicine or Animal Messages.  

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author I am deeply connected to Mother Earth and Animal Medicine, as they teach, heal, guide and support me through life. There is so much we can learn from these beautiful, divine energies and I am dedicated to integrating and embodying the spiritual wisdom of the Earth and Animals that surround me. 

There are many different ways to understand Animal Messages, so to keep it short and sweet I am going to cover 3 aspects of understanding Animal Messages, plus I will share the spiritual significance of Raven. If these magnificent birds are showing up on your path, consider yourself very lucky. Ravens can be considered common birds to see on your path, but once you are aware of their spiritual significance you won’t consider them as simply a common bird. It’s time you recognize the magic and divinity these beautiful animals carry. 

Let’s jump into 3 ways to understand Animal Messages. 

1 Bringing Clarity to the Energy You have Access To

In this human existence one of the most limiting aspects of life is our mind. We easily get stuck on a singular perspective, an old thought pattern, a past behaviour or a fear that stems from a past pain that isn’t healed. 

The Spirit World is always trying to remind us of the limitless energy that surrounds us and that we have access to. When you are living a soul-led life you are choosing to constantly bring alignment to your limiting ego-mind with your limitless spirit-energy. 

When an animal pops up on your path it’s an opportunity for you to challenge the limits of your mind, open your perspective, and access the limitless energy that is available to you. 

For example, if you are moving through a challenge at work and you receive a message from Bear Medicine this is how I might interpret the message. You’ve been having a lot of creative ideas, yet no one is listening to you. You are feeling drained and exhausted trying to fight against everyone else, or you are constantly letting your ideas fall to the wayside and it’s tiring having to follow everyone else’s ideas when you know there is an easier way. Bear is saying, it’s time to stand your ground and create strong boundaries for yourself. Your energy is important, and you are overworking yourself right now. You can see there is a different way of doing things, but you are too busy letting everyone else walk all over you by shutting your ideas down and not giving you the space to be heard. Now is not the time to wait for someone to ask for your opinions. Now is the time to stand your ground and create strong boundaries to voice your truth. 

The Bear message is giving you clarity on the energy you have access to, but you keep denying yourself this energy based on the limiting mindset you carry. 

Which leads us into the second way you can understand Animal messages.


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2 Giving Insight into the Blocks & Resistance You are Carrying

The second way to understand Animal Messages is they are giving you insight into the blocks and resistance you are carrying. Remember, I said as humans our minds limit us in life, sometimes this creates strong blocks and resistance that stop us from being able to shift into the limitless energy that is available to us. 

In the example above, if Bear keeps coming forward and you are unable to carry the energy it’s providing it might be because you believe you aren’t worthy of standing your ground and setting boundaries that support you. Especially if you consider yourself a people pleaser, you are resisting using your voice to share your opinion because you don’t want to hurt someone else’s feelings. You are blocking yourself from moving forward based on a deep underlying wound you carry. Bear is telling you it’s time to do some deep healing work in order to release this resistance so you can learn to set supportive boundaries to protect your energy. 

Can you see how this is different from the first way I shared? You are more easily able to access the limitless energy from an Animal Message if you aren’t carrying a deep seeded belief that blocks this energy. Doing shadow work, or inner work, allows you to understand the wounds you carry based on your own past trauma, generational trauma, societal patterns passed onto you or conditioning that impacts your habits and behaviours. 

Animal Messages can be giving you insight into the blocks and resistance you are carrying.

This leads us to the final way to understand Animal Messages that I want to share with you right now.

3 Directing You to Align Your Thoughts, Feelings & Actions

You might already be aware of the deep healing that needs to take place, and you are working through it. You also might already be aware of the limitless energy that is available to you from that Animal Message. Yet, the same animal keeps coming forward bringing the same message, and now you are shouting “I know, I know, I’m working on it”. This time around the Animal is saying, “are you sure you are carrying the energy that is in alignment with my energy? Take some time to look at your thoughts, feelings and actions.” 

Have you ever worked extremely hard on something, putting all your effort into it, knowing you’ve gathered all the right steps and information, yet you still don’t succeed in the end? Your energy is way more important than the action you take. What I mean by this, is if you are taking action from an energy of feeling pressured or forceful then you will never succeed in the truest meaning of the word. Your success is not about reaching an end result, it’s about feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and at peace with where you find yourself. 

This time around the Animal Message is directing you to align your thoughts, feelings and actions in order to come from an uplifting energy rather than a stressed, pressured or forceful energy. The Bear is saying take action with purpose rather than pressure to reach an end result. Slow down and make sure you are taking action in a way that feels good, if you don’t feel good then something is misaligned. 

Now that you have a better understanding of Animal Messages you will more easily be able to decipher why a specific animal is coming forward on your path. Take some time and reflect on how you can embody the energy and the spirit of this animal in your life.

Here is some quick guidance into why Raven may be coming forward in your life. 

Raven Spiritual Significance

The spirit behind this animal is all about magic and power. 

Have you been forgetting to own your innate power? Have you been missing out on the magic of life? The guidance and clarity you receive from Raven truly depends on what you are currently doing, what phase of life you are in, and what you were just thinking about or feeling. 

For instance, I had asked my Divine Team (my Angels, Spirit Guides etc.) to bring me confirmation that I was moving in the right direction. A little while later I felt inspired to send an email to my community to share some reflection I had moved through and how it applies to them. I felt so excited by what I was sharing and I could feel my own power and magic moving through me in that moment. Then I looked up from my spot and out the window I noticed a Raven landed on the roof right beside me. I knew my Angels were sending this as confirmation that I had been taking action from my power and I was creating magic. It was a signifier to move forward and trust myself. You see, I often fall into doubt after the fact. Once I’ve completed a task and I move forward in my day I can second guess the action I took earlier and wonder if I had done enough. Receiving Raven in this moment was a sign that I was indeed owning my power and creating magic! 

When you see Raven on your path, take some time to consider what your magic is and how you can empower yourself to live in a way that feels good to you. Raven is reminding you that you are magic, especially when you own your power in life. 

Animal Messages are a way for you to feel supported as you receive clarity and guidance for your life. In order to better understand what each message means it’s important that you sit in reflection and consider what’s currently happening in your life, what are you desiring and where are you feeling stuck. The more you practice deciphering these signs and messages on your own the easier it will become to trust the messages you receive. 

Connecting to the Universe is all about connecting to yourself and the limitless energy you have access to. Animal Messages are a beautiful way for you to guide and support yourself through life. 

In order to up-level your connection with Animal Medicine and Mother Earth I have a resource just for you. It’s filled with lessons, journal prompts to strengthen your abilities, and the spiritual meaning of different Animals and resources from the Earth (i.e. mountain, lake, fire, rain, etc.). Check out the spiritual EBook, Connecting to Animal Medicine & Mother Earth here. 

I hope this blog brings great insight into your life and guides you in better understanding how you can strengthen your connection to the Universe through Animal Messages. 

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness