3 Things You NEED to Manifest a Joy-Filled Life
You are trying everything in your power to manifest the life of your dreams.
You are using manifesting mantras, you are writing your manifestations in your journal, you are visualizing your manifested life being reality, and you are saying daily affirmations focused on manifesting. But, you just aren’t seeing your manifestations come true. You are beginning to doubt if manifesting actually works. You are tired of doing all the manifesting steps and now you are getting frustrated, annoyed and bitter. Whether or not this resonates with you, maybe you find yourself in a whole different category, I have some great tips for you to manifest a life filled with joy.
As a Spiritual Mentor & Author and Intuitive Guide I have had my fair share of struggles when it comes to manifesting my dream life. I have often questioned what I am doing wrong and when I get really stuck I begin to believe that what I’m manifesting is impossible. I believe the process of manifesting is a journey that never ends, meaning you aren’t meant to cross something off the to-do list and then you reach the results of your manifestations. By using the process I’m going to lay out below, I have manifested a life beyond my wildest dreams. I didn’t realize how simple it gets to be, but when I chose to follow my soul and let my intuition lead the way I truly manifested a life filled with joy.
In this blog I am going to share how manifesting works and 3 things you NEED in order to manifest a life that is filled with joy. I encourage you to grab your journal and pen in order to reflect on the areas that resonate with you most. If you truly want to manifest your dream life you need to be willing to see where you are blocking yourself. Through journal prompts you will become more self-aware so you can make the shifts necessary in order to release resistance. Manifesting your dream life isn’t only about focusing on the light you are calling in, it’s also about learning where your shadows are and how your past pain or outdated beliefs are blocking you.
Manifesting a joy-filled life, and whatever that looks like to you, is about living a joy-filled life right now. Of course there are experiences you are calling in with your manifestations and there are desires you have that are unmet, which is why you are manifesting. Manifesting is the process of attracting more goodness, joy, peace, and excitement into your life. Manifesting is deeply personal, so if you do not desire excitement then you will be manifesting something else, but you probably understand the point I’m trying to make.
You experience life through your emotions and it’s important to understand how your emotions impact you on a daily basis. Your emotions can be triggered by your external environment and what you are experiencing in this moment, and your emotions can be triggered by your own thoughts. Remember, manifesting is about attracting what you desire and it’s a journey that never ends.
Living a soul-led life, one where you are creating your desires rather than simply surviving, is about understanding what your soul needs on a daily basis. We’ve become so focused on doing all the tasks necessary to get to a future outcome that we forget to check in with ourselves and provide for our soul needs right here and now.
Don’t follow someone else’s to-do list to manifest or create your dream life simply because it worked for them. Be willing to uncover what resonates with you, allow yourself to let go of the habits and behaviours that don’t feel good, and start learning when you are taking action from a place that feels pressured versus a place that feels purposeful.
Here are 3 things you NEED in order to manifest a life that is filled with joy.
1 You need to feel safe
This one may seem obvious, but hear me out for a second.
Have you ever noticed what your thoughts of worry or fear sound like?
Maybe your worries/fears are around financial stability, or receiving love, or following your dream career, or your physical safety in the future. I encourage you to take a moment and get clear on what your fears and worries are focused on.
When your mind starts cycling through all the thoughts focused on your fears and worries your body's reaction is around not feeling safe in that moment. When you don’t feel safe you are guiding yourself further away from the emotion of joy. Manifesting is about attracting what you want in life. If you are far away from joy because you feel unsafe then you will not be able to manifest a joy-filled life.
You may actually live a life where you are perfectly safe all of the time, except your ego mind often creates scenarios in your head where you aren’t safe. Your thoughts trigger your emotions, whether or not your thoughts are based on reality or fiction. The worries and fears that repeat in your mind are saying “hey body, guess what we are not safe in this scenario”, and your body’s response is “wait, we aren’t safe? Oh my gosh!! We aren’t safe. Holy crap! This is scary.” I share more about the difference between your ego-mind and your intuitive-spirit in one of my YouTube videos. You can watch it here.
Now that you understand this better, you are probably wondering how you can create the feeling of safety in your life in order to manifest more joy. It’s time for you to start paying more attention to your worries and fears. The only way you can heal these worries and fears is by digging into the root of the wound that triggers these thoughts. The more you understand where the trigger is coming from the easier it becomes to heal these old outdated beliefs. This is the process of shadow work, or inner work. If you want to learn more check out my FREE mini book, The 4 Steps to Shadow Work.
If you’ve tried all the freebies and masterclasses and you are truly ready to create change in your life then it’s time for you to consider 1:1 Mentoring. You can learn more about my mentoring program here.
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Back to the blog - 3 Things You NEED to Manifest a Joy-Filled Life
Now onto the second thing you NEED to manifest a joy-filled life.
2 You need to laugh
Now this one actually is obvious.
If you want to call in more joy than you need to feel joyful now. Laughter is the truest form of joy. Remember, manifesting is about attracting more of what you desire, so when you are in the energy of joy you WILL attract more opportunities and experiences that bring joy into your life.
Grab your journal and list out all of the things that make you laugh. Whether it’s a tv show, a certain person, playing a game, now is the time for you to get really clear on what brings laughter into your life. Then start filling your life with experiences and opportunities that make you laugh. Schedule weekly hangouts with your funny friend. Watch those comedy movies and shows, completely guilt free. Have a game night with your family and get lost in the hilarity of it all.
The more you laugh, the more joy you will experience. The more joy you experience, the easier it is to manifest a joy-filled life!
This brings us to the third tip you need to know in order to manifest a joy-filled life.
3 You need to live in the moment
Get present with your current experiences right now. Joy is an emotion and emotions are felt in the present moment. If you are constantly thinking about your to-do list and all the things you need to accomplish then you are blocking yourself from feeling joy.
The moment you get present you start to recognize the magic of life. For instance, have you ever sat and watched the sunset? How did you feel?
Personally, I love going on walks because they help me to feel connected to the Universe and grounded in my spirit. However, I’ve had stressful moments in my life where I am faced with a challenge and on my walks I can’t feel the joy. This is because I’m stuck in my mind thinking about the problem and wondering how I’ll find a solution. Or I am thinking about all the different directions I could possibly head in order to surmount the problem. I am resisting the emotion of joy because I’m stuck in my head and not experiencing the joy of being grounded during my walk.
These three tips may seem obvious at first, but they are actually extremely powerful on your journey of manifesting a joy-filled life. Sometimes what seems simple is actually pretty hard to embody. These tips are simple, yet they require you to put some work in in order to create more moments of joy in your life.
Manifesting your dream life is more about creating enjoyable experiences right now than it is about crossing all the things off of the manifestation to-do list.
I really hope this blog has brought a new perspective on manifesting and has opened your mind to what you are actually capable of. You have the power to create a joy-filled life right now, and the more you make this your priority the easier it will become to manifest and call in more joy-filled opportunities and experiences.
The more you learn about yourself and you stop ignoring your fears and worries the easier it will become to manifest your dream life. Check out The Guidebook for Alignment to start supporting yourself through self awareness. Needing more support than an EBook can provide? Then definitely check out my 1:1 Monthly Mentoring program for this is where you will break free from old limiting beliefs, past pains, and unsupportive patterns to start living an enjoyable life.
Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness