Energy Forecast for February 14th - 20th | CLIMAX FOR BIG CHANGES


Let me ask you, does it feel like life is getting harder or easier? If you feel like life is getting easier, then let me ask you, what are you doing differently and how are you changing your perspective from the past? If you feel like life is getting harder, then let me ask you, what are you resisting and how are you not shifting your perspective on life?

This week might not seem like much right now, but it is a week for you to either show the growth you’ve made or to fall back into old outdated patterns. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, every single week I connect to the collective in order to forecast the energy that will be influencing us this week. I channel these Universal messages in many different ways, as I connect to the spiritual significance of the Moon Cycle, and I use my psi-abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and intuition. Ultimately, I am deciphering the messages I receive from Spirit in order to better understand how the collective will be impacted as we move through the next week. 

On Wednesday, February 16th the Moon Cycle will shift into the Full Moon phase and the moon will appear full for almost three full days (Tuesday evening to Thursday evening). In regards to the questions I asked at the beginning of this weekly energy forecast, you will be given an opportunity this week to create a massive forward shift in your life if you are prepared for it. The spiritual significance of the Full Moon is all about climax, clarity, and answers. This means that either way your situation will come to a climax and you will gain answers to some of the questions you’ve been asking for a while now. 

This clarity may not come in the form you think it will. A climax can be a rush of energy moving in a direction causing pressure on your emotions, thoughts and actions. The clarity in this situation is all dependent on how you choose to behave from this pressure. A climax can also be a significant shift in energy moving in an unexpected direction that catches you off guard. Again, you will receive answers based on this climax depending on how you respond to the situation.

The Full Moon isn’t what causes problems in your life, the Full Moon simply amplifies the energies that are already moving amongst us. Your life will seemingly get harder if you are not willing to do things differently. Now is the time to change your response to the situation, open your mind to a bigger perspective, and learn to shift forward with ease and grace. Your internal condition is more important than the external environment you find yourself in. 

If over the last couple of months you have already been responding from a calmer state, seeing life from a higher perspective, and honouring your energy then as a climax comes you’ll notice life shifting in your favour. Have you been putting the work in to heal, grow and expand? Have you been ignoring the signs and continuing forward with your repetitive behaviour from the past? By the end of the week it will be clear whether you are in support of yourself or you are waiting for life to change outside of you. 

I strongly encourage you to move slowly this week when you are taking action on something. Don’t react to a situation immediately. Take time in self reflection. Find a way to honour your emotions. Bring peace to your mind. If something is still bothering you, don’t expect the Universe to fix the problem for you. You are being asked to look at yourself and find purpose in how you move through life in the small and the big moments. 

A powerful week made to encourage you to reflect on who you are, how you are showing up in the world, and what you can do to continue supporting yourself in creating a life of your dreams.


Spirit of Air - 12 Month Group Program

Learn to TRUST YOUR SPIRIT & master your connection with the Universe

A year long journey to receive guidance and support as you build trust in yourself.

Your intuition is meant to guide you on the most aligned path. Are you willing to listen?

Your Divine Team is offering clarity, support and guidance daily. Are you ready to feel this connection?

Your ego and spirit are meant to be in harmony, not constantly battling against each other. Are you willing to create this harmonious relationship?

The Spirit of Air group program is the support and guidance you’ve been praying for.

Enrollment for 2022 closes on February 20th. Secure your spot now.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for February 14th - 20th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of how the Moon Cycle is affecting us this week, let’s jump into a channeled message from the Universe.

This week I am using Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards as my divination tool of choice. We are being asked, “how can we support ourselves through the energy shifts this week?”


“Make a decision and take appropriate action.”

Now is not the time to sit around and wait. The Universe is giving you clear answers this week and you need to be willing to take the information you are provided with and actually move forward with it. 

You may not have all the information you desire, or you may feel like you have an overload of information. Either way, you need to take action by the end of this week. Antelope doesn’t care how you make the decision, simply that you make one and you act on it. The Universe also doesn’t care how you make your decision. 

I would strongly suggest using the advice I provided earlier, before you rush into action or feel pressured to move, slow down and connect back to yourself. You can make a pro con list all you want, but in your heart you know what is the best decision for you right now with the information you have. Be willing to slow down enough to ask yourself what decision feels like the best for you. 

The hardest part of all, actually acting on the decision you make. Often you’ve said “I’ll wait until…”, or “I’ll know when it’s time”, or even “How can I be sure this is the right moment?”. In the grand scheme of things, you’ll never know when the exact right time to move is because by the time you know, the moment will be long gone in the past. Sometimes you have to be willing to take a step into the unknown simply because you desire more for yourself. This is the week. Now is the time to act. 


“Free yourself of guilt and shame.”

It’s been a while now since we’ve had two cards come forward during a weekly energy forecast. I couldn’t have planned this one better if I tried (which I don’t because I know the Universe’s plan is always better than mine). 

If step one is to make a decision and take action, step two is to release any shame or guilt you are carrying around your decision and action. Porcupine says the energy you carry around making decisions and taking action is extremely important. If you act from a place of feeling guilty or shameful then your action isn’t helping anyone. You have to be willing to trust that this is the best action for you right now, which means in the bigger picture it’s the best action for everyone. 

Yes, you may hurt someone’s feelings right now. Yes, you may cause a massive shift in someone else’s life right now. Yes, your decision may not look like it’s the best decision for others. But, you can’t let guilt and shame outweigh the energy of taking care of yourself. If you are constantly making yourself small in order to not step on someone else’s toes then you will never live the expansive, dream-filled life you desire. Sometimes we have to stir things up in order to create more for ourselves. It’s not like you are making the decision to hurt someone else, you are making it to better yourself and your life. So, free yourself from the guilt and shame that’s been weighing you down. Unsure how? Check out the Releasing Guidebook to fully let go of the heavy energy you wish to no longer carry.

Definitely a powerful week for all of us and I truly hope this weekly energy forecast has brought some clarity into how you can move through the week with more ease and grace. Don’t get caught up in your comfort zone and live on autopilot. Be willing to do things differently because that is what will bring you more fulfillment in your life. 

This is the last week to join Spirit of Air for the 2022 program. Only a couple spots left if you are interested in learning how to harmonize your ego and spirit, master your connection with the Universe and step into fully trusting your intuition. Check it out here to send me a message and secure your spot. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness