4 Reasons Why You Need A DAILY ROUTINE


The purpose for a daily routine is to live in a way that feels good to you, whether you are in a challenging phase of life, a peaceful one or one filled with blessings.

Your daily routine brings harmony to your life and all the different phases and cycles you move through. Your daily routine reminds you to create an experience you enjoy, rather than simply surviving through life. 

Connecting to the Universe is a daily practice, and it’s the reminder that you are the Universe. When you connect to yourself as a Spirit you are strengthening your connection to the Divine Universe that surrounds you. The more you seek those deeply satisfying moments, the ones where you are at peace, filled with contentment and completely blissed out, the more connected you are mind, body, spirit. When you feel connected mind, body, spirit it becomes easier to traverse your human experience with grace as you pursue your passions and purpose. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I’ve witnessed many people hitting burnout, mental exhaustion, and emotional breakdowns. It’s typically in this space where we feel disconnected from our inner spirit, our soul, and we wonder how to find our way back to ourselves. I say we because I too have found myself in this space in the past. 

There is so much information online about creating the dreamiest morning routine, or having the most perfect evening routine, but I want to get to the nitty gritty of WHY a daily routine is important when connecting with the Universe and your inner spirit. 

First of all, I want to mention that you need to develop a daily routine that feels good to you. If you are simply crossing things off your to-do list because someone else said it worked for them, this is not helpful. Your daily routine is meant to feel good in the moment, you are spiritually and energetically filling your well (a well is bigger than a cup, so I think it’s a better analogy). With all things in life, take what resonates and leave the rest. 

Your spiritual journey is not about following someone else’s path, it’s about uncovering who you are as a spirit, learning where your passions lie, understanding what comes easily to you, and determining how you experience joy and peace. Your daily routine needs to be filled with tools, practices, habits, activities, and moments that make you feel good and help you to feel connected to your inner spirit (higher self), who you came here to be. I say this because watching TV may feel good, but does it really connect you to your spirit? Something to reflect on. 

Let’s get into it. Here are 4 reasons why you need a daily routine in order to strengthen your connection to the Universe.   

1 You are forgetful

As humans one of our most common traits is that we forget. Now you may be thinking you actually have a really good memory, but what about when you are in the middle of a challenge, or stressed out because of a project at work?

It’s easy for us to forget common sense when our minds are fixated on a problem, or worse we are in fight or flight mode simply trying to survive through the latest challenge in our life. 

Our minds are extremely overpowering in many ways, especially when it comes to the cycle of worry, doubt and fear. Our mind starts creating a story that is not entirely factual and all of a sudden we are terrified of what may or may not happen in the future. We have forgotten that life is happening right now and we only have power in the present moment. 

Having a daily routine helps you to build a lifestyle where you prioritize feeling good on a daily basis. For instance, the other day I was watching someone’s story on Instagram and she saw a couple rainbows on her morning run. She had mentioned that one would think that was a sign for a good day to come, but actually she experienced a ton of problems and challenges that day. Her morning run and seeing the rainbows was the only good thing from her day. Because she had created a daily routine that filled her spirit and energetic well, she was able to move through the challenges with a bit more ease and grace. Not because she knew instantly how to solve the problems, but instead because she remembered, this is simply a moment in time. 

We will never get away from the fact that we are forgetful. Having a daily routine strengthens your ability to remember your spirit, your truth, even when your mind is running on overdrive. 


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2 Your inner peace comes from within

We need to stop waiting for those peaceful moments when everything in our lives lines up perfectly and we can finally sit down and rest. These moments can be few and far between. 

A daily routine is about having practices or moments in your day where you prioritize creating a peaceful space in your mind, body, and spirit. Personally, I love meditating and my yoga practice. These two activities always calm my mind and allow me to connect back to my spirit. These are only two of the ways I prioritize creating inner peace in my day. 

When I am in the middle of a challenging phase I may lean into 4 or even 6 activities, practices or moments throughout my day that guide me back to the peace within. Your daily routine doesn’t have to be the exact same 5 things every day, it can be a long list of ways you fill your cup. Schedule moments throughout the day to check in with yourself in order to practice those joyful activities or take a moment to slow down and connect with the Universe and your spirit. One day you may want to go for a walk, whereas another day you may want to simply sit at the park and read. Be willing to go with the flow when it comes to your daily routine so you can give yourself what you need in that moment.

Your daily routine needs to be filled with practices that remind you to create peace within, especially for the phases of life where problems are more common. A life of harmony starts with how you choose to show up.  

3 Your power lies in the present moment

You are tired of living in survival mode, simply waking up every day on the lookout for the next thing that will go wrong. Maybe you feel like you are constantly in that start stop motion of living your dream life and the smallest thing can throw you off course. 

Your power to create positive change in your life lies in the present moment. You cannot change the past and you have no control over how the future turns out. The choices you make right here and right now will not only determine how you experience this moment, but they can also guide you towards a future that feels good. 

Let me guess, your mind easily takes over and the hamster wheel of worries, fears and doubts are constantly cycling through. I’ve been there, and I know what it feels like. 

Having a daily routine that prioritizes your connection to the Universe and your spirit is what puts you back in your power. Personally, I love journaling because it helps me to acknowledge the repetitive thoughts cycling through my mind. This allows me to accept where my mind is leading me astray, transmute the energy into thoughts filled with safety, comfort and peace, and then bring my attention back to the present in order to take action in a way that feels good. If I didn’t journal on the good days then I would easily forget to use my journaling practice in the challenging moments, and my sense of inner peace would be nowhere in sight. 

4 Your passions are ignited through creatively expressing yourself

We aren’t meant to only live in the logical, analytical side of our minds. Our spirit stems from the creative side and following our passions gives us purpose. Now maybe your passions and purpose are connected to your analytical mind, then I would encourage you to use creativity to help open your perspective and expand the way your analytic mind thinks. There is always the space to learn more, expand our perspective, and create a willingness to simply try something outside of our comfort zone. 

When you express yourself through artistic or creative endeavors you are learning the art of patience and surrender. Plus we tend to live our lives with the to-do list of responsibilities that needs to get accomplished each day. When we have a way to be creative we are stepping out of the mindset of “this is a means to an end”, and we are allowing ourselves to go with the flow and find enjoyment in the process. 

Your inner spirit shines brightly when you follow your passions. Your passions are typically connected to expressing yourself in a creative way. Your daily routine needs to include some sort of creative expression, whether it’s painting, singing, writing, building something, etc etc etc. You will know how you are being called to express yourself creatively, and if you don’t know then now is the time to try something new and see how it feels. 

These are only 4 of the reasons why you need a daily routine, and I am sure I could come up with a lot more. The point is that your daily routine is about prioritizing the different ways that you can feel connected mind, body, spirit. It’s easy for us to feel limited in life and when we connect with the Universe we are reminded of the limitless energy that is available to us. Your daily routine is the best way to create peace, joy, excitement or whatever you desire to experience. This energy is limitless in your life, you simply need to be willing to create moments each and every day to connect with your inner spirit and the Universe to access this energy. 

I hope this blog has helped broaden your perspective on daily routines and why they are important for your spiritual journey. Now would be a great time to grab your journal and reflect on all the different things that are important for you in a daily routine! 

Need guidance when it comes to journaling and strengthening your connection to yourself through awareness? Check out The Guidebook for Alignment as it will support you in the process of better understanding yourself so you can create a life filled with purpose. It’s time to align your energy through mind, body, spirit, with the energy of joy and peace!

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness