Energy Forecast for December 6th - 12th | BREAKTHROUGHS, EXPANSION & INSPIRED ACTION


The last three weeks have been extremely powerful and some of us may even use the word dramatic. This is because we have been in an eclipse season which speeds up our timelines in order to ensure we are moving with our destiny. 

You have most likely had some massive breakthroughs and Ah-Ha moments over the last three weeks and that's because we were being asked to close out a timeline that began in June 2020 and start a new timeline that will carry us into 2023. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide, I use my psychic/medium abilities to connect with the Universe and channel messages each week for an energy forecast. This gives us a glimpse into what’s coming, what is influencing us, and the overall energies being experienced by the collective. 

This week we are feeling the rush of energy from the New Moon Eclipse that took place on Saturday December 4th and this energy is all about taking action. If you took the time to release and rest last week then this week you are going to notice the fresh energy guiding you through this new cycle of the Moon. You may feel like you want to rush into action and do all of the things because your energy levels are heightened. It’s great to take action, but it’s even better to take aligned and inspired action. 

This week pay attention to where you feel called to take action and make sure you aren’t falling back into old behaviours and habits of forced and pressured action. Take a deep breath and connect to the purpose behind your action steps. You are going to feel the inner calling guiding you forward and the excitement of what is to come. Allow this excitement to inspire you as you move forward in alignment with your destiny. 

On Friday, December 10th the moon will shift into the First Quarter phase which influences our emotions to TAKE ACTION. Not only is the eclipse energy influencing forward movement, but throughout the entire week we are going to feel the pull of go go go. There may be a couple obstacles that pop up on your path that will try and sway you off course. In these moments bring your attention back to your purpose and passion, re-inspire yourself and keep moving forward. Don’t let these obstacles and challenges stop you in your tracks. Find your perseverance and continue moving forward with passion leading the way.


Releasing Guidebook

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This EBook is a great support tool for your overall growth, happiness, success and fulfillment.

We have to be willing to release yesterday’s junk in order to receive tomorrow’s treasure. Check out the Releasing Guidebook here.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for December 6th - 12th 2021

Now that we have a better understanding of how the Moon’s energy is influencing us this week, let’s take a moment to look at the channeled messages for this week’s energy forecast. 

As I cleanse my channel and connect to the Universe I am using Doreen Virtue’s Magical Mermaids and Dolphins oracle deck as a divination tool to guide the messages through my intuition and clair- abilities. 

The questions being asked this week are:

1 How can we support ourselves through our current growth phase?

2 Where have we fallen off track in trusting the Universe?

Let’s see what’s coming forward.


Well that can’t be any more connected to the energy of the Moon and Solar Eclipse! 

For a long time you’ve doubted your intuition or questioned the messages you’ve received. You’ve always prioritized your mind and the thoughts you think, so learning to trust your intuition is something you’ve been trying to strengthen. 

This week you are starting to acknowledge how strong your intuition truly is and you are ready to stop avoiding it’s urges. The best way that you can support yourself as you continue to grow is by trusting your intuition and taking action off it’s guidance. 

Still unsure? Still don’t trust it? Sign up for the Spirit of Air program! This is a 12 month sacred container that will support you as you strengthen the voice of your soul and learn to trust your Inner Spirit. Learn more here. Doors close on December 11th!


When you are too focused on the lack that surrounds you you actually block your channel for receiving. Every single day the Universe is sending you messages of support so you can trust where you are being guided. The smallest moments can have the biggest impact on being able to strengthen your trust.

Has someone held the door open for you at the grocery store while you are struggling to push your cart? Stop carrying guilt that you couldn’t open the door yourself and instead appreciate the gift this stranger has given you. 

Has your friend called you up and asked if they can pick a drink up for you on their way to your place? Don’t shut them down by saying you have a drink at home. Be grateful that they thought of you and allow yourself to receive the gift of a drink. 

Your guilt is coming from a space of fearing lack because you worry that the other person will experience lack after giving you a gift. The gift isn’t actually coming from another person, it’s coming from the Universe and is simply moving through that person to enter your life. Be a good receiver. Appreciate the gifts and blessings that show up in your life every day, no matter how big or small. There is no limit to the abundance of the Universe and the more you recognize these gifts and appreciate them, the more blessings will flood your life and the lives of the people around you. 

Be a good receiver! 

What beautiful messages of support as we move through this week and close out the eclipse season for 2021. Remember, you are supported as you follow your dreams. It’s time to strengthen your trust in yourself and in the Universe. 

If you want to learn more about the Spirit of Air program check it out here. The doors close at the end of this week and there are only 6 spots available. The program won’t open again until November 2022, so if you feel a calling to join, then listen to your intuition for this one! 

I can’t wait to connect with you!

Until next time, sending love and light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness