The Beauty of Listening to My Intuition, and the Terrible Pain of Not (Plus helpful tools for you)


The number one way you stop yourself from following your soul path and trusting your intuition is knowing when to take action on the messages or signs you’ve received. You receive a vision or hear a message about where you’re meant to go, yet your ego mind comes up with a million reasons as to why now is not the right time. 

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have seen the turmoil and confusion people hold themselves in because of their inaction and fear of the unknown. Your Higher Self (Inner Spirit) has given you the clear message, you’ve heard it, you know it, yet you still aren’t ready to take action. I have experienced this myself many times and I’ve helped many clients overcome the fear of the unknown so they feel inspired and courageous to take action on the intuitive messages they received.

In this blog I’m going to share some of my own experiences of breaking away from these limiting blocks so I could follow my intuition and trust my soul path. I will break it down into 3 ways you know it’s time to take action on the intuitive messages you received

I want to preface these stories by reminding you that everyone’s path looks and feels different. You cannot take my experiences and expect them to teach you how you “should” or “should not” listen to your intuition. The art of hearing your intuition, clairvoyantly seeing messages, or hearing the message via clairaudience is extremely personal. I can guide and support you in better understanding how to connect to these senses so you are able to trust the messages you receive. However, you need to be willing to practice listening, uncovering the blocks/resistance you experience, and building courage to take action in a way that feels good to you. 

Living an intuitive life and following your soul path is an art form and you can’t know how it’s going to turn out without taking the first step.

You are the painter and your life is the canvas. Your experiences are each brush stroke of paint and your intuition will guide you where to place the next colour. 

These three experiences I moved through have all led me to where I am today and it wasn’t without difficulty. I hope reading through my journey will provide for some inspiration along your intuitive journey.

Let’s jump into the first story I want to share.

Adopting Poseidon

My late dog, Poseidon (the namesake of my business), came into my life in a Divine way and I am forever grateful for having listened to my intuition with this decision. The story doesn’t start with our first meeting, and I wasn’t in the position of even desiring to have a dog in my life. 

When I was in University all I could think about after graduation was traveling. I knew I wanted to see the world and experience a grand adventure, but I had no plans, only an open mind and a heart pulling me to leave the province I grew up in. 

After following several intuitive nudges I found myself working in the Canadian Rockies as a dog sled guide. The perfect adventure for me. I may have not been traveling the world, but I certainly was traveling my home country. Every single day felt like a grand adventure as I stood on the back of the runners of the sled and traversed the mountain landscape with my team of dogs. 

I fell in love with the spirit of each and every dog and I could feel the sense of adventure that coursed through their veins. Their energy impacted me every single day and my eyes began to reflect the same vision their eyes carried. A desire to run. To follow where the trail led them. To breathe in the fresh air of nature. To watch the wilderness pass them by while leading one paw in front of the other. 

My intuition led me to build a relationship with Poseidon after I had adopted his mom, Athena. I had Athena for the last four months of her life before the cancer took over and her spirit left us earth-side. Poseidon was 5 years her junior and I had a clairvoyant vision of all the adventures I could experience with Poseidon that Athena had been too old and sick to experience with me. Athena opened my mind to seeing that I could still travel and adventure, but instead of taking a plane around the world, I could take a car around North America. 

Athena taught me the joys of traveling with a buddy. After Athena had passed I spent 45 days traveling on my own and the loneliness settled in most days, leaving me wishing for an adventure buddy.

When I came back to Poseidon I saw the light in his eyes and the sense of grounded companionship in his heart. I simply knew he was the buddy I was looking for. I didn’t even know if he was up for adoption, I only knew I had to adventure with him. 

What led me to take action on this intuitive knowing?

I didn’t want to experience life without him.

Turned out he was being put up for adoption a year earlier than originally planned. It was fate that we were meant to be together. We spent the next 6 years traveling and adventuring across North America together. My vision came true in more ways than I could have ever imagined. 

When you receive an intuitive knowing one of the most common ways to know it’s time to take action is when you can’t imagine life happening without that knowing being true. It’s time to act.


Personal Development & Spiritual Growth

Spiritual EBooks

Through self discovery and gaining more knowledge & wisdom you can create soul alignment. This is a self-led practice as you learn to support yourself through different spiritual practices and rituals. There is a range of topics from Releasing, Creating Connection, The Moon Cycle, Creating Harmony etc.

Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment

Through community, spiritual conversation, mindfulness and self reflection you can create soul alignment. In every call you’ll release stress & worry, and create peace & joy. Stay accountable on your spiritual journey by having a community that supports you in creating an aligned life!

If you are on this journey and desire more guidance join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.

If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.

Back to the blog - The Beauty of Listening to My Intuition, and the Terrible Pain of Not

Leaving a toxic environment to work towards my dreams

My mental breakdown was a result of me not listening to the signs and messages and ignoring the calling of my Higher Self. 

Seven months before my mental breakdown I received an intuitive knowing via a clairaudient message. This message said that my time at this job was finished and there was nothing left for me. This knowing told me I had grown as much as I could in this environment and I hit a ceiling. My Higher Self was telling me that there was more for me in life and I needed to change my environment in order to continue moving forward. 

I didn’t listen. 

My humanness blocked me from taking action at that moment because I had signed a 2 year contract a year earlier. The “good girl” in me said no, I have a commitment that I made and I have to see it out. I can’t simply leave because what will everyone think of me if I were to break my promise? 

In order to keep my promise I kept telling myself “in 2 years time my life will look different. Soon I’ll be able to take action and start moving forward, but until then I will stay committed to the promise I made.”

Day in and day out I held onto the knowing that soon my life will look different and until then I will find the positive in each day. I quite literally was choosing to quiet the voice of my soul and instead stay in the comfort zone my ego told me I had to stay in. 

The Universe sent me sign after sign that I had to transition out of this space. Each new sign made living in this environment harder and harder. I continued to tell myself it’s not time yet. Wait. I’m not ready. I can’t leave these people. I’m needed here. I have to stick with my promise. I can’t just walk away. 

Every day that passed I continued to kill my inner light. I shut down my intuition by avoiding the messages and ignoring the sense of urgency in my emotions that said this place wasn’t supporting my future. 

Then it all came crashing down on me. I began to see that the lies I was telling myself to stay in this place were hurting me and causing a deep pain within. I had never in my life shut down my Inner Spirit so forcibly  before and I finally felt all the hurt I was doing to myself. 

It was in the middle of my mental & emotional breakdown that Spirit/God/Source spoke to me through the words of my mom. I was being granted permission to walk away. I was being told that the only commitment I needed to focus on was the one I had with myself in taking care of my mind, body and spirit. 

What made me take action on the intuitive message I had received?

It was at this moment that I realized staying was going to make me worse off.

I left and although I caused a lot of pain and hurt around me, I had to learn to prioritize myself. Understanding that my well-being comes first was the biggest lesson I ever learned. I can’t take care of others if I’m not first taking care of myself. 

When you receive an intuitive knowing and you are unsure whether or not to take action you have to look at the options and determine what is best for your overall well-being. Your intuition will always lead you in the direction that is best for you. When you know one direction is going to lead you into a position where you will be worse off, it’s time to take action.

Starting my business

Since I was 16 years old I knew I was going to be an entrepreneur and run my own business. I didn’t know what it would look like, how I would go about it, or when it would be time. I simply knew with my entire being that I would start a business. 

I spent a lot of years wondering, coming up with different ideas, and excitedly awaiting the time when I was ready to act on this knowing. I never pressured myself or forced myself to take action from a misaligned space. This knowing came from a deep seeded trust in myself and the Universe. 

For 12 years anytime someone asked me what my future entailed, what my dreams were, or what kind of career I wanted to have I always said, without a doubt in my mind “I will own my own business one day. I don’t know what it will be or what it will look like. But, I know I will be an entrepreneur.” When you say something like this everyone has an opinion to share. Our society taught us that security and certainty come when you have a structured plan and you follow that plan. People couldn’t understand my way of living, planless and simply following my intuition wherever it led me. 

Nine months after my mental breakdown, I woke up one day and felt the calling. My Higher Self said “the time is coming to start that business, are you ready?” At this time I didn’t feel ready because I didn’t know what my business would look like. So, I knew it was time to do some self-discovery and research. 

I spent five years in the dog care business and absolutely loved that type of work, so I wondered if this was the direction I was meant to go in. I contacted a dog walker/trainer and asked if we could meet for a chat. I wanted to pick her brain on her business and how she ran it. Going into the meeting I decided that I would trust my intuition and however I felt during that conversation it would give me great insight into my next steps. 

I walked away from that chat knowing without a doubt that the dog care business was not my future. I trusted this knowing. I can’t explain how I knew, I simply felt the vibe was off. 

This left my options open ended once again. 

Two months after that meeting I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw a post from my old Homeopathic doctor from when I was in High School. She is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and was offering a Sacred Medicine Mentorship program. This was it. 

I’d always loved helping people, offering advice, holding sacred space, and listening to their life stories. Ever since I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur at 16 years of age I always was intrigued by the wellness industry. There were many different options that had floated through my mind over the years in how I could help heal people and create a business out of it. 

What made me take action on the intuitive knowing I received?

This Facebook post was a message from the Universe and I knew my purpose/calling was greater than me. I had received the knowing and it was time to take action. I messaged Asha Frost to take the first steps in signing up for her mentorship program. From that first step the next step unfolded before me and I continued to follow my intuition each step of the way. 

When you receive an intuitive knowing and you feel a deep seeded purpose calling on you, your Higher Self provides the right opportunity for you to take action on. You feel that something bigger than you is calling you to move and that is when you know it’s time to take action. 

There are many more experiences and stories I can share with you about times in my life when I knew I had to take action on the intuitive knowing I had received. Some of these times it took me longer to act than other times, but I’ve learned the more I listen to this knowing the easier it is to trust the opportunities as they pop up before me. Sometimes it’s not obvious and the Universe is asking you to take a leap of faith. Whereas other times the opportunity is clear as day and it feels like you are being handed the map of your soul path. 

The one thing I know to be true without a doubt, taking action is always better than waiting. The longer you wait or stay stuck in inaction the harder life becomes. Following your intuition is not always easy, but it most certainly is a fulfilling way to live. 

Do you feel like there is more to life than what you are currently experiencing?

Like there has to be a greater purpose to all of this?

That feeling of something more is your soul calling you to your true purpose. 

In the Spirit of Air 12 month program you will learn to hear this call, interpret its meaning and follow it with full trust and faith. 

Isn’t it time to truly learn about the purpose of your life?

I’d love to have you join the Spirit of Air group program. Sign up now for the 2022 run of this program. If you are reading this after the program is full or already running and you feel the calling, then join the waitlist for the next run of the program. 

I hope this blog gives you insight into knowing when it’s time to act on the intuitive messages you receive.

Until next time, sending love & light on your journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness


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