BALANCE - My life and finding balance.

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Balance can be a tricky thing, especially when your ego is trying to sway your mind in one way and your heart is pointing in another direction. In this instance it is always better to quiet ego and go with your heart, or your gut feeling; however, we don’t all have the strength to quiet our ego, and some of us don’t even realize it’s our ego trying to guide us. Join me for the journey while I uncover the meaning behind finding balance mind, body & spirit; how I take steps in my journey to find this balance; and how you can begin to take steps in creating balance in your life, or even learn new tricks to help you continue in your journey towards balance.

First up, take a glance into my life and how I try and find balance.

Through this journey of life I am constantly reminded to seek out balance in all phases of the cycle. To me this doesn’t mean live in a monotonous way with no ups or downs, no excitement or failures, and no chaos or bliss; it actually includes all of these but is a way to find the good within the bad moments, it is an understanding that in order to have the light there must be darkness and within the chaos I must find the calmness to lead me through. 

Having a strong analytical side of my brain, in the past I have always tried to plan as much as I can for the future; however, over the years I have learnt that in planning too much I am actually limiting myself from being open to opportunities that may present themselves along the way, or even following my intuition when the circumstances change. Now I am constantly finding a balance between planning, or as I like to say, having ideas for my future, and being open to Divine Timing and shifting my original ideas when new information or wisdom becomes evident. 

How am I able to realign myself in balance when the difficult moments unfold? How am I able to quiet my mind when emotions tend to lead me astray? How can I find strength when I feel as if the world is trying to keep me as small as possible? How do I remember to trust in the universe when it feels as if I am constantly surrounded by chaos, dysfunction and all things stressful?

In all of these moments I find refuge in nature.

Whether I am enjoying adventure or seeking asylum from the darkness within, I go to Mother Earth, finding pleasure in all she supplies; breathing the fresh air; taking in the views; enjoying wildlife sightings and being mystified by the different species of trees. It’s important for me in these moments to practice quieting the chaos within and letting my spirit come alive. When I am hurting, or moving through an intense, difficult moment it is Mother Earth’s medicines that heal me. I am able to find strength in myself by knowing that I am part of her and we can grow and adapt and change together.

This is how I stay balanced, and connect back to myself mind, body & spirit.