7 Tips for the Law of Attraction | Manifesting


The Universal Law of Attraction is one of the most known Universal Laws and is extremely popular in the spiritual community because it’s focused on manifestation. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and in order to manifest your desires we are going to dive into 7 tips you need to know. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author and Intuitive Guide, I support and guide my clients and community members in better understanding who they are on a soul-level and how to live out their soul purpose. The emotional and spiritual healing work I focus on includes shadow work, healing past trauma, connecting with the Universe, trusting your intuition and of course, manifesting your needs and desires. 

Now before I jump into the 7 tips for the law of attraction in order to manifest your soul desires, I want to ensure that you understand the importance of shadow work when trying to manifest in your life. Living a spiritual life is not just about connecting with the Universe, manifesting your desires, and living abundantly. 

Spirituality is the process of living with spirit and part of this journey is about learning where you are not living with spirit. What I mean by this is that as humans we become disconnected from our own spirits in many different ways and this can tend to lead us in the direction of focusing on ego, fear, and the avoidance of pain. Spirituality is about learning where you carry shadows, doubts, worries, fear and emotional pain. These energy can be sitting stagnant within you, without your knowledge of it, and it creates resistance and blocks in your life. The resistance can limit your ability to not only manifest your desires, but it also limits your ability to connect with your Spirit and to trust on your soul path. 

Manifesting and learning about Law of Attraction and even connecting with the Universe is the fun, uplifting side of spirituality that everyone is attracted to. The shadow work, the emotional & spiritual healing are usually the parts that people shy away from, but they are actually more important. So make sure to check out some of my other blog posts on healing in order to create a well-rounded practice of spirituality in your life. 

Now, let’s get into the 7 tips I want to share with you for the Law of Attraction. 

#1 The Law of Attraction is energy based

This means that it’s not necessarily about the thoughts you are thinking or the action you are taking, it’s actually about the energy you are carrying. 

If you are thinking “I manifest financial abundance, I’m attracting $50,000”, but you are carrying doubt in your ability to receive this money because of an unsupportive belief system, then the energy you are carrying is actually resisting what you are calling in. 

#2 You do not need to stay focused on your manifestation in order to receive it via the Law of Attraction. 

Because this law is energy based it’s important to know that by simply repeating “I want $50,000” in your mind every day you aren’t calling it in any faster. You are actually staying too attached to the desire which can end up creating emotional resistance. 

The moment you desire something the Universe picks up on this energy and is doing everything to bring it into your life. As long as you continue to carry an energy of peace and joy, that desire is making its way to you. The energy you carry is what attracts your desires. 


Welcome to the next cycle of your life!

This is where you will pursue your heart & souls desire, and you will learn how to feel empowered along the way.

No matter what guided you to your awakening or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, this list of 15 tips you need to know will support you as you shift forward.

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#3 Emotional attachment to a desire you are trying to manifest does more harm than good. 

When you are emotionally attached to something it means that your emotions are being controlled by that thing, or lack thereof it. For instance, if you are focused on receiving something and your thoughts are along these lines, “I really really really want this. I really hope this comes to me. Oh my gosh when I receive this I will be so happy. Oh I hope it comes soon.”, the energy you are carrying is desperation. You are desperate to receive the thing in order to then be happy or at peace in your life. 

This means that the energy you are carrying is actually focused on lacking the thing in your life, so you are resisting the desire rather than attracting it. 

#4 Living as if you are your Highest Self attracts everything much faster. 

Your Highest Self is the version of you that has already learned all the lessons, moved through all the healing, and experienced everything. To explain it in a simple way, your Highest Self is the version of you who has already lived through your entire lifetime. This version of you is often the one leading you through life, pushing you out of your comfort zone, showing you where healing needs to occur, and making sure you learn the lesson in front of you. 

When you desire something it means it’s meant for you. Now I want to make it clear there is a difference between ego-desire and soul-desire, and I am only referring to soul-desires in this post. Your Highest Self is saying “future you already received that desire, it’s happened”. When you live as if you are your Highest Self, you are stating “well, I already know that desire is mine”. To know something versus to hope for something are two very different energies. When you know it’s yours, there is no doubt, no worry and no fear, meaning there is no resistance and it will flow to you much faster because of the Law of Attraction. You are living as if you already have it, so the Universe says that it must be yours. 

#5 The moment you worry about your desire you create resistance. 

We are human, so we do have an ego-mind which means worry, doubt and fear can creep back in especially if we become triggered by our environment. Do not ignore or avoid the worried thought, because it’s already created resistance and through avoidance you are allowing that energy to sit stagnant in your energetic aura. 

The moment you acknowledge that worry has come forward you need to guide yourself through the process of releasing and cleansing this energy from within you. You cannot release something without accepting it in the first place. By accepting that you have been worried and guiding yourself back to your connection with your Spirit you begin the release process which will help you realign with an uplifting energy so you can flow with the Law of Attraction. 

#6 Trying to plan how to receive your desire creates resistance with the Law of Attraction. 

The Law of Attraction states that all you need to do is get into a good feeling of energy and then you begin attracting your desires. The energy of planning and control is always causing resistance because as humans we have a limited perspective on life. We cannot plan in the way that the Universe can plan. Your only job when manifesting your desires, based on the Law of Attraction, is to create a good feeling within you and continue to live your life while feeling good. 

When something triggers you or you have an emotional response that doesn’t feel good, then you need to acknowledge how you feel, release the emotion and energy, and focus on something that creates an uplifting energy once again. 

#7 When living by the Law of Attraction the next right step will show up to lead your desire to you. 

The Law of Attraction doesn’t necessarily mean that when you live by it the desire will just magically appear one day. It means you are attracting everything you need in order to then receive said desire. The reason why you don’t need to plan how to receive your desire is because the Universe will send you each step you need to take in order to receive your desire in the right way and at the right time. Continue creating an uplifting energy then an opportunity will present itself, your intuition will lead you to act on said opportunity, then you are led down the path to your desire. 

There is no plan for you to come up with, only to trust the Universe’s plan for you. 

These are only 7 tips to help you align with the Law of Attraction while manifesting your dreams. Make sure to check out some of my other blogs on manifesting in order to continue strengthening your ability of manifestation. 

Check out my sacred, supportive community in the Meditation Membership where I teach more spiritual lessons on connecting with the Universe, healing past pain, releasing stress, creating peace and more. Join now for only $33/month CAD and learn to live in alignment with your soul path and purpose. Learn more here.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness