Energy Forecast for May 16th - 22nd | Expansive Alignment


The energy over the last few days has been extremely powerful and expansive. As empaths we can feel these effects in two different ways and it all depends on whether we are aligned or misaligned with our soul vibration. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author and Intuitive Guide, every single week I connect to Universal Energy and share an energy forecast so you can have some insight on what’s to come and how to flow through the week with more ease and grace. Living in alignment with your soul path is not only about your energy, it’s also about learning how you are affected by the energy that surrounds you in the Universe, including your environment and the people around you. 

On Sunday, May 15th we had a Full Moon and a Lunar Eclipse, and throughout this week you will still feel the effects of this energy. As an empath, intuitive and sensitive soul, the Full Moon and Eclipse is amplifying your energy and the energy of everyone around you. Meaning if you feel stressed, that stress is amplified, or if someone around you is angry, that anger is amplified. The same goes for if you are feeling at peace, your peace if amplified. Whatever the energy you feel throughout the week, you will feel it 10x more than what you would normally feel. 

Take a look around as you move through your day. Are people stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, or anxious? You will notice that this energy is attaching itself to you and leading you into the spiral of your own worries, fears and doubts. 

Your energetic vibration is what matters most in life and because you experience life in the moment, you need to acknowledge when your energy is feeling low. To raise your vibration is not to gain clarity or answers to all your problems, it’s to acknowledge there is a bigger picture to life that you can’t see in this moment and to choose to focus on the goodness that you can see. Appreciation and gratitude is the name of the game. Pour love into yourself and those around you this week. 

As you move through each day, notice one moment that makes you feel good. Whether you feel joy, peace, love, or fulfillment, notice the moment and send appreciation out into the Universe for guiding you to create this moment. 

Right now we are being reminded to slow down and have patience. The future filled with all your desires and blessings will never come if you stay focused on how to get there. The more you focus on creating an uplifting feeling for yourself right now, the more you will experience a life of enjoyment and that is the path that leads to your desires. 

You have the power to feel good, for you are made of love and light. This means that goodness is already within you. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “what can I do right now to feel a little bit better?”. The key is to remember it’s not about finishing something to then feel better, it’s about feeling better right now based on how you choose to live. 

For instance, when I am feeling frustrated I could ask myself what would make me feel better right now, my ego-mind would say “finish 3 things from your to-do list and then you’ll be able to relax”, when my intuitive-spirit says, “spend 10 minutes dancing in the kitchen to your favourite playlist”. By taking the time to uplift myself now by dancing, I am in a better feeling energy which promotes motivation to tackle the tasks on my to-do list. I don’t want to wait to feel better, I want to feel better now. By choosing to create a better feeling now, I can do some tasks while already feeling good. Now you try. 

The Universal Energy this week is reminding us to acknowledge when we feel off, and then to prioritize creating a moment to feel better. You will be heavily influenced by the people around you who are frustrated, angry and stressed, don’t allow their energy to sway you off course. 

The energy this week is powerful and expansive, so when you find alignment, which is the feeling that feels good to you, the Universal Energy will flow in your favour. Stress and overwhelm creates resistance which causes more issues. Joy and peace creates flow which allows you to experience more opportunities of blessings. Alignment is your answer this week in order to flow with the expansive Universal Energy.

Feeling misaligned? Acknowledge the moment and prioritize creating alignment.

Feeling aligned? Take action on your passions and feel purpose leading you forwards.

Feeling aligned and don’t know where to take action? Ask your Divine Team to bring clear guidance and aligned opportunities to your path, then continue to create moments of alignment by acting on whatever makes you feel good, the clarity will come in time!


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No matter what guided you to your awakening or where you find yourself on your spiritual journey, this list of 15 things you need to know will support you as you shift forward.

These spiritual journey truths are meant to inspire and empower you to continue learning, healing and growing each step of the way.

Download the free mini book at the button below.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for May 16th - 22nd 2022

Now, for one last piece of guidance and support for your week, I will pull an oracle card for the collective. 

I am using Kyle Gray’s Angels and Ancestors Oracle Cards for the message of the week. 


Stag - Trust and Thrive

The message for this week is saying, you aren’t supposed to have all the answers. Your sense of control is swaying you off course because it’s pushing you to act from fear of the unknown. Stag is a reminder that when we learn to trust in a power greater than us, it becomes a lot easier to thrive throughout our lives. 

To thrive is not to know exactly where you are headed and how you will get there. To thrive is to trust in your ability to overcome whatever pops up on your path, and to trust the Universe has your back. 

Imagine you created space to feel good and then you trusted that the Universe was sending you everything you needed in order to live a life in alignment with your soul purpose. Now wouldn’t that be amazing?! That is exactly what Stag is reminding us of this week. 

When you find yourself stuck in the space of overthinking and filled with worry you need to know how to lead yourself back into alignment with your Spirit. In the Meditation Membership there is a spiritual training that will support you through this process. Join today for only $33/month. 

When on your spiritual journey there are many times you can feel alone and stuck, filled with uncertainty. These are the moments when you desire to feel supported and guided along your path. There is a free mini book that I channeled from Spirit that includes 15 tips you need to know for your spiritual awakening and your soul path. This free mini book will provide insight, wisdom and soul truths for your journey. Download your copy today. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



Stop playing small. It’s time to start living with soul purpose.

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Feeling the uplifting, healing energy of spiritual meditation is a game changer while following your soul path.

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