What Does Your Higher Self Want You to Know?


A message from your Higher Self is a way to receive support, clarity and guidance on your soul path. The question remains, what does your Higher Self want you to know?

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide it is my life’s mission to support spiritually awakened people in strengthening their connection to their higher self and the Universe. Many people feel overwhelmed and confused on how to connect with the Universe and how their Spirit or Higher Self is guiding them. I am here to simplify the process so you can feel supported on your soul path and empowered while you pursue your soul purpose. 

You have found your way here because you want to feel connected to your Higher Self, yet you have no idea what your Higher Self is saying. You feel lost, unsure, lonely and overwhelmed and you have been asking the Universe for all the signs and messages. 

There are many different messages that you can receive from your Higher Self, and each one is personalized for you and your life journey specifically. 

This blog shares the 3 main messages your Higher Self wants you to know. 

These messages are meant to guide you out of the darkness and into the light of your Spirit. 


When you find yourself filled with stress and worry it’s because fear has taken over. Your fear stems from unhealed past emotional pain, generational trauma, outdated conditioning, and unsupportive thought patterns. 

Fear keeps you in the space of feeling small.

Fear stops you from reaching your dreams & desires. 

Fear tells you that life is not safe. 

In the moments that fear, stress, worry and doubt roll into your experience your Higher Self has a message for you. 

Take 3 deep breaths. Feel your feet connected to the earth below you. Recognize that you feel stressed, worried or afraid. Take another 3 deep breaths. 

Then, listen to your Higher Self as it states, “You are safe. I am here with you. I am protecting you. You are never alone. Let us walk this path together. You are safe. All is well. You are taken care of. I am here with you. You are safe.

Your Higher Self sends you this message in these moments because it wants you to make your next decision or take your next action from a feeling of being safe, rather than letting fear control your choices. When you feel safe you are able to make aligned and intentional choices. When you are afraid, your past conditioning and unhealed emotions are making the choices for you. 

In these moments, listen to your Higher Self by slowing down, breathing deeply and feeling the sense of safety fill you up. 


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

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As you live your life you often let the feeling of pressure force you into action and you feel rushed to reach some future moment. The reason why you prioritize this feeling of hustle and being pressured in action is because you carry a belief that says some future moment will bring you the peace you desire. 

You are working towards a goal or dream of yours and you keep reminding yourself that once you reach the end result you will be able to feel at peace.

Your Higher Self is wanting to remind you that your life is happening right now. If you are unable to enjoy this moment, then you will not be able to enjoy the future moment you are working towards. This is because enjoyment is an emotion and emotions can only be experienced in the present moment. If your mindset is always focused on the future or you are holding onto the past, then you are missing out on experiencing the peace that this present moment could hold. 

Eckhart Tolle talks about “the power of now”, Gabby Bernstein talks about how “your external environment is a reflection of your internal condition”, and Abraham-Hicks talks about how “the manifestation of your desire is a result of your ability to experience the emotion now”. 

All of these messages are a direct indication of how your Higher Self is trying to guide you to experience life. 

Your Higher Self is saying, “you can find peace now. Slow down and allow yourself to enjoy the process. There will always be more to create, more action to take, more desires to receive, and more dreams to manifest. It’s time to find peace now and enjoy the journey of creation.

When your hustle mentality and action-driven focus comes from a feeling of pressure, stress and forcefulness you are guiding yourself away from the peaceful energy you are meant to embody. The further away you are from peace the further you away you are from peace. Meaning if you take action from pressure, no matter how much action you take it will not create a peaceful environment for you. When you take action from a peaceful space, you are creating a peaceful life that more easily allows your desires to flow in. 

Your Higher Self is reminding you to pay attention to how you are choosing to live right now and making changes to your present experience. The future does not hold your desires, you are the beholder of your desires. By focusing on the future you are blocking yourself from enjoying the now. By creating peace now, you are allowing your desires to unfold divinely. 


Your need for control and planning everything out comes from your desire to experience a good life. You believe deep within you that in order to experience the good you need to control each situation, you need to plan for the good, bad and ugly, that way your expectations are set in a realistic state. 

When something strays from your plans, you jump into control mode for fear of things turning worse than they already are. This sense of control creates more stress, worry and doubt for yourself. The energy of stress, worry and doubt are extremely resistant to peace and you end up attracting more situations that cause stress, worry and doubt. 

The Universe wants you to learn how to flow with life. It’s not about never taking action, it’s about finding acceptance for this current moment, choosing to create joy and peace for yourself, and flowing along the path of least resistance. 

The path of least resistance is not the quickest path to your desires. 

The path of least resistance is the most enjoyable path to your desires. 

Your Higher Self is saying to you, “everything is working out for your highest good. The Universe is creating a Divine Order which may look confusing to you at this moment and that is because you cannot see the bigger picture. Some things need to leave your life to make room for the things that are for your highest good. The situations that are more challenging are opportunities for you to see your strength, courage and resilience. Take a deep breath and remember that everything is indeed working out for your highest good.”

Life carries contrast, which means we experience the challenges in order to know what good we desire. When we flow through the heavy emotions we more easily appreciate the uplifting emotions. Contrast is important in order to experience a full life. Life would be boring if you knew how everything was going to unfold before it happened, and that is what you are trying to do when you grasp onto control. What if the Universe had a surprise of blessings in store for you? 

Your Higher Self wants you to carry the reminder that everything is unfolding for your highest good so you can enjoy the journey of flowing with life. The more you flow, the more goodness flows to you. The more you grip onto control, the more you resist the amazing opportunities you haven’t even thought of. 

Throughout all phases of life your Higher Self is with you, walking the path alongside you. Free will gives you the space to do life all on your own without the assistance of your Higher Self and your Spirit Guides. It’s up to you to open the channel of connection to start receiving more support, clarity and guidance from your Higher Self. 

These three messages from your Higher Self are only the beginning of what your Higher Self wants you to know. Allow these messages to support you each step of the way, and anytime you remember these messages, also remember that your Higher Self is guiding you. 

You can learn more about connecting with your Higher Self, strengthening your intuition and living a soul-led life in the Spirit of Air group program. When you are ready to take your spiritual connection to the next level check out the program and join the waitlist. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness