How Do You Align Your Mind, Heart & Soul?


In order to live from your true authentic self you need to know how to align your mind, heart and soul. The biggest problems in the world right now are occurring because people are living only from their minds. This causes an imbalance in power, the feeling of being ungrounded, self-doubt and insecurities, the feeling of fear, and even feeling unsafe in your emotions. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide it’s my main priority to bring an understanding of energy and emotions to the empaths and sensitive souls around the world. I was once told that I was too soft and this resulted in me becoming completely disconnected from my authentic self. I rejected my emotions, prioritized the opinions of others, became filled with thoughts of doubt, and felt I was constantly at the mercy of someone else’s decisions. 

The only solution to overcome all of this was to embrace my journey of aligning my mind, heart and soul. 

In this blog you will learn the key steps for aligning your mind, heart and soul. This is the path to living authentically you, while feeling empowered to use your voice and stand your ground. 

You are here because you feel disconnected from your true self, you know that your soul is the truest version of you, yet your heart feels hurt and your mind is filled with patterns of doubt and insecurities. You are ready to uncover your authentic self. You are ready to live a purpose driven life. You are ready to feel more fulfilled, peaceful, and connected than ever before. 

How do you align your mind, heart and soul?

Right now you are not experiencing alignment because you are prioritizing your mind. In order to align your mind, heart and soul, it’s not a one time job that fixes the problem for the rest of your life. This is a daily commitment to yourself and your desire to live a more enjoyable life. 

When you align your mind, heart and soul you feel peace more often, you feel empowered to be your authentic self, and you know which direction to move in for your well-being. 

Step One - Worry & Overthinking

You first need to acknowledge when your mind becomes filled with worry or you are overthinking and overanalyzing something. 

This is the tell-tale sign that you are prioritizing your mind, and you are forgetting about the power of your heart and soul. 

The reason why we tend to prioritize our mind is because we were raised in a society that places an importance on logic and rational reasoning. When you tell someone your decision, they often question you as to why you know that is the best decision or how you know you are right. 

Think about this for a moment. 

The last time you needed to make a decision, did you think about all the options before you, how those options might unfold, what the pros and cons of each option were and how someone else might react to the choice you make? You probably thought about all the questions someone else might have for you and you tried to analyze the best answer you could come up with for each potential question. 

You are living from your mind. 

One of the best resources I use for myself and all of my clients, in better understanding our unique energy, is Human Design. It’s a tool that explains the energy of your soul and how to best utilize your energy to live in alignment. In Human Design we can understand that the majority of all people are NOT meant to make decisions from their mind. What I mean is that in making the most aligned decision for you and your well-being your mind will not support you. 

In all of this, you can see that the first step to align your mind, heart and soul is to gain awareness of when you are living from your mind. 

You are living from your mind when you are stuck in worry, or you are overthinking and overanalyzing your choices. 


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Back to the blog - How Do You Align Your Mind, Heart & Soul?

Step Two - Acceptance & Compassion

You are stuck in your mind because you are needing an answer or you are stuck in worry because fear is leading you. 

When you become aligned mind, heart and soul, the solutions are more easily accessible and you are able to make decisions from a space of prioritizing your well-being. In order to shift out of your mind and bring the energy of your heart into this space you are needing to remember the importance of acceptance and compassion. 

Acceptance is the concept of embracing the present moment for what it is. 

You probably haven’t realized this, but when you live from your mind overthinking everything or worrying about something it’s because you aren’t willing to accept what is. Acceptance is the energy of non-resistance. When you embody non-resistance you begin to flow with life, which allows all the solutions, clarity and guidance to flow right into your hands. 

Gripping onto control is all about resistance, and the more you embody resistant energy the more you block yourself from receiving your desires. 

Once you find acceptance, meaning you have chosen to stop overthinking everything, you can then create compassion. Overthinking and worry come from a fear based energy. Whereas alignment and well-being comes from an uplifting energy of compassion and faith. 

The moment you bring compassion into your state of being you open your heart to help guide you forwards from a loving space. This is the second step of aligning your mind, heart and soul. You need to awaken the gift of your heart to allow love to guide you forwards. 

Step Three - Soul Messages

The voice of your soul is where your intuition resides, and your intuition guides you based on what is best for your well-being at this moment. 

Have you ever heard someone explain their decision as, “it’s my gut instinct”? This is someone making a decision based on their intuition and how they feel guided by their soul. 

The reason why you are choosing to align your mind, heart and soul is because you want to allow your gut instinct to guide you on your soul path. You know your authentic self lives life in what feels best for them, not necessarily how society told you to live. Well, when you awaken your soul’s ability to guide you through life you begin the process of prioritizing your well-being. 

The third and final step for aligning your mind, heart and soul is about letting your soul send you messages and guidance for forward movement. There are many different ways you can receive messages from your soul, which is exactly what I teach my clients in the Spirit of Air Group Program

The moment you open your heart through acceptance and compassion, you also open the channel for your soul to speak through you. The reason why you cannot hear or trust your intuition is because you’ve prioritized living from your mind too much. The ability of slowing down, finding acceptance, and feeling compassion flow through your body is how you awaken the energy of your soul. It’s not that your soul was sleeping, it’s that you weren’t allowing yourself to feel the energy of your soul. 

When you receive messages and guidance from your soul everything in your body will feel right. You’ll have this full body yes that runs through you. This is when you know you have aligned your mind, heart and soul. 

Now there is an important disclaimer for you. 

Due to you prioritizing your mind for the majority of your life, it will be easy for fear to pop back in and try to control your experience. You are not used to letting your intuition lead you and your intuition is a quick feeling in the moment, it doesn’t cycle on repeat like your mind does. So as quick as you feel that full body yes, it can be as quick that fear and doubt pop into your mind trying to convince you to not follow through with what your intuition is suggesting. 

It takes a lot of practice, and taking small steps to prioritize living from an aligned mind, heart and soul. Learning to overcome fear so it doesn’t stop you from following your intuition is an important process in living with alignment of mind, heart and soul.  

Don’t let fear be a bully and stop you from following that full body yes of your intuition. 

Your next step of strengthening your intuition, connecting with the Universe and trusting the voice of your soul, is inside the Spirit of Air Group Program. You know whether or not you want to prioritize your intuition and live from a fully aligned and fulfilled space. Check out the program and join the wait-list now. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness