What are the Benefits of Meditation for Spiritual Growth?


You want to better understand who you came here to be in this lifetime, and bring purpose and passion into your life. The question remains, how do you embark on your spiritual growth journey when you don’t know which step to take next? Often you can feel overwhelmed, confused, and uncertain when it comes to your spiritual growth and this is where meditation can benefit you most. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide, I work with spiritually awakened beings who wish to overcome fear of lack, fear of the unknown, and fear of judgment (or whatever fear they are experiencing) in order to live authentically them-self. The clients and members that I work with are committed to their spiritual growth, because they truly desire to live with purpose and enjoyment as they become the best versions of themselves.  

In this blog I will share the benefits of meditation for spiritual growth so you can start supporting and guiding yourself on your own spiritual growth journey. 

Wherever you are on your journey and whatever got you here to this moment, there is a message for you in this blog that will resonate deep in your being. Take this time to better understand yourself, your journey, who you are wanting to become, and where you are wanting to head. 


What is spiritual growth?

Spiritual growth is the belief that you are here to evolve your spirit through this lifetime. You do so by learning lessons, healing emotional pains, shedding unsupportive thought patterns, and shifting your beliefs in order to expand your perspective of yourself, life and the universe. 

Spiritual growth looks and feels different for every single person because we are all on our own journey. Each of us have come here to this lifetime to learn certain lessons, have specific experiences, and evolve our spiritual understanding through this human experience. 

Ultimately, we are all here to expand the universe through the energy we create and share with the world. With each lesson you learn, bad habits you release, and passion you act on you are raising the vibration of yourself and the Universe. This is how energetically the universe expands over time. This is spiritual growth. 

What is the purpose of meditation?

The main purpose of meditation is to go beyond the thoughts in your mind. What this means is that often in our human experience we identify with our minds and the thoughts we think which ends up limiting us and creating a lot of resistance in our lives. 

Meditation is the practice of creating stillness in your body, so you more clearly understand how you are not your thoughts, you are simply the awareness that is listening to the thoughts. When you are able to create this detachment between you and your thoughts, you are able to find your inner power. 

Your inner power is your ability to create change through conscious choice. Often your thoughts are leading you down a negative path because fear has become apparent in your experience. Through meditation you can more easily distinguish the unsupportive thought pattern and the root of your fear; then you begin the process of shifting your energy by changing the thoughts in your mind to something more supportive and uplifting. This is how you create spiritual growth through meditation.


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Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

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Back to the blog - What are the Benefits of Meditation for Spiritual Growth?

5 Main Benefits of Meditation for Spiritual Growth

Now that you have a better understanding of spiritual growth and meditation, let’s take a deeper look into the 5 main benefits of meditation for spiritual growth.

Strong Sense of Self

Meditation can help you uncover a strong sense of self, which will empower you with confidence and self esteem. 

Throughout your life experience you may have lost yourself in different relationships, work environments or situations. You slowly, without being aware, let parts of yourself fall away in order to please someone else, take care of another person, or receive approval in your workplace. 

For myself, I lost my true self because of my fear of judgment and rejection. I was in a workplace where my sole desire was to make my bosses happy, which meant I stopped focusing on myself and my soul desires, and I focused on who I thought they wanted me to be. 

Through a meditation practice you are able to uncover the difference between who you have become, who you want to be, and who you came here to be in this lifetime.  

Releasing Fear

Meditation can guide you through the process of releasing fear, the emotional weight you’ve been carrying, even the stress and worry that has often filled your life. 

In order for you to create spiritual growth you need to become aware of what energy you are holding onto that is blocking you from growing. Often the lower vibration of fear is what creates resistance in your life, and this fear can be rooted in a belief system that is extremely limiting. 

A meditation practice can not only help you to release the energy of fear, it can also help you to connect the dots on where the fear is rooted and how you are needing to shift your belief system to something more supportive and expansive.

Strengthening Intuition

Meditation can support you in strengthening your intuition because you are practicing going beyond your logical mind. 

Your intuition is very much a feeling in your body, and through meditation you are practicing quieting your mind in order to tap into the energy you feel. Meditation is also the practice of awakening your Spirit and being able to hear the voice of your soul and how it’s guiding you. 

I have always been an intuitive being and yet it wasn’t until I started practicing meditating on a daily basis where I really began to feel the positive impact on my intuition. I more easily trust my intuition and see how it’s guiding me now, all because I’ve chosen to use meditation for my spiritual growth.

Gaining Clarity

Meditation can bring forward clarity in all aspects of your life. 

You will find yourself in many different phases of life where you feel lost, uncertain, and even moments where you know action is required and yet you are unsure which step to take. Through meditation you can tap into your Spirit and more clearly receive clarity on where you are being guided to move forward. 

Meditation is a way to better understand your emotions, thoughts, and energy and through this understanding you are able to connect the dots and gain clarity. 

Feeling Connected & Supported

Meditation can create a feeling of connection and support in your life.

Many of us on our spiritual growth journey can find ourselves feeling alone and overwhelmed by the heaviness or darkness surrounding us. Your spiritual growth isn’t always butterflies and rainbows, often you are needing to break ancestral patterns, heal decades of emotional pain that has been ignored and even take the time to shift deeply negative thought patterns that have left you feeling unworthy. This work can be extremely challenging at times, leaving you to feel lonely and exhausted.

Meditation is a divine practice that allows you to feel connected to the Universe, supported by your Angels, Ancestors and Spirit Guides, and most importantly connected to your Higher Self. 

In my own journey, meditation has become an extremely nurturing and comforting space for me to go to when I feel overwhelmed with emotion, lost on my path, or I’m simply needing the nurturing energy of my Spirit Guides. When I finish a meditation practice I always feel relief, uplifted, more peaceful, and fully connected to my Spirit and the Universal support that surrounds me. 

Meditation is the number one practice everyone needs for their spiritual growth journey. There are so many benefits meditation has, and most importantly it’s a practice that helps you to connect with your true authentic self. 

You can check out some of the meditations I have channeled and recorded for spiritual growth on my YouTube channel here

If you are ready to commit to a supportive meditation practice and you want to stay accountable with creating a new habit of meditating for spiritual growth, then the Meditation Membership is the space for you. Learn more about this sacred, supportive community here. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness