4 Ways to Strengthen Your Intuition


Your intuition is an internal compass that guides you on the path of well-being. The ability to listen to your intuition, gut instincts, and vibes comes down to whether or not you prioritize this energy. Every single person has an intuition, and those with a stronger intuition have made the choice to listen to and follow their intuition. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work with sensitive souls and intuitive-beings who desire to strengthen their connection with the Universe and trust their intuition. I support my clients in overcoming the fear that blocks their intuition, shedding the layers of judgment and shame that create resistance around trusting the intuition, and prioritizing a lifestyle of spiritual connection. This is the basis of my Spirit of Air group program which you can learn more about here

In this blog you will learn 4 ways to start strengthening your intuition right now. I had a client one time ask me how she could strengthen her intuition and I told her that it was less about strengthening her intuition and it was more about strengthening your ability to tap into the intuitive feeling within. 

Your intuition isn’t strong or weak. You simply have blocked yourself from feeling or hearing your intuition for so long that you’ve become immune to its guidance. The 4 tips I will share with you here are meant to guide you into a place of more easily feeling the intuitive guidance that flows through you. 

Your intuition is one of the many ways your soul speaks through you, yet for years you’ve ignored the calling within. You’ve prioritized logic and rational reasoning, which has created resistance around your ability to acknowledge your intuition. 


You need to practice getting out of your mind/thoughts and into your body/feeling. 

Your intuition is a feeling and if you are stuck overthinking and overanalyzing everything then you are missing out on the intuitive message that is moving through your body. 

By prioritizing a meditation practice you are actively stepping out of your mind and into a connection with your Spirit through stillness. It’s not that your mind becomes still in meditation, it’s that you actively separate your identity from the thoughts in your mind. 

Meditation teaches you to create calmness within, no matter what is happening around you in life. Through this ability you can tap into how you feel at any time, which allows you to feel your intuition more easily. 

Start Small & Play 

You want to know how your intuition is guiding you in the big decisions, but it’s a lot harder to trust this inner guidance when you haven’t practiced feeling it in the moments that have lower consequences. 

As I’ve mentioned, your intuition is guiding you based on your well-being, and when you are in a state of well-being it means you are enjoying life. The more you play and have fun while practicing feeling your intuition the more you trust it’s guidance to create enjoyable moments in life. 

Here are two different ways you can start small and play with your intuition. 

1 - Use Oracle Cards

Grab your oracle cards, ask a question, shuffle them, then lay them out on the table face down. As you focus on your breath, place your hand out in front of you, hovering over the cards and see where your hand feels called to grab a card.  

As you read the card and decipher the spiritual meaning for your life, notice how the message resonates with you. Remember, you are wanting to pay attention to a feeling that is guiding you, not what you “think”. 

2 - Time in Nature

Go for a walk and when there is a fork in the trail tap into your intuition. Stop, breathe deeply and ask yourself which path feels right. 

When you let your intuition lead the way on your walk you open yourself up to receiving signs and messages from the Universe. This is because you aren’t “thinking” about which path is the best, instead you are letting your soul lead you in the moment and the Universe will surprise you with blessings along the way. 


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Ask for a Sign 

When you ask the Universe for a sign it’s a clear intention for yourself and the Universe that you are open to receiving guidance in a spiritual way. This means that you are choosing to not let logic lead you and instead let a Universal path of well-being unfold before you. 

Receiving signs and messages from the Universe strengthens your intuition because it allows you to be aware of your surroundings, and notice the smallest things. Your logic will want to explain your way forward, whereas asking for a sign is about choosing to have fun and letting yourself be led on the path for your highest good. 

When you see the sign, notice the initial feeling that moves through your body. Also, take a moment and acknowledge how you were guided to that exact moment to see the sign, proving that you are being guided. 

When I ask for a sign from the Universe it’s not always to receive an answer to a question I have, instead it’s to help me build trust in myself, the Universe and my path. For instance, one time I asked to see an owl as a sign that I am not alone. I was on a walk in the forest and I was enjoying the beautiful energy that surrounded me. All of a sudden I had an idea pop up in my head, so I grabbed my phone to write the idea down. As I finished writing it, I stopped walking and thought to myself, “wow what a beautiful moment to receive this idea”. Then without even thinking, I looked to the left and there was a Great Grey Owl sitting on a tree branch beside me. If I hadn’t had the idea pop in my head and then stopped to write it in my phone, I would’ve never noticed the owl. I would’ve walked right on by, but I wasn’t meant to walk right on by because I was meant to receive the sign. My Spirit gave me the idea in the exact right moment so I would stop and write it down. Then my intuition guided me to look to the left without me logically thinking about it, and that’s when I received the moment with the Owl. 

Through receiving this sign it reminds me that my intuition is always going to guide me to the exact moment and place that supports my well-being.    

Pay Attention to How You Feel 

The last tip to support you in strengthening your intuition is all about tapping into how you feel at any given moment. Your intuition is a feeling that moves through your body, not a thought that moves through your mind. This means the more often you pay attention to how you feel, the easier it becomes for you to acknowledge when you have an intuitive feeling about something. 

When you are in a state of joy, how does it feel in your body? When you are in a state of frustration, how does it feel in your body? The more you notice the feeling in your body, the more aware you become of the subtle shifts in feeling your intuition. 

Your intuition is not loud and it’s not repetitive. It’s a quick feeling that flows through your body once in a moment. You need to become aware as to how you feel on a moment to moment basis in order to notice the subtle signs of your intuition. 

By practicing these 4 tips on a regular basis you will begin to notice a shift in how easily you feel your intuition. Strengthening your intuition and feeling connected to your Spirit is not a one time job. It’s a dedicated way of life where you are choosing to focus on your well-being over everything else. 

The best way to strengthen your intuition is in my Spirit of Air Group Program

I will guide and support you each step of the way as you learn to trust your intuition, connect with the Universe and follow your soul path from an aligned and authentic space. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness