What A Year of Meditating Did for Me…


Meditation is the bridge from your false sense of self to your true authentic self. The practice of meditation is the number one wellness practice all spiritual mentors and teachers talk about. Meditation can change your life for the better. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide my journey has been focused on my own inner child healing, releasing outdated beliefs, shifting from self-doubt to self-trust, and aligning with my Higher Self. Each step of the way, through the shadow work, the difficult moments, and the blessings, meditation has been the key to living with more peace. 

A lot of people talk about meditation and how it’s helped them or why it’s beneficial. I believe self-reflection and self-awareness are extremely important on our personal growth journey. So, I am taking a moment to reflect on my past year and how my meditation practice helped me up-level and evolve my consciousness. 

I will break down 7 key aspects of my life that I can attribute to my meditation practice. At the beginning of 2022 I set the intention to meditate every day to connect with my Spirit. The goal wasn’t about meditating 365 days of the year. The goal was about feeling more connected to my Spirit than ever before. 

There were some days that I missed, and I often felt the negative side effects of not meditating on those days. Rather than guilt trip or shame myself, I learned, I reflected, and I encouraged myself to sit down and meditate again. 

There were some days where I meditated multiple times a day, and although this isn’t necessary, I learned that sometimes I was better off for it. The multiple meditation days were usually the days that life seemed harder and I found myself slipping back into old thought patterns of fear and worry. 

This is what a year of meditating did for me. 

Building Self Trust

I struggled with self doubt for a long time, like many people do. My insecurities always got the best of me, telling me that I wasn’t good enough, I wasn’t doing enough, and I wasn’t the right person. I felt like I wasn’t the right person to be a mentor, I wasn’t the right person as a sister, I wasn’t the right person my friends wanted, and I wasn’t the right person to experience love. 

My self-doubt was a heavy, harsh energy that I felt like would never go away and it would often creep in and control my experience in life. I was always fighting against this need to prove myself to myself and the world. Yet in the back of my mind there was always a belief filling me with doubt. 

A year of meditating allowed me to shift my energy from self-doubt to self-trust. I could see in meditation that the doubt and incessant thoughts filled with insecurity was really a part of me that was only wishing to be seen and understood. In meditation I was able to hold space for myself, offer myself compassion, and shift my doubt into an energy of trust. 


A free 90 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.



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Mastering My Energy

As an empath my entire life had been filled with my sensitive heart feeling overwhelmed with emotional highs and lows. Not only would I feel the frustration, stress, sadness, and worry through my own experiences, and these different emotions always landed me in a pile of tears. I also felt the emotions and energy of everyone around me. If a friend was struggling through a challenge I would take on her sadness and stress. If a client was healing past trauma I would take on the energetic weight of their experience. 

My energy and emotions seemed to always control my experience and I never knew which way my day would take me. The worst part of feeling the heavy emotions was that I felt like they would last for days, even weeks at a time. I was at the mercy of my emotions. 

A year of meditating allowed me to understand my energy and emotions from a higher perspective. I was able to see how I was being affected and influenced by my environment and I learned how to more easily release this energy without the drastic emotional swings. Through my meditation practice I learned to master my energy, allowing me to stay in a neutral state of peace, calmness and grounded presence, no matter what is happening or who I am interacting with. I feel empowered and peaceful in my energy now, and where I once cried on a weekly basis, now I can see that I cry once every few months. My emotions no longer control my experience because meditation allowed me to master my energy. 

Strengthening My Intuition

I have always had a connection with my intuition and yet with my self-doubt I often blocked my intuition from coming through clearly. Mastering my energy and embodying self-trust were two integral factors to being able to strengthen my intuition more. 

A year of meditating allowed me to better understand how my intuition moves through me and what tends to block my intuition. When I am in an ungrounded state, living from fear I will not be able to feel my intuition, nor trust it. My meditation practice has strengthened my connection to my Spirit which is how I feel my intuition guiding me. Often it was the small moments where doubt would creep in and I would lose faith in my intuition and the Universe. By choosing to meditate in those moments I align with my Higher Self once again, and feel the calling of my intuition as it leads me on my soul path.

Living with Purpose

One of the strongest outdated beliefs I carried in my life was the hustle mentality and the belief that hard work creates financial success. From early on in my healing journey I learned that this belief was misaligned and I didn’t like how it made me feel. Even though I knew this outdated belief was limiting, I didn’t know how to shift it, so I just ignored it. 

Ignoring my old beliefs meant that I still lived from a pressure-driven mindset without being consciously aware of it. I didn’t want to live a pressure filled life, but in the challenging moments I could feel pressure build up, I began to feel stressed, and my mind tried to force me into action. 

A year of meditating allowed me to learn the difference between feeling pressured versus feeling purposeful. I began to see how much better my life would become when I focused on my energy before taking action on something. I knew that pressure filled action or stress-driven action would only create more pressure and more stress. I also knew that purpose-driven action would allow me to pursue my passions with joy and peace. 

By meditating on a daily basis (for the most part) I was able to shift my energy from pressure into purpose so I could lead myself towards a fulfilling life.

Feeling of Fulfillment

I’ve always been someone who believes in having a soul purpose and bringing more goodness into the world. I’ve always had a caring, compassionate heart and have desired to share that energy with those around me. I never knew what a fulfilling life would feel like and from a young age I always saw “success” as something different than what the majority of the world saw it as. 

A year of meditating allowed me to better understand what fulfillment means to me and not only pursue it, but actually start feeling it on a daily basis. The reason why meditating has allowed me to experience the feeling of fulfillment is because I have cultivated a strong connection with my Spirit. When I lead from a soul-centered space I am always creating the feeling of fulfillment in my life. Fulfillment is not an end result, it’s a feeling you get to experience when you pursue your passions and lead yourself with purpose. I wouldn’t have known this or experienced this without my year of meditating.

Peace of Mind

I can see how my conditioned patterns, behaviours and thoughts became rooted in a fear of the unknown because that is something we are taught in our society. A certain level of control in your life allows you to “know” what’s coming, what’s happening and what you are creating. This means you have nothing to fear, except the problem is that we actually don’t have control in our lives, we simply perceive that we do. 

In my life experience, anytime things shifted and I felt myself being led on the path of the unknown these conditioned patterns, especially my thoughts, would lead me into worry, stress and overwhelm. Trying to uncover all the answers to my questions, trying to determine how things would work out, and trying to grip onto some level of control caused a lot of chaos, confusion and uncertainty in my mind. 

A year of meditating allowed me to understand what peace of mind actually was and how to attain it and embody it in my everyday life. Peace of mind is not having control and knowing how things are going to happen. Peace of mind is being able to comfort yourself through the unknown, and living with grounded presence. I am able to live with peace of mind today because I choose to focus on this present moment, trust that everything is working out for my highest good, and comfort my thoughts with love and compassion.

Trusting My Divine Path

We can either trust our divine path or we can fear our divine path, either way it’s a choice we are making. Meditation is the practice that supports me in being able to trust my divine path and the way the Universe is guiding me each day. Meditation is where I begin to decipher the messages I receive from the Universe. Meditation is how I feel into my intuition. Meditation is what I use to shift my perspective from lack to abundance. 

A year of meditating has allowed me to understand what it means to trust my divine path and follow it with ease and grace. 

Meditation has many different benefits and I think the biggest benefit of all is the transformation it can create in your life. These 7 aspects of my life are only the beginning of how a year of meditating changed my life. It’s not something that is easy to logically understand and that’s because meditating is about tapping into the feeling of pure presence. 

If you are ready to take your meditation practice to the next level in order to experience similar aspects that I’ve shared, then the Meditation Membership is the space for you. 

You will build self-love, create empowerment, and shift your perspective into trust and abundance through the lessons, calls, and meditations inside of the membership community. 

Join me and allow yourself to transform through  your spiritual growth journey.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness