Number One Thing MISSING on Your Soul Path | VIDEO Lesson


There is both shadow and light in our lives and sometimes we have a tendency to ignore, avoid and deny when our shadow self has taken over. The only way to follow your soul path and live your soul purpose is to bridge the gap between your shadow self and the light of your inner spirit. As a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Guide, Sydney is always sharing the number one thing that is missing on your soul path. This YouTube video shares a spiritual lesson and a spiritual meditation to support you in harmonizing shadow and light. Here is a little more information on the video before you press play.

This is the number one thing we need on our spiritual journey and a lot of us struggle with it. When we feel swayed off course and disconnected from our soul path we know we are most likely missing this one thing! Sydney the Spiritual Mentor is sharing a quick lesson on learning to FLOW in your life. Flow with the Universal Energy that surrounds you, flow with your own emotions and energy levels and flow with purpose. The opposite of flow is forcefulness, so if you are feeling forced into something you know you are disconnected from flow. Listen to this guided meditation in order to connect to the energy of flow in your life.


Learning to flow in life is the spiritual power that will lead you to soul alignment. The only way to move from your shadow self into the light of your inner spirit is the energy of flow. Energy is always shifting and changing around us, but when we avoid or deny the low vibrational energy we feel that energy ends up staying stagnant within our body.

When an energy is stagnant within us it creates resistance and blocks that stop us from trusting our intuition and pursuing our soul purpose. There are many different things that can cause a low vibrational energy to impact our experience. The key to moving forward with grace is learning to flow with however you feel right now.

When you learn to flow and let go of the illusion of control, you begin to honour your spiritual power of peace. The spiritual meditation in this YouTube video will support you in connecting with the energy of flow. A life of fulfillment doesn’t happen because you work towards some future moment. It happens because you learn to accept this moment as it is, and you flow with the energy in order to support yourself to feel a higher vibrational energy.

Learning the spiritual lesson of flow is a practice, and it will support you in following your soul path. Use this guided meditation to embody the energy of flow as often as you need.

Remember, every Tuesday I share a new Spiritual Lesson video on my YouTube channel. Make sure to subscribe and turn on the notifications so you don’t miss a video.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness