Meditation When Feeling Energetically Drained or Emotionally Exhausted | VIDEO


As an empath, sensitive soul and people pleaser it is easy to feel energetically drained and emotionally exhausted. Whether you have a ton of tasks on your to-do list, you are stressed to the max, or you are taking on the energy of your environment, all of this leads to exhaustion. 

I am a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide and I work directly with empaths and people pleasers who are ready to better understand their energy and emotions so they can live from an empowered and peaceful state. I guide and support my clients through the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program so they can overcome their fears, break away from their limiting beliefs, and finally live from an aligned state while embodying their true authentic self. 

The meditation I am sharing today is the perfect spiritual tool to support you in cleansing your energy when you feel exhausted and drained so you can find your way back to peace. Listen to the meditation now if you are ready.

In this blog I will share exactly who will benefit most from this meditation, when are the best times to use this guided meditation, and how exactly this meditation will support you on your spiritual journey. 

Who is this meditation for

As I stated earlier, when you are an empath, sensitive soul or a people pleaser, your energy and emotions are easily affected by your environment and the people around you. There are many ways to find yourself in an energetically drained and emotionally exhausted state of being. 

When you have a full to-do list and you constantly feel stressed and overwhelmed because you never feel like you can take a break or relax, you end up prioritizing the go-go-go and hustle mentality. This mindset keeps you in a perpetual state of feeling pressured, which is a constant cycle that drains your energy. You may find yourself one of the people that is always waiting for the weekend to roll around to replenish your energy, then when the work week starts you are back in the cycle of feeling drained and exhausted. This meditation will help you as a daily practice to cleanse your energy. 

You may also be someone who feels affected by the people that surround you. Whether you are offering advice to your coworkers and family members, you witness your friends constantly gossiping, or you are the person people go to to vent and complain, you become emotionally exhausted because of these situations. As an empath you are taking on the energy of the people around you and they are walking away taking on your kindness, compassion and support that you offered to them. This meditation will help you to cleanse your energy after these types of interactions. 

You may be someone who feels affected by the Moon Cycle or other astrological shifts in the environment. Again, as a sensitive soul and empath, you easily pick up on the energy of the environment, including the Universe. It’s important to learn how your energy is affected through these Universal shifts, and at the same time this spiritual meditation will support you in cleansing any energy you’ve taken on from the Universe that is leaving you feeling drained.

When to use this meditation

As I already clearly described who this meditation is for, I’m sure you can begin to see when is the perfect time to use this meditation. 

Basically, anytime you are feeling energetically drained or emotionally exhausted this meditation will be a great benefit for you. 

How this meditation will help you

Understanding how this meditation will help you is part of the process of understanding your energy levels and how you can support yourself to live from an empowered and peaceful state. 

As a Spirit you have a specific energetic frequency that your soul naturally vibrates at. Take a moment and think about an experience that you had where you felt joy. When you are doing the things you love to do or spending time with the people you love in a joyful way and you are fully present in the moment, your energetic frequency is vibrating in alignment with your true nature. Then in the complete opposite manner, when you are doing something that is not in alignment with your Spirit, your energetic vibration will decrease and you will begin to feel the heavy, harsh emotions. 

The more often you can cleanse your energy in order to release the heavy and harsh emotions, you will be able to raise the vibration of your energy leading you back into a state of alignment. This is how this guided meditation supports you. In the moments when you are in a low vibration energetically, you feel drained and exhausted. This is when you need to prioritize cleansing yourself and restoring your energy. 

This is the meditation to comfort you in times of feeling exhausted, even when you don’t know why you feel exhausted. 

Your next step is to get into a comfortable position, turn off all distractions and press play to listen to the meditation.


Are you ready to break away from the cycle of pressure and exhaustion? It’s time for you to gain a better understanding of your energy and emotions as an empath. In the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program you will learn how to shift your life from feeling exhausted and emotional all of the time, into one where you feel empowered and peaceful all of the time. If this resonates with you and you want to make this empowering transformation then check out the link below to learn more.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness