Manifesting vs. Taking Action | Spiritual Significance of Spring


How do you manifest your desires into reality if you aren’t taking action? How do you live a peaceful and purpose-driven life if you always feel pressured to take action? How can you successfully combine manifesting and taking action? What is the spiritual significance of spring and how does it align with manifesting & taking action?

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, I am always healing my own energetic resistance around manifesting my desires and channeling messages from the Universe to better understand a healthy and successful process to manifest. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is how the cyclical nature of Mother Earth impacts our abilities to manifest, heal spiritually and emotionally, take action on our passions, and create a life of our dreams. 

In this blog I will unpack the spiritual meaning of Spring season and how it applies to our spiritual journey of manifesting and taking aligned action. 

First of all, it’s important to remember that in order to receive whatever you are manifesting you have to actually believe it’s possible for you to receive it. More than that, you have to believe it’s already happened in a spiritual sense, and the Divine Universe is simply guiding the manifestation into your physical reality. 

Now, this process is extremely challenging if you are manifesting something that is way too big for you to logically believe it’s possible. Anything you manifest is 100% possible, however as a human you are carrying limits that resists the limitless possibilities of the Universe. Most of these limits stem from subconscious beliefs that have been instilled in you since childhood, some of them are fears rooted in past pain and even still there are the doubts you carry about your own abilities. 

This is where the energy of Mother Earth and the Sun influences our energy through the spiritual significance of the Spring season. During the Spring Equinox the light and dark balances out and energetically it signifies the beginning of a new cycle. 

We can see the energy of Spring when we look to farmers who use the land to grow their crops and eventually harvest & sell the crops. Spring season is when farmers till the land to remove all of last year's growth that has died away in the winter, then they plant the new seeds for this next cycle. 

Spring is a time where farmers do the physical manifestation process by taking action to bring something to fruition in their physical reality that doesn’t currently exist. The fruit doesn’t exist yet, only the seed does. They will not receive the physical manifestation of the fruit until nature has played its course, the farmer has taken the aligned actions steps and the crop has grown. 

The spiritual significance for Spring is the planting of new seeds, or manifesting your desires and dreams. But remember, your manifestations won’t come to fruition if you do not believe they will. The spirit of Eagle Medicine is associated with the Spring season because it’s the energy of trust. Not only are we planting our desires for this new cycle, we are also creating the energy of trust as we learn to trust our higher selves and the bigger picture. 

How can we build trust?

How do we believe in the possibility of our manifestations?

Spring is about balancing the darkness and light. 

Your thoughts of worry, doubt and fear are the darkness. 

Your Soul Truths of courage, trust, and faith are the light. 

Both of these energies exist within you, and just like the farmers till the land to remove the dead plants of the last cycle, you too must learn to alchemize and release the energy of your shadow self in order to let the light guide you forwards. 


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Back to the blog - Manifesting vs. Taking Action | Spiritual Significance of Spring

Taking aligned action to receive your manifestations is not about pressuring yourself to do everything and worrying about what the next steps are, for this is shadow energy that only limits and resists your manifestations. 

Taking aligned action is about carrying the energy of trust, purpose and faith, while you act on the first step in front of you. Trusting your manifestations will come true is about not rushing towards the future, instead it’s about focusing on the one step in front of you and taking action from an aligned energy. 

This Spring season you need to determine three things in order to call in your manifestations and create a life of your dreams. 

1 Sit with yourself in silence and ask yourself “what is calling on my heart and soul? What do I truly desire to experience?” This is your manifestation.

2 Next look towards where you might be resisting your desires by asking yourself “what are my most common habits, thoughts, behaviours that are the opposite of what I desire to experience?”

3 Lastly, call in your Divine Team and get clear on one action step you need to focus on right now by asking yourself, “what is one thing I can do today to start working towards experiencing life in the way I desire?”

The Spring season signifies a time to manifest, while looking at where you are blocking your manifestations through your shadow self, and determining what aligned action step will guide you forwards today. 

Every day throughout the season you will continue to alchemize the shadow into light until the light far outweighs the shadow you experience. At the same time, rather than sitting and waiting for your manifestations, you will begin taking aligned action steps that feel purposeful and fill you with peace in knowing you are moving forward. 

This process isn’t easy, even though it sounds simple. 

We carry blocks & resistance in many different ways and we often self-sabotage in order to not receive our manifestations. 

The Spring season is amplifying the energy of trust through the process of harmonizing the shadow and light. It’s your job to connect with this Universal energy and harness it in your own life. 

Here are three ways you can receive more support and guidance on your spiritual journey as you heal your shadows, create harmony, and manifest your dreams:

1 Join the Meditation Membership community.

Here we focus on releasing stress, fear and shadow energy and creating peace, joy and light energy. Each month focuses on a different spiritual lesson for soul healing, along with a spiritual meditation to help you alchemize the energy in your being. Click here to learn more.

2 Buy the Guidebook for Alignment EBook.

This spiritual & emotional healing guidebook will support you through your spiritual awakening as it’s filled with exercises and journal prompts on shadow work, finding purpose and creating more joy. Click here to learn more.

3 Work with me (Sydney) directly in the 1:1 Mentoring 6 Month program.

This is where we dive deep into your spiritual journey. I will guide and support you through soul healing and shadow work as you break the barriers of limitations and resistance that’s blocking you from living a life you love. You know you are meant for more, but you’ve been feeling stuck for too long. Now is your time to expand into the soul you came here to be. Click here to learn more.

I look forward to connecting with you further through one of these offers.

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness