How to Gain Inner Peace as an Empath | Life Lessons


On my journey of gaining inner peace as an empath I had to learn to stop avoiding the shadows within me. Toxic positivity is not the path to inner peace. You are a light being, as an empath your greatest gift is the ability to transmute darkness into light. This is your journey of gaining inner peace as an empath. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide the most important lesson I have learned on my own personal healing journey was how to master my energy and emotions. We all have shadows and we are all made from light. Learning to no longer avoid my shadows and instead how to alchemize the energy into light was how I gained inner peace. 

This blog is meant to empower you in understanding how to gain inner peace as an empath. I’ll be honest, I am going to share a lot of information here on the different steps and practices that will help you gain inner peace. These are the different life lessons that will support you in embodying peace in your daily life. 

Can you do this work on your own? Yes, you most definitely can and I am proof of that. 

Is there an easier way to gain inner peace? Yes, and that is working with a mentor. 

I’m not here to say that everyone needs to work with me. I know that I am not the right mentor for everyone and I know that not everyone is the right client for me. 

In my experience, doing things on your own means that you’ll often fall off track, self-doubt will overcome you, your mindset blocks will stop you from seeing a broader perspective, and you’ll become overwhelmed with fear. 

In my experience, working with a mentor allows you to connect the dots quicker, feel supported each step of the way, gain clarity faster, and stay accountable with growth strategies.

Why am I sharing this with you? You desire to gain inner peace and you are more than capable of creating inner peace for yourself. There is a challenging path and there is an easier path. You get to decide which path you want to walk. 

All of the tips I am going to share with you below are not meant to be implemented all together at the same time. One step at a time is key when it comes to healing and growth. Focus your journey on one of the steps below and when you feel you’ve mastered it, then you can move onto the next step. 

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. 

How to Gain Inner Peace

In no particular order, these are the different strategies and practices that will help you on the journey of embodying inner peace. Peace is a light energy and when you understand the shadows or darkness within you that is blocking the light energy you can more easily guide yourself to transmute the darkness into light. 

Learn your limiting beliefs & mindset blocks

Peace is an emotion or a state of being, and it’s very much something that you feel. When you are living from your headspace it becomes a lot harder for you to feel into a peaceful energy. Right now you have different limiting beliefs that are holding you in a state of fear. These limiting beliefs can be fear of lack, the feeling that you are not worthy, and/or the belief that life is always hard. These different beliefs affect your thought patterns and create mindset blocks. I shared more about mindset blocks in this blog if you’re interested in learning more

When you build awareness around your limiting beliefs and your mindset blocks you can more easily see how your mind pulls you out of a peaceful state and into a state of fear, worry, doubt, insecurities and pressure. The thoughts that are constantly cycling through your mind create resistance around embodying inner peace. 


A free 60 min recorded mentoring session with Sydney!

Understanding Your Triggers: How To Live A More Peaceful Life

It’s time to understand your energy and emotions as an empath!


  • Lesson on energy and how as an empath you become affected by your environment

  • Breakdown to understand your triggers, what this means & how to overcome them

  • Tips & strategies to support you today in living more peacefully

Click the link & follow the steps to gain access to the free mentoring session.



Back to the blog - How To Gain Inner Peace as an Empath

Create emotional healing around your wounds

As I already mentioned, inner peace is a feeling and so many empaths have been carrying the weight of fear and emotional pain. When you’ve lived your life as an empath for many years, you’ve most likely taught yourself to avoid your emotions, ignore them and maybe even to sweep them under the rug. It can be scary to feel our emotions and toxic positivity has become a real thing to mask and hide the heavy, harsh emotions we don’t want to feel. 

The problem with this is that the energy of these heavy emotions is still sitting inside your body. To gain inner peace you need to be willing to create emotional healing around your wounds. For myself I carried the fear of judgment and rejection my entire life. I had experienced multiple situations where people did not want to be my friend, both as a child and as an adult. The way these friendships ended caused a lot of emotional pain for me, which further strengthened my fear of judgment and rejection. 

I couldn’t create inner peace for myself until I was able to heal those old emotions of feeling not worthy. In my journey inner peace came from being able to hold space for myself, nurture myself and my sensitive soul, and gain supportive strategies that allow me to flow through my heavy emotions with more grace. Now that I understand how to process my emotions in a healthy way I can more easily embody inner peace without my emotions controlling my experience. 

Use affirmations & mantras to shift your thought patterns

Your thoughts are 90% repetitive, which means from one day to the next you’ll experience the same thought pattern over and over again. This leads us to feeling stuck in the same cycle, never breaking free from the experiences of stress, pressure, worry and doubt. 

Affirmations and mantras are a great way to shift your thought patterns in order to gain more inner peace in your daily life. Once you’ve learned your mindset blocks and limiting beliefs you can find affirmations and mantras that support you in shifting your perspective. As you repeat these mantras over and over again you begin to create a new cycle of thoughts that will lead you forwards with peace rather than fear. 

Protect your energy around others

As an empath you have an open and inviting aura and a compassionate heart, so you easily feel and understand the emotions and energy of another person. It is integral that you learn how to guard and protect your energy so you are not constantly being influenced by the energy around you. 

Your compassionate heart is a gift, but if the energy around you is constantly triggering your wounds or limiting beliefs you cannot stay in an uplifted and peaceful state to share your compassion. Think of your energy aura like a sponge. When you interact with different people and different environments all day long, your aura soaks up the energy that is around you. You’ll arrive back home completely deflated, overwhelmed, exhausted, and possibly even triggered. Learning to protect your energy is about putting an energetic shield around your aura, where you can still offer kindness, compassion and uplifting energy with others, yet you are not taking on their frustrations, gossip, drama, anger, or grief. 

Learning to protect my energy as an empath and a spiritual mentor was the number one strategy that shifted my experience and has allowed me to embody more inner peace throughout my daily life. 

Feel peace in the stillness

As I’ve already mentioned numerous times, peace is a feeling that you sense in your body. You have been living from your headspace for so long that you’ve forgotten how to embody peace. Meditating is a great practice to shift out of your headspace and drop into your heart space to more easily feel peace. 

Going for a walk in nature is another great way to embody peace because you are able to focus on the stillness of the forest and sense the peace of your surroundings. Most of us are not used to creating stillness in our mind and we feel like it needs to constantly be moving. We are afraid of creating stillness for fear of then feeling our emotions. Stillness and peace are not about having all the answers to your questions/thoughts. It’s about allowing yourself to feel the energy of peacefulness despite the fact that you still have unanswered questions or problems without solutions. 

Think about the forest for a moment. A deer never knows where its predator may be and it could spend its entire life focused on whether its predator is around the corner ready to hunt it, or it can choose to enjoy eating the grass and frolicking in the sun because that is its current reality. How does this relate to you? You could spend your entire life allowing your worries, fears and doubts to control your experience, hoping you gain all the answers one day, or you can choose to find a moment of stillness and presence right now, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, listen to the breeze move through the leaves and allow that energy to provide inner peace for you right now. 

Inner peace is a feeling you choose to embody on a daily basis. It’s not something that is attained once and you are good for the rest of your life. It’s a practice, a commitment and a lifestyle choice you make each and every day. 

Are you willing to let this situation overwhelm you?

Are you choosing to embody peace and lead yourself from a calm and aligned state?

These 5 practices get to be the beginning of your growth journey and gaining more inner peace in your daily life as an empath. 

If you are ready to gain support and guidance each step of the way in your transformation from exhausted to peaceful, then check out my Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program now.

Take a moment and feel into your body. Can you feel that full body yes in your desire to live with more peace? Go read about my program to see if it’s what you are looking for and fill out an application form to see if you are the type of empath I work with. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness