How Can an Empath Block Negative Energy?


When you are surrounded by gossip, drama, and people constantly complaining, you are susceptible to this negative energy attaching onto you. Empaths can easily be drained energetically by the emotions of the people around them. Learning to block negative energy as an empath is a proactive strategy to protect yourself. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I work specifically with empaths, sensitive souls and people pleasers who want to better understand their energy and emotions in order to live from an empowered and peaceful state. In my Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program I support and guide my clients in learning these lessons, along with integrating the strategies that work best for their lifestyle. 

In this blog I will share key tips on how to block negative energy as an empath. Understanding the importance of protecting your energy can change your life experience from constant exhaustion and feeling unstable in your emotions to instead feeling empowered and peaceful on a regular basis. 

Energy is always flowing, shifting and moving around us and as empaths we are easily able to feel and understand the emotions and energy of other people. This means that when someone else is having a difficult time and they are feeling frustrated, as empaths, we can easily take on the lower vibration of energy that triggers our own frustrations. 

When you easily offer advice, comfort or kindness to the people around you, you are giving away your high vibrational energy and they are leaving you with their low vibrational energy of frustration, anger, judgment, shame, or any other negative energy. 

Living in alignment is not about removing yourself from these situations and avoiding all of the darkness or heavy emotions. It’s about learning to protect yourself and shield your energy in these moments, along with learning to transmute your own energy if you’ve become affected by a lower vibration. 

If you are an empath and you desire to share compassion and kindness with the people in your life, then it’s important for you to learn how to hold space for others. You can learn more about holding space from this blog. 

There have been many times in my own journey when I’ve been affected by the energy of my environment and it’s had a negative impact on me. There is one memory that pops out amongst all the rest, and it’s when I was getting together with an old friend who I hadn’t seen in years. I drove an hour away to visit with her and catch up. We both had gone through our own traumatic experiences that had awakened us to our spiritual journey’s and during this catch up we were reflecting on the pain we had experienced. It was an extremely heavy conversation as we discussed some of our lowest moments in life. 

After having a beautiful connection with each other, supporting one another and encouraging the growth we had been creating, I left my friend and began the hour and a half drive home. Within 10 minutes of leaving them, I had a splitting headache, I was feeling feverish, and I had to pull off the highway because I began to feel nauseous. There was nothing to attribute to the physical sickness I was experiencing, other than all of the negative energy I had taken on from our conversation had developed within me and my body was rejecting it. 

This is an extreme situation of being affected physically by the negative energy that can easily seep in from the people around us or even our environment. Learning to block negative energy from affecting you is about building a protective shield around your energetic aura.


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How to Protect Your Energy

There are many ways you can do this, but it starts with setting the intention with your Divine Team (your Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors and Animal Guides) to create a shield of protection. 

First, whether you close your eyes or keep them open you want to visualize a protective shield around your body. I tend to see a bubble that surrounds me fully. 

After you’ve placed the protective shield around you, you need to give the shield its own intention. First I choose to fill the inside of my shield with loving, supportive and uplifting energy so I can feel a high vibe within my protective shield. 

Next I declare the protection of my energy through my shield by stating, “only loving, positive, supportive and uplifting energy can pass into and out of my shield”. This is about being clear with yourself and your Divine Team that you are wanting to only share loving energy and you are only allowing yourself to receive loving energy from others. 

Lastly, I place a guard or protector outside of my shield so that way I can be warned if I need to leave a situation because of a low vibration. I have a Spirit Guide that I work directly with in my Divine Team that is my protector, so I always place her outside of my shield. Working with Archangel Michael is also a great strategy as he has a very protective energy. Along with these two guards I also ask Wolf Medicine (the Animal Guide) to stand guard as a protector for my shield. I thank them for their work, as appreciation and gratitude is the key to keeping yourself in a higher vibration. 

This step by step guide for blocking negative energy as an empath will help you to feel protected in all situations. It’s important to remember that this is not a set it once and forget it. Energy is always shifting and moving around us and within us, so even if you set your protective shield it doesn’t stop all energy. It simply slows down the ability for heavy, harsh energy to enter your channel. 

Personally, I set my protective shield on a daily basis, and sometimes even throughout the day I will check in on my shield if needed. 

Protecting my energy and cleansing my energy are the two most important spiritual practices I’ve learned as an empath and I believe these strategies will completely change your life. Even though I try to remember to protect my energy every single day, sometimes I forget. What can I say? I’m human. But there are certain moments where I never forget to protect my energy and it’s because of the experiences I’ve had that I never want to experience again. 

I also put up a protective shield before I spend time with family, along with before I head into a client call. These are moments where I know I can easily be triggered by my environment or I can take on the heavy energy of the people I’m interacting with. 

Another lesson I’ve learned in protecting my energy as an empath, is that I’ve let my best friends know about my protective strategy and I’ve set the boundary with them too. They know that if I am to hold space for them through any difficulties they are experiencing I need to set my protective shield so I don’t take on their energy. I’ve asked them to warn me ahead of time before unloading their situation onto me. A quick warning from them allows me to get into the right space ahead of time. 

There have even been times that I’ve told my friends that I’m not in the right energetic space to be able to hold space for them and I ask if we can talk another day. This is me setting my boundaries and protecting my energy when I know I am already feeling energetically drained that day and can’t hold space for anyone else. My friends are very respectful of me and my energy as I am for them and this is what allows us to have a strong relationship filled with compassion. 

Learning to protect yourself and block negative energy as an empath is an extremely empowering lesson and it will completely change your life experience. 

If you are ready to take your understanding of your energy and emotions to the next level so you can live from an empowered state opposed to the exhausted state you easily find yourself in, then the Spirit of the Empath 1:1 Mentoring program is the space for you. 

Learn more about the program to see if it’s what you’ve been searching for as the next step on your spiritual journey. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness