Healing Wounded Feminine Energy & Your Emotions


In a world that has prioritized masculine energy for generations so many empaths are awakening to see their feminine energy needs to be healed. As an empath you have a nurturing, compassionate heart and your wounded feminine energy is leaving you feeling exhausted, overly emotional and drained. It’s time to heal your wounded feminine energy and your emotions. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and an Intuitive Guide my mission is to teach empaths and sensitive souls about emotional wellness, so they can master their energy and live with more peace. My clients and community members have been able to leave exhaustion behind because they not only know their energy, they know how to live from a divine and healthy energy. 

In this blog I will share 3 patterns of wounded feminine energy and your emotional state, so you can understand why you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted. I will also share what divine feminine energy looks like with your emotions, along with 3 practices you can start using now to heal your wounded feminine energy. 

Patterns of Wounded Feminine Energy & Your Emotional State

1 - Numbing, Denial & Avoidance

When you are constantly feeling overwhelmed by the emotional waves of high highs and low lows you will find yourself in the pattern of numbing, denying and avoiding your emotions. This is because you can no longer handle the exhausting emotional waves. 

The feminine energy is your ability to feel, while the masculine energy is your ability to take action. 

There are many different reasons why you don’t feel safe in feeling your emotions and more often than not it’s because you don’t want to burden someone else with your emotional state. As a society we’ve been taught that being emotional is a weakness, so we’ve created the pattern of putting our emotions to the side and pushing through. Hustle, taking action, and the go-go-go mentality is a driving force as to why we don’t allow ourselves to feel our emotions. 

Next time you feel triggered emotionally, notice what your initial reaction is. 

In my healing journey I began numbing my emotions through the use of marijuana. I was exhausted from feeling the heaviness of those low emotions, so I leaned on smoking as a way to feel comforted. Eventually I realized that I was numbing, denying and avoiding which wasn’t beneficial for myself and the life I was wanting to create. 

2 - Taking on the emotional pain of everyone else. 

As an empath you can easily feel and understand the emotions of others, but that doesn’t mean it’s your job to take on that emotional pain. You may feel like you want to help them in any way you can, or you want to hold space for them in their journey. The problem with this pattern is that when you take on someone else’s emotional pain it does not mean that you take it away from them, they still have their own emotional pain to move through. 

The feminine energy is the ability to heal, while the masculine energy is the need to control. 

There are many different reasons why you take on the emotional pain of everyone else and it stems from your nurturing, compassionate heart. You don’t want to see someone else in pain, so from an early age you started embodying people pleasing behaviours as a way to try and stop someone else’s emotional pain. 

You cannot control someone else’s emotional state because their emotions rely on their ability to tap into their own feelings. You can offer healing energy for someone else, but you cannot help someone else heal if you’ve taken on their emotional pain.  

Next time you are around someone else who is moving through a heavy emotion notice if you feel yourself attaching onto that same emotional pain. 

In my healing journey I began to see how I was emotionally drained after my client calls because I had taken on the emotions and energy they had released during the session. I was so emotionally exhausted that I didn’t have the energy to do anything else in my days. I had to learn that I was absorbing their emotions, when I needed to learn how to observe instead. 


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Healing your wounded feminine energy starts with understanding how your insecurities, worries, and fears are blocking you.

Wanting to trust your intuition?

Desiring more peace on a daily basis?

Dreaming of the day you can live authentically you?

Learn more about healing your wounded feminine energy in this 90 minute mentoring session!

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Back to the blog - Healing Wounded Feminine Energy & Your Emotions

3 - Feeling emotionally triggered by other people's actions and words.

In certain conversations, around certain people, and in certain situations you can easily feel emotionally triggered based on what is happening around you. You might even try to avoid those people or those topics of conversation because you’ve recognized your trigger. The problem with this pattern is that you believe someone else is triggering you and it’s their fault, when in reality you are the one with a wound that needs to be healed. 

The feminine energy is the ability to flow, while the masculine energy is about security. 

Right now this pattern shows up when you feel emotionally triggered and it leads you to feel insecure. You can be triggered into a thought pattern of fear, self-judgment and you can even be triggered emotionally from a past trauma. No matter what the trigger is you don’t feel safe in the moment, which means you end up reacting from the triggered emotion. 

These triggers are actually happening because there is an emotional wound from your past that is asking to be healed. You are not feeling safe and secure in your ability to flow in these triggering situations because you weren’t taught how to comfort and nurture yourself in a healthy way when you are triggered. 

Next time you notice yourself being emotionally triggered in a situation, take note of what’s happened to make you feel triggered because it can provide useful information on where you need to create healing for yourself. 

What Divine Feminine Energy Looks Like with Your Emotions

When your feminine energy is divine it does not mean that you never have low emotions. As a human we are here to experience emotional contrast because our emotions provide a lot of useful information to create a fulfilling life. 

Divine feminine energy looks like your ability to gracefully flow through your emotions. It looks like your ability to heal your emotional triggers with compassion. It looks like your ability to guide yourself with peace as you enjoy the present moment. You know how to support and comfort yourself in expressing your emotions in a healthy way. 

Your divine feminine energy is the ability to hold space for someone else, sharing compassion with them without energetically taking on the weight of their emotions. 

You feel safe and secure in your ability to be in your emotions because you know your emotions do not define who you are. When your feminine energy is healed and divine it allows you to live from an empowered state and you no longer live from stress, pressure or forcefulness. Your healthy, divine feminine energy is that ability to flow with ease and grace. You feel free to be your authentic self because you emotionally feel safe and worthy. 

This is the work I support and guide my clients through inside my 1:1 Mentoring program. It’s okay if you don’t know how to heal your wounded feminine energy, because that is exactly what I will lead you through. 

3 Tips to Heal Your Wounded Feminine Energy & Your Emotions

Now that you have a better understanding of the patterns you experience in your wounded feminine energy it’s time to create healing. 

As I already mentioned, this is the exact work I support my clients through. You can do this on your own, however it can be challenging on your own because learning and healing at the same time is overwhelming. If you want to take the easier route then working with a mentor is exactly what you are looking for. 

1 - Feel your emotions. 

It’s as simple as actually allowing yourself to start to feel the emotions that come up within you. Feel the joy and feel the fear. You can do this by acknowledging in the moment what you feel, “I feel angry”, or “I feel frustrated”, or “I feel overwhelmed”. Then take 10 deep breaths to move through the emotion. 

This process allows the emotions to flow through you and then it is released from your aura. Once the emotion is felt and released there is open space within you to bring in a new emotion. 

2 - Protect your energy. 

It’s important to observe not absorb someone else’s emotional state. You can still empathize with them without absorbing their emotional state. I teach all of my clients how to protect their energy in order to not take on the energy and emotions of other people. Yes, this is a practice that will become part of your everyday life and by practicing it your life will be filled with more peace than ever before. 

Make sure to check out my free training Understanding your Triggers; How to Live a More Peaceful Life because I share tips on how to protect your energy. 

3 - Do the inner work. 

Your emotional state will never change if you aren’t willing to heal the old emotional wounds you are carrying around. By understanding your triggers you are able to shift your reactionary state. This work can seem scary at first, especially for people who are terrified of looking into their trauma. This is why I work hard to create a safe and secure environment for my clients to feel nurtured, comforted and fully supported through the inner work. 

Healing your triggers is not to be taken lightly, at the same time you will overcome fear and finally feel as if you are living the life of peace and freedom you’ve always desired. 

Check out what my past clients are saying about our work together in their healing journey. 

As an empath living from the old masculine ways of hustle is no longer working and it will never provide the fulfillment you are desiring. 

You need to learn about your energy and emotions. You need to recognize that you have feminine energy that is asking to be healed. 

Your fulfilling, peaceful life is on the other side of healing your wounded feminine energy and your emotions. This is the transformation I would love to support you through. 

Learn more about my mentoring work inside my membership community if you feel called to healing your wounded feminine energy in a supportive, compassionate environment. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness