Fated Changes through this Eclipse | Messages for the Empath Soul Podcast
Eclipse season can leave you feeling overwhelmed and completely out of control. Why? The Universe is rearranging your path through fated changes.
After 9 months off, I’m coming back to you with episode four for Messages for the Empath Soul - A Podcast. In this episode I’m exploring the topic of Fated Changes through this Eclipse and how this will impact your life.
As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide I see so many people around the world blaming the eclipse and the moon phases for why their life is “falling apart” or why things aren’t working out in the way they want them to. The energy of an eclipse is extremely powerful and when you learn to FLOW with this energy you can begin to witness fated changes in your life. Everything is unfolding for your highest good.
Press play to listen in on the messages the Universe has to share about the eclipse season and how you can move with more ease and grace.
The fourth episode is called Fated Changes through this Eclipse.
Listen here, or scroll down to read more on what this episode is all about!
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Back to the blog - Fated Changes through this Eclipse
Here I will share the basics of the podcast episode, and I highly encourage you to give it a listen for the deep dive into each topic.
This is your soul journey and I am here channeling messages from the Universe to help guide and support you.
This is Messages for the Empath Soul.
If you’re new here, I’m Sydney a ⅖ generator, with a deep intuitive connection. My mission is to empower as many spiritual empaths in this community, creating a ripple effect of compassion and peace that is felt around the world.
Fated Changes through this Eclipse
Self Reflection Creates Soul Connection
Your Divine Team is urging you to SLOW the F DOWN right now.
Moments like this eclipse are clear reminders that you are not in control and this is not a time for you to jump into action.
I’m going to share 3 tips for you to move through this eclipse season with more ease and grace, but before I share those I want to give you some insight into what you may be experiencing from these fated changes.
An eclipse is a time where your fear can become triggered and you will feel like a victim to the Moon’s transitions. Stop placing blame on the moon. These fated changes and shifts are happening for a reason in your life, and often when the fear becomes triggered it’s because your Spirit is asking you to see which shadows within you are creating resistance in your life.
Last week my fear began to strangle me.
What did I learn from this?
I still carry a lot of self-doubt and fear of rejection when it comes to sharing my wisdom and creating a space to support others on their journey.
When your fear is triggered it’s not the Universe saying, give up. It’s saying, how bad do you want the desire on the other side?
Now is a time where the Universe steps in and reorganizes aspects of your life in order to align your path with your destiny… hence fated changes. With this specific eclipse season you will notice people, situations, and habits that are needing to fall away.
This brings me to the 3 tips for this eclipse season…
1 - Let Go
The things that are weighing heavy on you are the things you need to let go of.
Is there a relationship that no longer feels aligned?
Is there a job that has been causing a lot of stress and pressure in your life?
Are there habits and behaviours you’ve been expressing that keep you in auto-pilot and are detrimental to your wellness?
The Universe is going to be showing you very clearly which parts of your life need to be released.
2 - Surrender
This is not a time to force your agenda on life, instead it’s a time to flow and let the Universe unfold the path before you.
Do you struggle with gripping onto control?
When a problem arises are you quick to jump into action?
Is it hard for you to take the passenger seat in life?
Now is not a time to force your way forward. If something is not working, you need to take a break. Everything will make sense eventually, and for now you need to remind yourself that the Universe is rearranging things for your highest good, even if it’s not on your schedule.
During eclipse season we are reminded that we are co-creators, meaning we have a huge part in the creation of our lives and so does the Universe. When something is not meant for you, the Universe will do everything in it’s power to remove it from your life. When something is meant for you, the Universe will do everything it can to line it up on your path. These eclipse moments are for you to sit back and allow the Universe to rearrange things without your input.
Remember, the Universe knows your deepest desires, the Universe knows what your passions and purpose are, the Universe knows what brings you joy and fulfillment… so right now you need to surrender to the fated changes that are occurring.
3 - Trust
Shift the energy of fear in your body and mind and come back to trust in your spirit.
If you are sitting back and repeating in your mind over and over again, “this isn’t going to work, this looks awful, this is going to be hard, I’m never going to achieve what I want” you are feeding into the fear.
We worked through this in my most recent session inside The Soul Care Space membership. Learning to feed the voice of faith is about building your trust through the unknown.
Your ability to fear the unknown is only you choosing to listen to the voice that creates bad scenarios. Your ability to trust through the unknown is you choosing to listen to the voice that creates uplifting and supportive scenarios.
If you keep feeding the voice of fear then you will continue to hold yourself in a place that doesn’t feel good.
It’s a choice you make.
What can you do through this eclipse season to support yourself?
Self reflection is a powerful tool that helps you to better understand yourself and strengthen your connection with the Universe. Which is where you build trust and find a way to surrender more easily.
Use these journal prompts to help guide you through this eclipse season.
1 - What is feeling heavy or overwhelming in my life that I know deep in my heart and soul it’s time to let go of?
2 - What aspect of my life am I gripping onto control, trying to force my way, that I need to step back from and surrender to the Universe to allow my destiny to unfold?
3 - Where am I allowing fear to keep me stuck in a place that doesn’t feel good? What would the voice of trust sound like in this aspect of my life and how can I start focusing on it instead of fear?
Remember, your life is happening right now. There is not some future moment you need to rush forward to. Be here, take a deep breath, know that you are meant to be in this moment.
Life will always bring more lessons.
Your soul will always guide you to more healing.
Your mind will always require support to see from a bigger perspective.
You will always desire to be seen, heard and understood.
Be here now for yourself. In time you will feel the call to share more light and compassion with the world.
I’m Sydney, signing off and saying thank you, thank you, thank you.
Being an empath is hard, and continuing to avoid or suppress your emotions actually makes it even harder for you.
This is why I’m sharing my wisdom, the lessons I’ve learned and Universal Messages to support you on your path.
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Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,
Sydney Smith
Spiritual Mentor
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness