Energy Forecast for SEPTEMBER 2024 | It's Time to Be Productive


When you feel like you are further behind than you want to be, the Universe is reminding you to focus on the one step in front of you. It’s easy to get stuck in a negative mindset when your dreams aren’t coming true, but if you focus on being unproductive and self-sabotaging then you’ll never start moving forward. 

The Universe is calling you out this month and urging you to go ahead and just start taking action. Even if you don’t know where those action steps will lead you, or if you think you need a concrete plan first, put the pen and paper down and instead start taking any step forward. 

As a Spiritual Mentor and Intuitive Guide, every single month I tune into the energy of the Collective to channel the monthly energy forecast, or energy update. These blogs will give you great insight into how your thoughts, emotions and energy is being influenced this month based on the Moon Cycle and Universal Energy. 

When you start taking action, even if it’s the smallest step, the Universe begins working alongside you and every snowballs into the forward movement you’ve been desiring. You’ll notice this month brings forward more opportunities on your path than you’ve seen lately and it’s all because the Universe is conspiring in your favor. 

Keep reading to see the overall theme for September 2024 and how these messages are broken down into smaller bite sized pieces on a week by week basis. 


Overall Theme of the Month

Light-Seer: 5 of Wands

Shadow-Seer: 4 of Cups (reversed)

Theme: Beaver - Productiveness - Go ahead and just do it!


This is a month for you to create real forward movement in your life based on the actions you take and staying dedicated to the task at hand. Beaver energy brings the message of productiveness and encourages you to buckle in and put some real effort into your goals, aspirations and desires. 

As we see the theme of productiveness play out this month, the light-seer card, the 5 of Wands, is reminding you of the power in collaboration, healthy competition and rising together in accelerated harmony. When you support others and others support you, you will begin to excel in new ways. The Universe is reminding you that a little rivalry can be a good thing, because it can push you to become the very best version of yourself, and to move quicker than if you were alone. 

This dynamic energy of ambition, being pushed by others to excel, brainstorming and surpassing limits will help you to feel more productive on a daily basis, and be inspired to continue working towards your dreams. Finding different opportunities to work alongside others and challenge yourself through competition can allow you to evolve your own methods and push beyond self-imposed limitations. 

Be careful though, because sometimes a little healthy competition can easily turn sideways, so it’s important you seek out healthy competition and collaboration that inspires and motivates you.

On the shadow side of the month ahead, you’ll notice, through the 4 of Cups reversed, that you tend to focus on the negative a little too often. This energy can bring you down, making you feel stuck in fear and in-action because you are worried about all the negative what ifs in life. If you’ve become too focused on your own internal perception of a situation you may be blocking yourself from noticing the arrival of extraordinary opportunities. 

Your mindset this month may easily pull into a lack state, recognizing all that you don’t have and this 4 of Cups reversed is reminding you to see all that you already have. This simple shift in mindset can help uplift your natural state so you feel more inspired and motivated to take action and focus on your productivity. This message from the shadow seer is providing a gentle nudge for you to stop complaining. 



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Back to the Monthly Energy Forecast for SEPTEMBER 2024

Now that you have a glimpse into the overall theme for September, let’s take a deeper look on a week by week basis.


WEEK ONE: Sunday, September 1st to Sunday, September 8th

Monday the 2nd - New Moon

Question of the Week - What do you need to focus on when setting intentions?

8 of Pentacles

Coyote - Wise Fool - Accept your follies and find the teaching in them


The month starts off with a New Moon, on Monday the 2nd, which is a perfect way to wipe the slate clean and truly give yourself a fresh beginning. With every New Moon we get to turn inwards and ask ourselves what our desires are for this month, along with setting intentions regarding how we wish to show up for the month ahead. 

As I connect with the Universe and ask the cards, what do you need to focus on when setting intentions, the 8 of Pentacles jumps out and provides the direction you’ve been needing. In order to master a skill you need to step forwards with determination and patience, and this is how you will become the person you desire to be. You are being reminded to focus on bringing your passion, your joy, and your love, into your hobbies, career, and activities. 

Being productive is not enough for a fulfilling life, you need to enjoy the tasks or overall purpose of why you are choosing to be productive. This is what awakens your sense of soul purpose in your life, and when you are looking at setting intentions for this New Moon your Spirit is reminding you to focus on mastering that skill or becoming an expert in something. Maybe you are becoming an expert in your soul, mastering your ability to tune into your intuition, or maybe you are starting a new project in your home and you feel called to focus on the task with patience and determination. This is the energy that will guide you through the month ahead. 

This week Coyote energy comes forward and reminds you to be the wise fool. You will make mistakes, you will forget important things, and it’s important not to be quick to self-judgment and self-shame. The message from Coyote says, how can you laugh at yourself for the mistakes you’ve made and find the joy in the lesson instead? When you are serious all the time you miss out on laughter, joy and the pure silliness of life itself. Coyote encourages you to find humor in the mundane and to find the teaching in redirections of life.


WEEK TWO: Monday, September 9th to Sunday, September 15th

Wednesday the 11th - First Quarter Moon

Question of the Week - What do you need to remember when taking action?

Page of Swords

Dragonfly - Illusion - You know who you really are


Now you are ready to actually start taking real action and creating true forward movement in your life. As the Moon shifts into the First Quarter Phase you are being shown how your energy and emotions can shift from dreaming, but not feeling super energized, to all of a sudden feeling motivated and ready to take those steps and be productive. This is the week to get sh*t done and to feel good about the effort you are pouring into your projects. 

As we feel the effects of the First Quarter Moon, we allow the cards to offer clarity on what you need to remember when you take action. The message from the Page of Swords is awakening your restless energy with curiosity and a true thirst for information. You are ready to be the student of life, by learning new things and sharing your many ideas with those around you. 

You not only feel compelled to take action and be productive this week, you are also excited by all the new ideas you have for your life. You finally are making forward progress because you are bringing an air of inventiveness to your current projects and tasks. With this influx of information, as curiosity guides you, you feel ready to overcome some of the obstacles that have been sitting on your path for a while now. 

It’s important to remember that you know who you really are, and to not let someone else’s opinions, of who you are or how they think you should move forward, to sway you off your path. This week Dragonfly energy will guide you to see clearly who is on your team and who is using you. Not everyone in your proximity has your best interests at heart, and it’s important for you to put yourself first in your choices and actions. 

You’ll clearly see who is supporting you and which energy of competition in your life is coming from an unhealthy place. Before you jump into action, make sure it’s what feels right for you rather than it being what someone else has told you what to do. It’s good to be productive, but it’s annoying when you’ve put a ton of effort in and it was never coming from an aligned place to begin with. You know who you really are and it’s time to focus on your dreams and desires.


WEEK THREE: Monday, September 16th to Sunday, September 22nd

Tuesday the 17th - Super Full Moon - Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse

Sunday the 22nd - Libra Season

Sunday the 22nd - Fall Equinox

Question of the Week - Where do you need to be open to surrendering?

12 The Hanged Man

Otter - Surrender - Let go of control


Now we are entering into a powerful energy portal, as this week we flow through the Full Moon phase, we shift into Libra season, and we experience the Fall Equinox. These heightened energies can be divine and uplifting, but they can also feel heavy and draining if you aren’t actively guarding your energy. Make sure to be proactive about who you are spending time with, the type of conversations you are having, and how you are guiding yourself with peace. 

During this week the main question we are asking the Universe is where you need to be open to surrendering in your life. As humans we can easily try to grip onto control, or plan out every aspect of our lives, because it gives us a false sense of security and safety. Oftentimes the best form of building trust is to actually step aside and allow the Universe to guide you into your next cycle of life. 

The Universe is full of divine synchronicities this week, as the two messages that came forward from The Hanged Man and Otter are signified by surrendering to the divine will of the cosmos and letting go of control. I think the Universe is trying to tell you something! 

What are you trying to control in your life right now?

What parts of the unknown scare you the most?

What worries you in life today?

These are the parts of your life that you are carrying resistance around, and your dreams will never come to fruition as long as you keep letting your fears stop you from stepping out of your comfort zone. But, you may be wondering, how can I surrender?

Use these 3 steps to guide you through this week.

1 - Journal out all of the things you are most afraid of right now AND all of the desires and dreams you want to call in. 

2 - Write a letter to your Divine Team of Angels, Ancestors, Spirit Guides and Animal Guides, asking them to take all of your worries away, to clear your path of all obstacles, and to show you your next step forward. 

3 - Recite the affirmation, “I am open to the Universe showing me my next step” as many times as you need to find peace on your path. Right now it’s not your job to sit and plan things out for the next 10 steps. Instead, you need to let the Universe show you the way and by getting out of your mind (through the journaling above) you are opening yourself up to see the path forward more clearly.


WEEK FOUR: Monday, September 23rd to Monday, September 30th

Tuesday the 24th - Third Quarter Moon

Question of the Week - What do you need to release and let go of?

17 The Star

Deer - Pathfinder - Trust your instincts to guide you through this situation


The final week of September is signified by the Moon shifting into the Third Quarter phase which is typically a time for you to slow down, connect with yourself through introspection, and taking the time to release any heaviness from your energetic aura. 

The Universe is bringing clarity around what you need to release and let go of in your life right now. The message from The Star is showing you that miracles are on the horizon and if you are experiencing any doubt or insecurities on your path it’s time to release this energy. You are indeed on the right path right now, so it’s time to work through any feelings of unworthiness or not enoughness, because the Universe wants you to accept the abundance it has in store for you. 

Your logical mind might be trying to convince you otherwise, yet Deer energy is encouraging you to trust your instincts and allow your intuition to guide you through this current situation. In your heart of hearts you know what is best for you, and although your patterns of fear may try to convince you to stay in your comfort zone, your Spirit is asking you to shine like the star you came here as. 

There is so much support surrounding you right now for your expansion and growth, and the Universe wants you to know that your biggest dreams and desires are unfolding on your path. Anytime you catch yourself in a limiting belief or in a negative thought pattern, know that this is energy from a wound lying deep in your subconscious that needs to be released and healed from. You are a divine being and the effort you’ve put into your life this month is guiding you into the next level. 

Your life is moving forward, even when it feels like you cannot see it. Remember, it’s not about getting from A to B, instead it’s about taking steps that feel right and being productive with purpose. 

Your path is going to look different than those around you, so stop asking everyone else for their opinion. Take the time to connect more with the voice of your soul, and you will feel guided by a knowing deep within you. 

Your life is now, start taking the small steps necessary to create the shifts and changes you want. 

The perfect way to continue to support yourself and your soul journey is by joining our membership community, The Soul Care Space. Inside this space you will receive 2 spiritual lessons a month, filled with journal prompts, meditations, and exercises to help you connect with your soul and create an empowered and peaceful life. 

**The Soul Care Space is receiving a FACELIFT. If you are reading this before September 10th then you’ll notice you cannot join the membership. If you are reading this after September 10th, then the BRAND NEW space is ready for you!

Join The Soul Care Space today.

Forever holding space on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Spiritual Mentor

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness



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