Energy Update for April 26th - May 2nd | PRESSURE, LOVE, ENJOYMENT
Every single week we live, we are being asked to enjoy the experience. But, what happens if we struggle to enjoy each moment, each day that comes?!
As a Spiritual Mentor, Psychic and Intuitive Guide I have committed my life to understanding the bigger picture of life. Now through this work of personal development and spiritual growth, I’ve come to realize that it’s not about gaining life’s answers and moving forward KNOWING everything. For there is no one person that has all the answers and knows exactly what they are doing all of the time. I am not living to reach some end-result in which I will be congratulated for all the work I have put in. I am opening myself up to the many perspectives on life, the Universe, and humans as individual spirits.
I am trying to create a life filled with experiences that bring me joy, peace, contentment and success.
Are you creating experiences that you enjoy living?
For the last 5 weeks or so I have been coming here to share my self reflections from the previous week and my psychic predictions on the collective energy for the week ahead of us. I am here to remind you that it’s important to look at the past in order to gain the lessons from our experiences, and it’s important to look to the future to prepare ourselves for what’s to come.
The most important part of life, is to be here in this present moment and ask yourself “how can I enjoy this current experience?”
Before we get to the Energy Update, let’s dive into my Self Reflection for the week!
There is always pressure weighing down on us and this pressure influences us in so many different ways. It’s your job to take a moment, look at this pressure, and decide if it’s worth it to let the pressure control HOW YOU experience this moment.
The pressure to finish the to-do list.
The pressure to buy the house, the car, the _______.
The pressure to find your soul-mate, fall in love, get married, and create a life together.
The pressure to make the money, to pay the bills, to save for the future, and to get out of debt.
The pressure to live up to society's version of HAPPINESS & SUCCESS.
The pressure to be the most liked, the most popular, the most high powered.
I can go on and on, ultimately it comes down to the pressure we feel from the world around us to be someone we are not, or to make up for lost times, or to fix mistakes we’ve made in the past, or even to prove ourselves worthy to those around us.
This pressure comes from the idea of WHO WE ARE & WHO WE NEED TO BE.
What if I told you this was all a lie?
What if I sat here and explained that the pressure is fake? It’s not real. There actually is no such thing as pressure, it’s an energetic limit you’ve placed on yourself because of the beliefs that were instilled on you as a young child.
“We are the ones putting pressure on ourselves. This is the experience you are choosing to have at this moment. An experience of stress, worry, fear, and pressure to do, be or have something you don’t. ”
This past week I looked at the pressure for what it is. A way to limit myself from experiencing joy, peace and contentment right now.
Do I have all of my dreams? No.
Do I have all the answers? Definitely not.
Have I finished everything on my to do list? Again, no.
Do I desire more for myself and my life? Yes! 100% yes!
Do I believe that EVERYTHING I desire is going to come true at the flip of a switch? No.
So, what would happen if I let go of the pressure? How would I experience life if I didn’t let the pressure control me, my emotions, my decisions, and the life I was living?
At closer examination of all the pressure I’ve experienced in life I have begun to realize that there is one thing in common with every type of pressure. It all starts in the mind.
My brain is making up the pressure. The thoughts in my mind are saying I’m not good enough, I have to do more, I will never finish the to do list if I keep taking breaks, I will not be successful if I don’t do life the way society told me to do it.
We don’t experience life through our mind. We experience each moment through all of our other senses. What we smell, see, taste, feel, hear. We experience life through being here in this moment and noticing all that is happening around us and within us. When we are stuck in our minds listening to all the thoughts running in circles we are pulling ourselves away from enjoying the experience of life.
So, how can we get out of our minds?
How can we relieve the pressure?
How can we enjoy the experience of life?
It’s a practice.
It’s not the flip of a switch.
It’s about realizing where the pressure pulls you back into stress and worry. It’s about having tools and strategies that remind you to come back to enjoyment, filling your day with tasks you enjoy, being grateful for the life you are currently living, and actively changing the aspects you do not enjoy.
It’s about taking accountability for YOUR LIFE.
It’s about standing up for what you believe in.
It’s about choosing to create moments of enjoyment right now. Not waiting for the to-do list to be finished, not waiting for the debt to be paid off, not waiting for the love of your life to fall into your lap.
This is a practice I am choosing to stay committed to.
The practice of enjoying each experience.
The practice of creating a life I love living.
Are you ready to be devoted to yourself & this way of life?
All it takes is one word. Yes.
From there it’s your choice, if you are going to stay devoted to creating a life you enjoy living or not.
If this sounds like a life you are ready to commit to then please make sure you are surrounding yourself with supportive & positive people. Join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward. This space is where you will connect with like-minded souls, and you will feel empowered to create a life you love!
Don’t go anywhere…
2021 Guidebook
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
There is a strong, impactful energy surrounding us all right now. As the moon reaches its climax in the Full Moon phase (Monday 26th) we are noticing the emotional highs & lows that come with a Supermoon Full Moon. Energies are heightened and you will notice this throughout the week to come. People may be quick to anger, quick to excitement, quick to that overpowering emotion that leaves you drained and exhausted.
The Full Moon is always a time for answers, clarity and resolutions. We can be extremely excited for the answers and opportunities that present themselves this week, yet we always need to make sure we are making decisions from an aligned space.
The Supermoon says, do not rush into anything, for when you do you are allowing the influential & powerful emotions to control your decisions. Take a deep breath, come back into yourself mind, body, spirit, and ask yourself “does this action serve me and the highest good of all involved?”
Clarity is good.
Answers are good.
The Full Moon brings you what you’ve been waiting for for so long.
Don’t act out of entitlement. Act out of gratitude. Act out of respect. Act out of love. Love for yourself and love for the world around you.
As I connect to the Universal Energy that surrounds the collective right now, I ask the deck of Oracle Cards from Gabby Bernstein, “what do we, the collective, need to know as we move through this week?”
The pressure to feel the love is a beautiful reminder that you have the power to show yourself that love. Why are you sitting around waiting for someone to grace you with the love you desire? You have the power to create that love for yourself and you have the strength to offer that love to the world around you. When you take action in this way, you open yourself to receiving love from all sorts of directions.
We are always believing that someone is out to get us. We are quick to believe that we can’t trust anyone and we need to tread lightly. Why? Why are we allowing ourselves to hold onto the ideas that life is meant to be brutal, challenging, and filled with darkness?
When we can change our thoughts to something more supportive we can begin to create experiences that leave us feeling hopeful, at peace, excited, and fully supported in all that we do. So, I urge you this week, to hold onto the belief that indeed, The Universe has YOUR back!
When a challenge is placed on your path it’s not because you deserve the pain of the difficulty. It is because the Universe believes you are ready to learn, you are ready to shine brightly, you are ready to create love and to receive love. When we look on life’s obstacles from a victim-mindset we hold ourselves back from seeing the light that will guide us through.
This week, as obstacles or difficulties arise in your life I urge you to recognize that indeed, The Universe has your back, and to see the love that surrounds you in this moment. Allow that love to give you the strength to keep going.
It’s easy to point out your flaws. It’s easy to see where there is lack in your life. When your mindset focuses on these then your life becomes more challenging and the pressure within you builds. You are being guided this week to recognize the beauty you carry, your strengths, your gifts, and the goodness within you. When you take the time to celebrate your compassion, your kindness, your willingness to support others, you are always guided back to the light.
Remember, you get to choose how you want to experience life.
Do you want to experience life through the lens of love? Or the lens of pressure?
You are here to get closer to love.
The Universe has your back every step of the way.
When you accept the love of the Universe, you get to experience more beauty in every moment.
Lastly, when you take time to recognize the light you carry within, you will always recognize the love that surrounds you.
This week you get to choose what truth you are willing to believe.
The truth behind the pressure of life?
The truth behind the love within and around you?
If you are ready to create more self-love in your life, you want to feel empowered and surrounded by a community of support, loving, spiritual beings then the Meditation Membership with Sydney Smith is the space for you! Leave every live membership call feeling empowered, refreshed and aligned in mind, body, spirit. Join at the link below! I am so excited to have you part of this beautiful community of spiritual beings creating a life of enjoyment!
Until next time, I send you love and light as you let go of the pressure and come back to the experience of loving life,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
Are you dealing with a past trauma?
Are you needing help finding your way?
Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?
Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams.
I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.
This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness.
Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps.
If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below.