Energy Update for April 12th - 18th | CHOICE, CLEANSE, FRESH START
Hello my friends and welcome back to another self-reflection and Weekly Energy Update.
As a Spiritual Mentor and an individual striving for growth, I continuously need to remind myself that it’s not about the destination. Everything I do, everything I am, is truly about creating a journey that I can enjoy as much as possible. The work is hard. The commitment is never ending. The purpose is 100% individualized. This past week I had some big truths and realizations that came forward and the arrow is pointing directly at me, waiting to see how I choose to respond. I want to share with you how this choice affects you too. In this week’s Self Reflection and Energy Update post I am going to guide you through my recognition of this CHOICE and what it means for all of us.
In life we are told to set goals and work towards those goals to reach the satisfaction & success of having completed the task and reached the goal. This is a very results based drive and it is the societal norm. I have learned this drive can create pressure within us and when we do not have a positive perception of this pressure, it can push us into the space of overwhelm, stress, anxiety, burn out and sometimes even worse cases.
I am on a journey of spiritual growth and personal development. The drive for this goal MUST be different than that of normal “societal” goals. Because in this case, the end destination is my gravesite (or wherever I decide I want my ashes to be spread). So I cannot focus my drive on the end result, I must focus my drive on what I am creating throughout the journey. For it is a journey that I care a lot about, and I desire to enjoy each step of the path. I need to remind myself of the supportive thoughts and beliefs that will give me strength to keep going and this morning I said to myself…
“I am safe. I am protected. I am on my soul path. I am connected to my higher self who is guiding me each step of the way.”
I intend to carry inner peace each step I take, no matter what my external circumstances look like. Inner peace is about connecting back to my higher self and trusting in my capabilities as I flow through life.
Over the past week I have had some big realizations and awakenings through my own inner work and with the help of a mentor/healer. It can be scary to awaken to the areas within that don’t support you. It’s like realizing you are carrying a hand grenade and you’ve only now noticed that your finger is holding the pin that keeps it from exploding. One false step and your finger can slip pulling the pin out.
The amazing part about doing the inner work is that you can heal those areas that don’t support you. The realization of where the pain and suffering is coming from is the first step. Personal development and spiritual growth is not about changing your circumstances to better suit your needs. It’s about changing your perception, so you can create the peace you desire no matter what your external circumstance looks like.
Now I can see when my finger is holding the pin of the hand grenade because I have awakened to this realization and I’m aware. Instead of ignoring the hand grenade, I have chosen to shift my perception of the circumstance. By doing so, it’s as if I put the hand grenade down and pick up a glass of water instead. The water allows me to cleanse my being from all the negative perceptions I’ve been carrying that have created stress, worry and doubt.
The water symbolizes the peace, calm and faith in myself that I choose to hold onto.
Life is not about changing and controlling your external reality so you can then feel calm within. It is about learning to change and control what is happening within you, which will eventually reflect into your outer world. If you can learn to carry peace and faith while amongst a global pandemic, you can support yourself through anything.
My Oma lived through the second world war in occupied Holland. She had to take cover in ditches when the country was being air raided. She moved to Canada and lived in northern Ontario surrounded by nothing but forest, raising her 4 children while her husband worked day in and day out.
In the 30 years I got to know her I never once saw her carry hatred for her past. I never saw her angry at her external circumstances. She saw life through rose coloured glasses. She carried peace within her. Until the end, when her dementia took over and she became scared because of the stories her mind created.
The lesson, no matter what, we are going to experience challenges, pain and difficulties. Your perception of the world and these circumstances can either cause more suffering OR create peace that gives you the strength to keep going.
It’s your choice. And it’s not as easy as making the choice and then moving forwards. You must be dedicated and committed to the daily practice of your choice.
I am choosing inner peace.
It’s going to be a journey. It’s already been a journey. I am choosing to be dedicated and committed to my practice of creating inner peace every single day, no matter what my external reality looks like.
What would you choose? Suffering? Or peace?
In writing these self-reflections I open myself up to lessons I never realized were right in front of my eyes. This practice of sharing my weekly reflections with you has allowed me to give myself grace in how I show up in the world and who I am becoming. Life seems scary when we are amidst turmoil. When we have the power to create inner peace, we are able to lean into our strength and faith knowing we will come out the other side better than when the turmoil began. I only hope that my self-reflections inspire you to look at yourself, the world, and the life you are creating from a different lens. A lens of love and peace. Rather than a lens of suffering.
This is an opportunity for you right now, whether you see it or not. An opportunity to start fresh. An opportunity to step into a new beginning with clear intentions of how you desire to show up for yourself.
Let us unpack the Weekly Energy Update to see how we are being influenced by the Universal Energies around us.
2021 Guidebook
For the person who desires more peace, more joy, more clarity, more connection, more love and more self-confidence to reach their biggest dreams.
Intuitive Soul Reading
For the person questioning something about their life and desiring clear answers. Your reading will provide support, guidance, and clarity for the direction you need to take.
Soulful Solo Session
For the person who is lost and overwhelmed and needs support. You will leave the session knowing exactly what the problem is; what steps come next; and you’ll gain courage and confidence to move forward to a resolution.
If you are on this journey and desire more guidance check out the Personal Growth Blog , join my free community Shifting Forward, or check out my podcast.
If you are ready to learn, heal & grow, but are scared to do it alone then know that I am here.
What do we need to know about the energy that is influencing us this next week?
Well, as I explained earlier, you are being given an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginning.
New Moon occurred April 11th and the energy of the Moon Cycle in this phase is all about giving yourself a clean slate to start shifting forward in an energy that supports you.
This week is all about leaning into the energy of DREAM & BELIEVE.
If we desire to reach our goals, we must trust ourselves and our path each step of the way. Remember, from the self-reflection, it’s all about the choice you choose to make. Now is the perfect moment for you to set 1-3 clear intentions on how you desire to show up this next cycle. How do you want to support yourself? What do you desire to create for yourself? How can you stay dedicated & committed to your choice?
As a psychic, medium and intuitive guide I am also connecting to the Universal Energies that surround us this week by reading oracle cards and deciphering the channeled messages from the Divine Universe. Again, as I shuffle the cards I ask “what do we need to know about the energy that is influencing us this next week as a collective?”
(from Denise Linn’s oracle deck Native Spirit)
Life is not what it may seem to be in this moment. The coyote is a messenger for you saying now is the time to be the Wise Fool. This means, you need to look at yourself and how you have behaved recently or the situation you are currently in. Ask yourself where have you been foolish in your decisions and actions and how can you become wise from this recognition.
Look at your current situation and remember this is not the end result, goodness can still come from this situation. Coyote is not saying judge and blame yourself or this situation. Coyote is saying this is an opportunity for you to recognize the lessons in your actions. Have a laugh, see where the change needs to occur, and shift forward with the wisdom gained.
(from Denise Linn’s oracle deck Native Spirit)
This week in order to lean into the energy of DREAM & BELIEVE you are needing to cleanse yourself, your life, and your environment. Now is the time to clear the clutter, emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally.
Go within to see where you feel you are being held back. Recognize where boundaries need to be created to protect yourself and which relationships no longer support you and the direction you desire to go.
(from Denise Linn’s oracle deck Native Spirit)
The energy for this week is saying now is not the time to take action on new projects and big steps. Now is the time for you to connect to your higher self within and to learn where your power lies inside of you.
You have great strength that is desiring to be recognized, and yet you have pushed this connection aside for so long that you do not know how to find it again. You do not need anything to create what you desire, for you carry everything you need within you.
Now is a time to lean into stillness and strengthen your connection to your Spirit, your Higher Self. When you observe, rather than react, you step into your inner power and claim all that you desire.
Remember, your internal perception always outweighs the external reality.
Now is a time to support yourself internally so you can accomplish everything you desire externally.
Take some time to be still. Surrender to the moment. Connect to yourself with inspired questions. You have the power you desire. All you have to do is see this power from a new perception. A supportive perception.
As always, I am here to guide & support you on the journey of connecting to your Higher Self, uncovering your Soul Purpose, healing your past trauma, and learning the life lessons you are here to master.
If you are ready to shift forward and feel supported each step of the way then the 1:1 Monthly Mentoring program is exactly for you. We work through emotional wellness, so as an empath and sensitive soul, you no longer feel out of control of your emotions. This is where you shift into your power and claim the life you desire to live!
Check out more info here and book a free clarity call today. The clarity call is an opportunity to make sure you and I connect and this 3-month program (minimum) is the right fit for you!
I cannot wait to watch you grow into the beautiful soul you are here to be!
It’s your choice. Do you wish to stay in the space of suffering? OR do you desire to create inner peace wherever you go?
Until next time, sending you love & light as you journey through this week,
Sydney Smith
Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness
Are you dealing with a past trauma?
Are you needing help finding your way?
Are you determined not to make the same mistakes again?
Having Sydney as your mentor guarantees you’ll heal and build the life of your dreams.
I look forward to hearing how this week’s Self-Reflection and Energy Update has impacted and supports you! Send me a message, leave a comment below or join my free community on Facebook, Shifting Forward, so we can connect in a new way! You can find the link here.
This is where you can always find me sharing more about mental, emotional & spiritual wellness.
Are you wishing for clarity and direction in your life without having to tell your whole story? An Intuitive Soul Reading is perfect for you. Absolutely every part of your life stays private to YOU, yet you receive exactly the guidance you need to take your first steps.
If this Energy Update resonates with you and you are ready to receive more direct and personal guidance for your life, then book an Intuitive Soul Reading today. You can find all the details at the link below.