Energy Forecast for September 13th - 19th | Taking ALIGNED Action

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What a beautiful week to take action and feel energized while doing so!

The collective energy for Monday, September 13th to Sunday, September 19th is saying now is a great moment to focus on where you want to move forward and start working on the tasks and projects that move the needle in the right direction. 

Action is nothing without inspiration and alignment.

As a Spiritual Mentor & Author, Psychic and Intuitive Guide every single week I connect to the collective energy and tap into the main energetic messages that are influencing and guiding us. This is a great way to understand how different Universal Energies are affecting your experience here on earth. When we choose to learn from the energy that surrounds us we are able to create more ease & grace while we flow through life. 

While you are living through this spiritual journey you are desiring to stay connected to your soul path and purpose. The problem?! As humans we’ve been led to believe that HUSTLE is the way to get to where we want to be. This is inherently wrong for so many reasons. As souls we are beginning to recognize that “only the present moment can make us feel free” (Eckhart Tolle), so why would we hustle now to hopefully one day be where we want to be. Instead, we need to start focusing on how we can live in a way right now that feels good. 

The Moon Cycle influences our emotions and energies in a multitude of ways. Right now in my Meditation Membership we are learning from the Moon Cycle so we can create a flow through it’s 28 day cycle. When we learn to flow with the energy of the moon everything becomes easier and you move into a state of fulfillment much faster. If you want to learn more from the Moon Cycle and other Universal Energies then the Meditation Membership is the space for you.

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Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment

Through community, spiritual conversation, mindfulness and self reflection you can create soul alignment.

For only $33/month CAD you receive 2 live calls (replays available) supporting you to release stress, create peace and uncover soul alignment in your life. 

Monthly Theme for September = Learn from the Moon Cycle

BONUS CALL for Fall Equinox Ceremony

(Wed. Sept. 22nd @ 7pm EST)


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for September 13th - 19th 2021

Right now the Moon has shifted into the First Quarter Phase and we are seeing these effects throughout the next week. First Quarter phase is all about taking action and moving the needle in the right direction for you and your life. You’ll notice a surge of energy this week and you’ll feel uplifted as you work on different projects and tasks. 

Be careful though! This surge in energy can cause you to act OUT OF ALIGNMENT if you aren’t careful. When we feel a surplus in energy we tend to GO-GO-GO without conscious thought about the actions we are taking. Be mindful this week with where you are acting and your intention behind these actions. 

As I do every week, I like to take the Energy Forecast one step further and channel Divine Direction through universal messages for the collective. 

I am asking two questions this week and using Dr. Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic oracle deck to guide the messages coming through. 

1 Where are we needing to take action this week?

2 How you may be swayed off course?

Let’s dive in and see what the messages are telling us.

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It’s time to do things differently. 

The way you’ve acted in the past has not been supporting you in the direction you desire to go in. If you are truly ready to create a life you love then you have to be willing to break free from your comfort zone and try things differently. 

Whale is a reminder that you never know where life is going to take you if you change up your environment. If you keep hanging out with the same people then your life will go down the same path you’ve been on. If you keep leaning into the same habits and behaviours then nothing will change in the way you desire. If you continue to work on the same projects you’ve been focused on for the last few years then you aren’t going to experience the forward shift you’ve been waiting for.

It’s a week to TAKE ACTION, but it’s not going to be as easy as taking the same action you have always taken. Now is a time to take action in a different way. Sign up for that course you’ve been thinking about taking. Join that community that’s been calling on your heart and soul. Choose to prioritize the new habits you’ve been considering implementing. True change only comes from a willingness to step out of your comfort zone and that’s exactly the energy that is guiding you this week!


Your fears of starting from scratch have no place in your mind. 

As you begin to step out of your comfort zone your mind/ego is going to try and tell you that “you aren’t good enough”, “it’s too late in the game to make these changes”, or “it’s going to take too much work to create your desires”. There is this fear about rebirth and starting new, and your fears are creating strong doubts and worries about your journey. 

The biggest obstacle you are going to face this week is that of your mind. Every single moment of the day you plant seeds in your mind, and if you are not conscious of this practice then you may very well be planting seeds of doubt, worry, fear and stress. 

When you step out of your comfort zone your ego tends to believe you are not safe and begins fearing for your life. This is the mental trigger that takes place when you head in a new direction. 

Be cautious. Listen to your thoughts. Don’t trust your mind with blind faith. Come back to your spirit. 

It’s time to plant seeds in your mind that are filled with support, love and compassion.

This week it’s important to remember that you don’t need to take action, simply to be taking action. Each step you take must be connected to your well-being. Focus on positive and supportive thoughts as you shift out of your comfort zone. Fill your space with love & compassion so you can feel uplifted and empowered in the direction you are heading. 

If you are wanting to have a stronger sense of self and feel supported in the direction you are headed then check out the Spiritual  EBook - A Guidebook for Connection. It’s an undated yearly journal that guides you through different prompts of self reflection so you can connect to the Universal Energies and your inner spirit!

If you want to be supported by other humans on this spiritual journey then the Meditation Membership for Soul Alignment is the space for you. Now is the perfect time for you to join this community of like-minded beings and feel uplifted and empowered with the life you are creating. 

I can’t wait to connect with you! If you never want to miss out on these Weekly Energy Forecasts then make sure you subscribe to my email community. Every week I send out an updated Energy Forecast and each month I send a lesson on the Moon Cycle based on a different phase!

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness