Energy Forecast for March 28th - April 3rd | DIVINE HEALING


Magic, miracles, and divine energy are available to you at all times, as long as you are willing to acknowledge the Spirit within you. 

We have been moving through a transformative time since the beginning of this year, some of us have been resisting and holding onto old ways and some of us have been trying to flow with these transformations one step at a time. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author & Intuitive Guide, every single week I tap into the energy of the collective in order to decipher the messages from Spirit for our week. These weekly energy forecasts provide insight and wisdom to encourage soul healing, emotional wellness, and the pursuit of our individual soul purpose. 

As we step forward into Spring Season here in the Northern Hemisphere we are being reminded of the importance of moving slowly and intentionally. Learn more about the significance of spring here and here

We are unable to recognize the magic and divinity in each moment if we are too busy living from our intellectual mind. This is a societal pattern that has been instilled within us, especially in the western world. When we awaken to our Soul Truths we begin to acknowledge that living from heart & soul is a much better way to experience life. We better understand our intuition and are able to trust our gut feeling when we slow down and create connection with our Spirit. This is the reminder for this week, Monday, March 28th to Sunday, April 3rd 2022. 

Are you slowing down and listening to your heart?

Are you finding moments of stillness to feel your gut reaction?

Are you rushing and leading with pressure as the thoughts in your mind keep you running a mile a minute?

Slow down. Be here. There is nothing to fear. 

Your Spirit whispers nurturing messages of support as long as you are willing to listen. 

The Moon Cycle this week reflects the spiritual significance of releasing, healing and resting as we prepare for a new cycle of the Moon. We will witness the Moon moving through Waning Crescent Phase this week which is telling us to release the thoughts, habits and beliefs that keep us stuck in old outdated patterns. We are choosing to create a new way of living, as we live in alignment with our soul path and purpose. This process requires us to look within and recognize what we are carrying with us that no longer serves the direction we are moving in.

Even if you don’t know where you are heading, you can still take time in self reflection to acknowledge what is weighing you down or causing resistance in your life. Make sure to check out the free Mini Book - The 4 Steps to Shadow Work - in order to understand the process of soul healing. Grab your journal and reflect on all that you need to release this week. Sit in meditation to feel supported by your Divine Team through your healing. Take time in nature to allow your mind to rest while you refuel your Spirit. 

On Friday, April 1st the Moon Cycle will transition into the New Moon phase and it’s integral you take the time to release and heal before shifting into the next Moon Cycle. Over the weekend you can sit with this fresh energy and get clear on which intentions you want to focus on over the next month. 

How do you want to show up and support yourself moving forward?

How can you take time to acknowledge the magic and divinity that surrounds you daily?

Where is your Spirit guiding you to focus your time and energy this month?

These are great journal prompts to support you with the New Moon energy.  


Sydney’s Soul Healing Journey

Sharing her journey with Spirit as she harmonizes her shadow & light

New journal entries every Sunday.

Let Sydney’s journey inspire you through your own shadow healing, spiritual awakening, and uncovering of your Soul Truths.

Read the second soul healing journal entry at the button below.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for March 28th - April 3rd 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal energy that is influencing us this week, let’s look into the intuitive messages I am receiving from Spirit for the collective. 

As I tap into my clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities I will use the divination tool of Oracle Cards to intuitively process the messages from the Universe. This week I am using Dr. Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards.

The question we are asking this week is, “what do we need to remember in the release and healing phase to prepare for the fresh start with New Moon?”


“You know what is best for you.”

* Side note before I jump into sharing the message from this card - this past weekend I went for a walk and my intuition led me off the main path to follow an animal path. I ended up being greeted with moose tracks that were about 24 hours old, along with some moose droppings. I love seeing the synchronicities show up in our journey as signs repeat to remind us of their importance.*

Have you ever noticed that when you are stuck in the thoughts of your mind you are not actually asking yourself what is best for you? You are most often thinking about how everyone else perceives your actions. You are wondering what society believes to be the best action to move forward. You are thinking about all the struggles that are showing up in your reality.

A lot of our repetitive thoughts are rooted in our past pain, societal conditioning and outdated programming that makes us believe all the right information is something we need to gain outside of us. 

I’ve always told my clients and community members that the correct knowledge for your journey is always within you. We are breaking the cycle of looking outside of us for answers and we are learning how to slow down and find the answers within. 

Moose is coming forward right now to remind you that you actually do know what is best for you, but your conditioning is caught up in prioritizing everyone else’s opinions, needs and wants. 

You know what is best for you and through this healing and releasing phase you can trust what you feel to be right. Feeling like you need to rest, but your thoughts tell you there is no time to rest? Try resting for a change. Rest with no guilt or judgment. 

You truly know what is best for you, the question is whether or not you are willing to heed the advice of your inner authority. 

Yesterday (Sunday, March 27th), I shared some beautiful insights from my own Soul Healing Journey on the blog. I shared how I too struggle with my shadow self which is often filled with doubt, worry and fear. As I learn to harmonize my shadow and light through different strategies and exercises I am able to find trust in my soul path and the bigger picture. 

Check out my Soul Healing Journey Entry 2 - Soul Purpose Over Ego Pressure - right here

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness