Energy Forecast for March 21st - 27th | RESISTANCE AROUND YOUR PASSIONS


 Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Feel your feet rooted to the earth below you. We have shifted into a brand new season. As of yesterday (Sunday, March 20th) in the Northern Hemisphere, the energy of a new year began with Spring Equinox. 

As a Spiritual Mentor, Author & Intuitive Guide, every single week I tap into the energetics of the collective and the Divine Universe. I channel messages, share the spiritual significance of the Moon Cycle, and intuitively decipher the signs & messages for our week. This is the weekly energy forecast, and it is here that I share support and guidance for you to create harmony as you flow through the week. 

What are you wanting to manifest in your life? What desires and dreams are you calling into existence? 

The spiritual significance of the Spring season is about planting the seeds of dreams into the Universe and beginning the process of trusting the bigger picture that will unfold throughout this next cycle. 

Do you doubt your dreams will come true? Do you doubt your ability to receive your manifestations? This energy is blocking you from shifting forward and receiving all that you desire. Learning to surrender to the Universe and the Divine Plan for you is about remembering that possibilities are limitless and everything you desire is meant to be yours. 

On Friday, March 25th the Moon Cycle will shift into the Third Quarter phase, meaning over this week the moon is waning, or getting smaller in size. In order to take advantage of this new beginning, this new cycle with the Spring, the Moon is reminding you to take time for introspection this week. Go inwards. Grab your journal and pen and reflect on where you feel resistant energy around your desires. Ask yourself questions about your doubt, worry and fear in order to strengthen awareness around your shadow self. 

Now is the time to understand where you may be limiting yourself while in pursuit of your dreams. When you can practice looking at your fears and acknowledging the doubt within it becomes easier to take back your spiritual power, and shine light into your shadow self. 

What do you truly desire?

How are your own habits & behaviours resisting your desires?

The energetics from the Universe this week are influencing the collective to create the fresh start you desire as an individual. Wipe the slate clean. The only way to do so, is to actually acknowledge where the dirt lies. Spring cleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually!


Sydney’s Soul Healing Journey

Sharing her journey with Spirit as she harmonizes her shadow & light

New journal entries every Sunday.

Let Sydney’s journey inspire you through your own shadow healing, spiritual awakening, and uncovering of your Soul Truths.

Read the first soul healing journal entry at the button below.


Back to the Weekly Energy Forecast for March 21st - 27th 2022

Now that we have a better understanding of the Universal energy from the Moon Cycle and the Spring Equinox, let’s jump into the signs & messages coming forward for the week. 

As I use the divination tool of oracle cards, I tap into my clairvoyant, clairaudient and intuitive abilities to decipher the messages from the Universe. 

This week I am using Dr. Steven Farmer’s Power Animal Oracle Cards. The question being asked is, “what do we need to remember during our introspection this week?”


“Follow your passion.”

We all came here, to earth, for a reason, and that reason was to remember who we are and live out our soul purpose. As humans we came here with the mental capacity of forgetfulness. Throughout your spiritual journey you will awaken to the remembering that life gets to be more than the pain, challenges and difficulties you experienced in your past. Through your spiritual evolution you are constantly learning life lessons, healing past pain, gathering and embodying wisdom, and coming back to your Soul Truths. 

As we plant seeds for this new cycle it’s clear that the Universe/Spirit/Creator/God/Source (use whichever term resonates most with you) is reminding us to pursue our passions. Great Creator is saying these passions weigh on your heart and soul for a reason, because you are meant to bring them into the world around you, for they are your soul path

Grab that journal and pen and take the time to reflect on your passions. Where are you doubting your ability to pursue your passion? What societal beliefs are you carrying that blocks you from trusting yourself? What conditioned habits & behaviours lead you to feeling pressured, stressed and forced into action that doesn’t feel good? 

Now, let me ask you… 

What if life GETS to be easy once you start following your passions wholeheartedly? 

Who said life had to be HARD when it comes to living with purpose & meaning? 

Yes, life is filled with challenges and difficulties, because this is how we learn, how we remember our truths, and how we evolve to our next level. 

But, life doesn’t have to be hard day in and day out. 

Following your passions gets to feel peaceful, exciting, fulfilling, adventurous, joy-filled, and all that you desire it to be. 

During your introspection this week the Universe and your Divine Team are asking you to look at your shadow self that rejects your passions, and the inner blocks you carry that creates resistance around following your passion. When you work towards releasing these energetic blocks, letting go of the self-doubt, you will feel a sense of freedom to be your full self!

Journaling to gain self awareness can be a difficult process if you don’t know where to start or you feel blocked in what to write. This is why I created spiritual EBooks to support and guide you on your spiritual journey. These EBooks are filled with spiritual lessons, shadow healing exercises, journal prompts and ways to connect with the Universe. 

For only 48 hours the Guidebook for Alignment will be 20% OFF. Go buy your copy now and feel supported as you break away from what’s been limiting you in following your passions. 

Until next time, sending love & light on your spiritual journey,

Sydney Smith

Founder of Adventuring with Poseidon Wellness